Chapter Five: The Good Stuff

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There had been a discussion on what to do with her in a hushed tone. Alice was hesitant to put away her own guns, even after Doc had, but she finally did. She sat at the bar, where she rested her leg on Waverly's order. Waverly had done other mother hen things too, like get Alice something to drink and stated she was making food. Waverly needed to contact Wynonna, but Doc paused about that. 

Not in a million years did Doc Holiday want to keep Alice from Wynonna, but he certainly didn't want to put Wynonna through any pain. There were features of him and her, sure— and yes, Alice held and used the gun— but Doc had too many questions to have it swept under the rug, such as how the hell did she get here? It appeared that Alice wasn't going to open up any time soon.

"Fine," Waverly finally said in a hushed tone while she made food in the back. From the back, Waverly and Doc kept an eye on Alice, who watched the water in front of her with a curious look. "We'll get her to the police station and Jeremy can do a DNA test, and then we'll know for sure."

That was all Doc wanted. He hovered beside Waverly, and he gave her a look. "What?"

"Go talk to your daughter," Waverly squealed and started to push him out.

Doc stood by the doors and gave Waverly a dirty look. He pulled down his vest and straightened up his guns. He ran his hands through his hair nervously. Exiting the doors, Doc watched as Alice perked her head up and then swallow. In his mind, his daughter was a month old, but here sat a woman. The more he looked at her, the more he realized Wynonna didn't break the curse, which was Alice had a long scar down her face and her leg was limp.

Standing behind the bar, Doc kept that barrier between him and her. He didn't need to get attached to someone who might not be his daughter. Alice hadn't touched the water besides looking into it at different angles.

"We need something stronger," Doc said and grabbed the whiskey. He poured her and himself a drink. If she was related, then alcohol was a must. Placing the drink in front of her, Doc waited to see what she did. Slowly, Alice picked up the glass and examined the liquid— and then in one go, she down it. A hiss came from her lips.

"You got the good stuff," she replied with a half smirk. Flashes of Wynonna came to Doc's mind. That smirk was gorgeous on Wynonna, but it was stunning on his daughter. "It's been a long time since I tasted something so smooth."

Doc arched an eyebrow. "I'm not going to give you the cheap stuff. We have that for the patrons."

"We don't exactly have any of the good stuff left in the future."

"All the good alcohol is gone?" he asked in disbelief.

"You have to drink alcohol. The water isn't safe." Alice eyed the water more and couldn't remember the last time she drank it.

Doc bit his tongue. The more he talked to her, the more it wasn't just her that had been hurt. The whole world had turned into Hell. Alice was just living her life in what the world had become. Pouring her another drink and topping off his own, Doc tried to search for the next question to ask. "So how did you hurt your leg?"

Alice glanced down at it and sighed. "I got abducted by a revenant and he found it fun to break. What's with the moustache?"

Doc had a lot of questions about the previous statement, but "What about my moustache?" he wondered, stroking it protectively.

Alice shrugged.

"Do I get rid of it in the future?" he asked horrified. There was absolutely no way Doc Holiday was going to give up his moustache willingly.

"I wouldn't know."

"What does that mean?"

Before he could get his answer, Waverly brought out a platter of food for Alice, not knowing what the girl from the future liked. Setting it down, Alice's eyes went wide and Waverly smiled. Doc wasn't sure how Alice was going to eat it all, but then again, if she was Wynonna's daughter, then she was going to find a way. "Oh, you need silverware," Waverly said and popped off.

Alice did not need silverware because she went straight in with her hands. She ripped a steak in two with her teeth and swallowed quickly, not even stopping to taste it. Doc watched with wide eyes and when Waverly came back with silverware, she had the same reaction. Alice ate quickly without a look up.

"When was the last time you ate?" Doc asked.

Alice pushed more food into her mouth, like it was going to be taken away at any moment. "Three days ago." She didn't add her scrounging around for food in the dumpsters.

Waverly sputtered, "Three days?"

"I've gone longer." Alice saw their faces and slowed down, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Waverly held out silverware for Alice and Alice took it. She pulled out a fork and glanced down at her food. "We use these things as weapons."

"Have you ever eaten with silverware?" Waverly asked.

"Well, yes, I think so. I had too when I was younger, I think."

"How young?" Doc asked.

"Three, maybe? I don't remember much. It's all blurry about that time." Most of her past was blurry, which happened to be what Wynonna said about her teen years as Doc recalled.

Doc took an uneasy breath, and Waverly sensed tension. "Hi, we didn't meet properly. I'm Waverly, your aunt." She stuck out her hand.

Alice stared at it.

"You've never shaken someone's hand?" Waverly asked.

"Revenants don't really care for formalities," Alice replied, face covered with food.

"How many revenants have you killed?" Doc questioned.

Putting down her food, Alice pulled up her left sleeve of her shirt, where thick and dark tics crossed her skin. They looked to have been tattooed on her skin besides someone writing them. She held out her arm, where it was started around her wrist and then worked up her forearm. "This many— not including the ones I killed here."

Carefully, Waverly took Alice's arm and examined it. "This is more revenants that we ever thought there were." Waverly let her niece's arm go.

Doc's eyes studied Alice's arm with a set jaw. Alice went back to eating with both hands, but her forearm stayed bare. Her skin was stretched across, and her bone was easily seen. When Doc came back to reality, it was time to go the police station, and Alice had proven she was in fact Wynonna's daughter because all the food was gone.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat