Chapter Twenty: The Ugly Past of Alice Michele Earp

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At the hospital, Alice was immediately taken away. Doc, Dolls and Wynonna waited in the waiting room. No doctors came out for them. A little while later, Waverly, Nicole and Jeremy arrived. Alice only had so much pull for being Wynonna's and Doc's daughter and then Waverly's niece. She hadn't spent enough time with most of them for the feelings to be strong. There was concern, and Wynonna had a lot of self-hatred; Dolls was at her side the whole time.

The strong musk of cleaning supplies wafted in the air, and everything was shiny white. Wynonna's hand were covered in Alice's blood. The dried blood crusted into cracks and stained her normally pale hands. Waverly sat on her other side and held her hand.

"Wynonna Earp?" asked a doctor in blue scrubs and a white coat.

"Me." Wynonna stood and rushed over to the doctor. "I'm her."

"How do you know Alice?" the doctor asked.

Wynonna couldn't think on her feet this time, and Waverly stepped forward. "Alice is our cousin. Is she going to be okay?"

The doctor swallowed. "Alice sustained a beating and lashing, and the swelling should go down soon. She has some broken ribs and a cracked wrist, but she should be just fine." The doctor wasn't done talking, even as relief flood their features. "Has Alice been in Purgatory long?" the doctor asked.

"No. Only a few days," Waverly stated quickly. The lie rolled off her tongue so easily.

"Where was she before that?"

"She doesn't talk about it."

The doctor explained, "Alice has been repeatedly beaten – and I would even say tortured— repeatedly before. Her leg is broken in five different places on different occasions. Her collar bone was broken at one point before too. The worst might be her back, which it appears she has been whipped numerous times before."

Shock made their faces stone.

The doctor continued, "We also found that she was severely dehydrated and malnourished. She's suffering scurvy among many other things. Prolonged exposure to elements have also made her weak."

"What does that mean?" Wynonna asked.

"I'm surprised she's still alive," the doctor said plainly. "It's a miracle her body has survived this long."

Doc stepped up. "Can we see her?"

The doctor replied, "Yes, but she's under heavy sedation. We had to reset her shoulder and we tried to fix up her leg as much as possible. I'm surprised it wasn't amputated, but then again, her body is fighting to keep it. Her back is also in a bad condition." The doctor gave no more explanation as the doctor walked away, off to find more patients.

The words of the doctor echoed in the quiet waiting room. Yes, Alice had been hiding many things, and Wynonna knew why. She would've gone straight up to every revenant seen and sent them all back to Hell. If Wynonna did this, then this was how Wynonna was going to die over the next few days. That thought popped back into her mind. Doc and she were supposed to die in the next few days, which had brought Alice from the future. They had gotten so wrapped up in their daughter, they had forgotten why she had come at all.

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