Chapter Eight: Go Ask Alice

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The crowd gathered around the table, and Aly was put in charge suddenly. It was not a place that she was used to. Even though she was the keeper of Peacemaker in her time, she wasn't in charge of anything. She killed revenants, but her mother had a team of people. Usually, Aly did it alone. Most other humans were in hiding. She knew people had questions, and Aly didn't mind sharing what life was like in the future.

"Why are you here?" They started off strong.

"To change the future," Aly responded.


"Hell has come to the world," Aly replied coolly.

"So I didn't break the curse then," stated Wynonna, flipping her hair behind her shoulder and leaning back in her seat. "Shit."

Aly stared down at her leg and swallowed. It also hurt more when she thought about her parents. "That's what I'm doing here, though. I want to help you break the curse so that Hell doesn't come to the world. Stop it before it even happens. I can kill as many revenants and demons and witches and everything else that I like, but it never ends. The world will never go back into balance." Her leg began to shake.

"Who sent you here?"

"A witch," Aly replied, picking at her old jeans.

"A witch is helping you," Doc said. "I wouldn't trust them. They only want to help themselves." His tone was naturally fatherly, and the moustache only helped.

"I know." It wouldn't have been Aly's first choice.

"How did you get to help you?"

"She wants to be sent back down, to be with her lover that I already sent. I told her if she did this, I would send her to be with her," Aly sighed, "until they rise again."

Wynonna didn't like this, and she balled her hands into fists. Her knuckles turned white. "Damn it. I didn't break the curse." Wynonna looked at her daughter, but her voice would've still be able to push over a skyscraper, "I'm going to fix this, and then the curse will be broken. You'll never have to do this."

Aly liked those words. If she had to be honest, then she hadn't exactly liked her life. It was probably weird for any Earp to like their life as a heir and killing revenants, but Aly's had especially been difficult.

Dolls cut in for the first time. He seemed like the quiet type, and this was too much chaos for him to be around. So he had sat back and let the Earps go all in. He wasn't able to hold his tongue any longer, "You're going to be here until all the revenants are dead? That is going to take years."

"That would screw up my timeline," Aly replied, if she stayed so long, but the witch had given her a certain amount of time. "And if this doesn't work, I may have been away for too long. Revenants could be tearing down more than usual, but it was worth a shot." Her hand ran over Peacemaker. "The witch said she planned correctly, and unfortunately, I have to believe her. I'll be here three days hopefully. That's all anyone can give. That should be enough time for it to pass."

"For what to pass?" Waverly asked excitedly.

Aly bit her bottom lip. "Wynonna Earp and Doc Holiday's deaths."

 Silence fell into the room for a heavy few seconds with eyes fluttering to Doc and Wynonna. Doc sighed, whereas Wynonna looked pissed. Her jaw was set and her face was best called annoyed.

Jeremy started laughing. All eyes came to him, and Nicole hit him in the arm and gave him a warning look. "I'm sorry— I'm sorry, not funny." He stared down at his lap, and then his head poked back up. "But you're, like, here to save them, right?"

"That is my hope, yes," Aly replied. "I'm hoping I can save my parents from this, and then Wynonna can save the world." A part of Aly wanted to call her mom, but that word didn't roll off her tongue easily.

"No pressure, kid," Wynonna said with half a smile.

Aly smiled at her mother, and it was the first time anyone had seen her do that. She had the same upturned lips that went up one side, like she meant to hide something. If it was full, then undoubtedly it was going to mirror Wynonna's. It was uncanny.

"You're like a superhero," Jeremy continued. "You're like if the Avengers had a—"

Nicole was giving him a warning look again, and Jeremy shut down.

"Can you make this easier?" Wynonna asked her daughter. "Who do I need to kill to make this right?"

"We need a plan before rushing in," Dolls said. "Does anyone want to bet how you died last time?"

Wynonna gave an annoyed look to her boss, but then she sat back. "Okay, who kills us?"

"I was a little too young to know. I just know the date." Her eyes gave away that that date was seared into her mind. It haunted her every moment of every day. Now that she was here, she wanted it changed for the better.

"I have a question," Jeremy piped up, and all eyes were back of them— none of them were happy. Jeremy was about to say something inappropriate, and that came from the minds of Wynonna Earp and Alice Earp, who notoriously said inappropriate things. "What happened to your leg?"

Doc already knew the answer, and it was something he preferred to protect Wynonna from. Aly noticed her father's hesitation, but she was trying to be truthful here. "I was abducted by revenants, and they broke my leg— and my left arm, so I can't lift my left arm very much."

"At least they only damaged half the body," said Wynonna, it just slipping out of her mouth. Immediately, Wynonna cursed herself. For half a second, she completely forgot that this adult woman was her daughter, even though she felt her pain. "Sorry," Wynonna said.

"It's all right," Aly replied; she really couldn't care less. "I also use inappropriate jokes to deal with bad situations."

"Did it work?"

"No. The revenants kept breaking my leg because I kept using them, but I was on a roll already so...." She shrugged.

"And your arm?" Doc asked out of curiosity. His mind reeled from Aly's close exactness to Wynonna.

"That, I like to believe, was an accident," she replied. "The revenant just happened to throw me across the room."

Silence settled in the room again as everyone took her statement in, and Wynonna nodded in uncomfortable. Doc wasn't impressed. Waverly and Nicole had neutral faces. Jeremy had a shocked but awe-driven look on his face. With a bored look on Dolls face, he stood. He walked away from this, claiming he had work to do. Everyone else stayed put.

Poking his head back into the room, Dolls stated, "I am not the only one. We have work to do to find the revenant that kills you two, so let's go." He clapped his hands to get everyone moving. "Wynonna, you're with me. Doc, you're with Nicole."

"Who is going to watch over Alice?" Doc asked.

"I haven't been a child for a long time," she chimed in but was quickly ignored.

"She can stay here with Waverly and Jeremy. The rest of us have work to do." Dolls put his gun into holster and grabbed his jacket.

Wynonna was not happy to go with him but left anyway. Before leaving, she gave her daughter one last look. With Doc and Officer Haught coming too, Aly was left in the care of Waverly and Jeremy. That wasn't a good idea on anyone's part.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now