Chapter Twelve: Something is Wrong with Alice

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Alice watched as snowy banks were melting on the side of the road as Doc drove. He was slowly getting better at it, and without Juan Carlo to break down his car, Doc was driving at top speed. He didn't actually know how to go slower. Waverly appealed for him to slow down from the back seat. Alice wasn't sure where they were going, but she had Peacemaker and clutched it tightly against her leg.

Doc hadn't had much to say this morning and Alice recognized that he was the quieter type, but Waverly had talked happily. Alice got more used to Waverly and her happiness; in fact, Alice liked it more and more. It was nice to have someone so happy around her.

"Where are we going?" Waverly asked again.

After the revenants adventures at the police stations after Waverly left, Aunt Waverly wasn't going to let Alice out of her sight again. Even if Doc was around, Doc wasn't always the best influence.

"The well," Doc stated.

"Like where you were for over a hundred years? That well?" Waverly was not impressed with this idea, and her voice pointed out how much of a bad idea she thought it was.

"Yes. Alice didn't know I was stuck there. It's time to give her some history."

Waverly glanced at Alice, who watched outside still. White snowbanks flashed past, and forever stretched out white. Alice's eyes focused on nothing particular. Even though it was almost spring, more snow had come every night this week, blanketing everything slick and white.

At the well, Doc yapped happily about his life, and Alice listened but her eyes traveled elsewhere. She wore the heaviest winter coat that anyone could find, and she still shivered. Her eyes searched along the desolate white snow that stretched for miles. The woods hovered on the edge of the field, and Alice's eyes narrowed at the branches. The branches swayed in the wind, and snow fell off from a new breeze.

"Alice?" Doc walked in between her and the trees and stared at them too. "Do you see something?"

"No." Alice turned around. "I just feel like they should be here. They're revenants everywhere in the future here." She knew this because she lived this. There were times where she just needed to sleep and locked herself in a room, and before she knew it, there were revenants banging on her metal door; Alice had to shoot her way out every time.

"There are less here," Waverly said, "and Dolls said that they weren't after you yesterday. Jeremy was working on something that attracted them."

That didn't make Alice feel any better, and Alice didn't believe one word of it.

"How many revenants are there in the future?"

"Too many," Alice replied. "Do we have to be out here?" She didn't mean to be bratty, even though it came out that way. She just felt exposed out here, and Doc realized this.

"Let's head back into town," Doc said.

As they headed back to the car, they didn't make it too far before Alice stopped and looked into the trees. Her eyes narrowed, and her breath caught. Her hand itched for her gun.

Doc wand Waverly paused again. It was the first time Alice's face didn't resemble Wynonna. Maybe it was the light or maybe it was just the stiffness of it. Alice took out her gun and pointed it to into the woods. Doc, without a second thought, pulled out his own guns and pointed into the woods.

"What is it?" Doc asked.

Alice's right hand began to shake as the gun pointed into the trees while the rest of her body didn't even look to be moving. Alice didn't breathe. Her eyes noticed the slightest movement, and that was when something came out of the woods. A little rabbit hopped out of the forest and didn't realize three humans stood maybe a hundred feet away. Alice had the gun pointed at the rabbit, but slowly, she relaxed the grip.

Walking over to his daughter, Doc put his own guns away. He placed his cold hand over her shaking one and pushed it down until the gun was at her side. Sadness made his eyes glassy.

"There's nothing there," he said softly. "You're good."

 Alice had her eyes still in the forest.

"Let's get you back into town." Doc put an arm around his daughter and let her back to the car. Snow crunched under their boots as Doc dragged his daughter along. Her eyes still watched the forest, and her hand still held Peacemaker. She shook.

Alice got into the back of the car and continued to watch the woods. Doc, fearing the worst, sped quickly away. Glancing back in the mirror, he was sure she was going to make a run for it and take Peacemaker with her. Once they were far enough away from the woods, she didn't settle back, and Doc gripped the steering wheel even tighter, turning his knuckles white.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now