Chapter Twenty-Four: Horrible Idea

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It turned out that Wynonna, Dolls and Doc all had the same idea about the Old One, so when they met at the sewers, the question became where to start. The revenants said there was going to be an army, whatever that meant. Wynonna brought her bullets while Dolls brought an arsenal. Doc had his pistols and his guns.

"This could be a horrible idea," Dolls stated.

"Let's do it anyway." Wynonna went in first without a speck of hesitation.

Doc and Dolls looked at each other, wishing the other one would go in next. Who knew these two men were scared of the sewers? They insisted the other one would go: first in hushed whispers, second in normal talking voices, third in yells. Wynonna stuck her annoyed face out of the hole, and they stopped fighting.

"Hello, we're trying to kill our future killer," Wynonna stated.

The men looked back and forth at each other.

Rolling her eyes, Wynonna disappeared back inside. Dolls followed. Doc stayed behind for a second before entering the darkness that was only lit by flashlights, and the smelt was ratchet.

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