Chapter Twenty-Six: Bad Things are Coming

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In the sewers, the smell was overbearing, but then again, what was the underground of Purgatory going to smell like? Their only light came from flashlights. They moved through ankle-high water that was murky. Thankfully, it was too cold for anything to survive. Their white breath echoed in the sewers.

"Does anyone know where we are going?" Wynonna asked. "Does anyone might know where the old one might be hiding?"

No one did. The sewers weren't large enough to become too much of a situation, and it was not a good idea to split up. Dolls was in charge of the maps, and he managed to keep it in his head. Wynonna easily got turned around as she went, claiming they had already been down this tunnel.

When they got to a turn, Dolls motioned them left, and they went. He held up a hand to stop, and they did so. Wynonna wore a smirk on her face Dolls bent down and took a look at the water. "It's changed," Dolls said. Standing again, he aimed his gun and flashlight into the dark. "This way."

They went, and the light started to glow on the horizon, and it warmed with light. It looked like homey place, for a revenant. Wynonna went in with her gun held high, ready to kill another revenant, but he wasn't open. Three sewers lines took different directions, and in those tunnels, it was easy to see that other revenants— perhaps an army— slept in them. Everyone was gone.

"Where did they go?" Wynonna asked.

"Alice," Doc breathed, eyes on the wall above the entrance they had just come through.

Wynonna and Dolls turned to find the incriminating evidence. The Old One was the killer because literally all the lines pointed to him. There were pictures of Wynonna, Doc, Waverly and Nicole on the well. Red lines of string connected them altogether. A few feet away were recent pictures of Alice, all from her last few days in Purgatory. Red strings attached her to Wynonna and Doc.

"What the Hell?" Wynonna breathed.

"We need to get out of here now," Dolls stated, going toward an exit.

Two Peacemakers  (Wynonna/ Alice Earp AU)Where stories live. Discover now