Chapter Ten: The End of Failure

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At the homestead, Aly looked out the windows almost constantly. Even as the night turned black and it was impossible to see, she continued to do so. Each time, she drew back the white curtains and peered outside. It was obvious just how nervous she was to be here, even though her mother stated that it was protected land. No revenants was able to step onto here. She didn't trust it.

Also, she wasn't alone. Aly had expected her mother to stay and even her father, which both of them did. Auntie Waverly, who liked to call herself that, stayed as well as her girlfriend, Office Nicole Haught. It was unusual for Aly to be around so many humans, but she didn't feel at ease. Suddenly, she held her gun tighter, like the revenants would want her and kill the humans instead.

Wynonna fed her daughter after some discussion about it. Aly had never been so well fed in her life, and she didn't mind what she ate. While other people may have been the better cooks, Wynonna made what she thought was best: mac and cheese with hot dog pieces. Neither of these foods had Aly eaten before. "Ooh, try some of the tomato sauce," Wynonna said, and Aly put some on. The other faces all looked discussed, but Alu thought it was great and ate it nonetheless. Wynonna wore a proud face.

When it was dark outside and apparently late enough, a bed was made for Aly and Wynonna patted it happily. "Here you go." Clothes sat on the edge of the bed so that Aly would've been able to sleep easy. Aly, however, didn't want to change out of her clothes; the same way, she wasn't willing to let her Peacemaker go.

Aly was watched by Doc and Waverly too. The only one that seemed remotely normal was Nicole. With all the stares, it made Aly's skin crawl, but she played along to all the fuss that she was given. Wynonna slept in her normal bed and Waverly slept with her girlfriend. Doc slept on the couch.

Laying down on the bed for the sake of her mother, Aly stiffened because of how soft it was. She felt like she was about to be swallowed. Yet Wynonna wore a dorky smile of excitement, which wasn't a face Aly saw often enough in her life. There weren't many things to be excited about in the future.

"Okay, good night," Wynonna said before closing the door.

On the other side, Wynonna, Doc and Waverly talked, and Aly heard them easier through whispers. Somehow Aly's hearing had never been effected every time she shot her gun. The whispers increased as Aly arched her back to get a better listen, and then they went quiet. Nicole spoke, "Let's talk about this elsewhere." Someone at least kept their wits about them, and the four of them went elsewhere.

It was silent, and Aly didn't live in silence. Staring up at the ceiling, it wasn't currently falling apart, and the wind didn't echo through the windows. Aly even felt a chill, and she wanted desperately to grab a blanket and pull it around her. However, the bed was still too soft. This place was meant to be safe, and this bed was meant for her to sleep. Neither of those things were going to happen.

The light under the door went out, but the floor still creaked. Aly waited. Eventually, the house settled. Aly waited. The moon shone through the curtains, reflecting off the snow. Aly waited. It was quiet long enough. Aly slipped off the bed.

Her left arm held her leg tightly as she stepped. Occasionally, the floor squeaked, and Aly froze. Walking past doors, Aly tried to keep every movement silent, and it was even worse as she was on the stairs. The outline of Doc lying on the couch was still, and Aly did her best to walk past. The door squeaked, and she didn't glance back.

Closing it behind her, Aly stood in the cold. Every step that she took in the snow, it crunched, and the sound was refreshing, much like the cold was. Goosebumps arose on her skin, and her teeth began to chatter. Her leg thumped against the ground as she walked now on the uneven ground. While it was warm enough for the snow to melt in the sun, it froze again at night. She almost fell but managed to keep her footing on the icy path.

 Glancing back at the house, it was illuminated by the moon, and it was the first time she had ever seen the sky so clearly. The stars burned so brightly that saw each of them clearly. There had been stories by the other humans about the constellations. Laying in the snow, Aly tried to pick them out of the sky. This wasn't the puffy snow but the hard snow that poked into her back, and it felt more like what she had slept in before. A broad smile came to her face as she watched the stars, some twinkling.

"This is what you snuck out of the house for?" a voice asked behind her, and Aly grabbed her Peacemaker and automatically pointed. She didn't know where the protection ended. However, when she turned, she found Wynonna and Doc. Her parents looked at her curiously.

Aly put the safety back in place and dropped her hand. "It is empty out here. I like it."

"I guess there are a lot of people in the house." Wynonna dropped beside her daughter. "You're not used to this many?"

"I'm used to being alone." Aly glanced at her parents. "I don't want you to think that I'm not grateful, but—"

"It's a lot." Doc had stayed standing, and he took off his jacket and draped it around his daughter's shoulders. "I do remember when I got out of that well. Everything had changed."

Aly looked up. "You were stuck in a well?"

"Did no one tell you anything about me?" Doc shook his head. "How old were you when you killed your first revenant?"

"Four, which was when the world started to end." Aly ran her hands along the snow. "I've never felt this before. All we have is heat, never ceasing, and it's always so hot that I am drenched in sweat. At the homestead, that was the first time I used a blanket."

"The future is a shitshow." Wynonna played with the snow too.

"I know you guys did your best," Aly responded, voice soft like a child's. "I know you tried."

"I failed anyway."

"You won't fail this time. You can't, because I can't do this anymore." Aly stared off into the distance, but she felt her parents listening intently. "I need you to end the curse, Mom, because I can't. There are too many, and to be honest, I am just not strong enough."

Wynonna put her arm around her daughter. "You are strong enough, I know you are. You are an Earp, but don't worry, baby girl, I will end this curse. I will end this curse, and I will bring you home. You will never have to kill one revenant. I will make sure of it." Wynonna kissed Aly's head.

Aly wanted to believe her mother, but something pulled at her brain that said no. It was fear that whispered to her.

"Come on," Doc said, "you must be freezing. Let's go back to the house." They started their walk back.

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