Chapter Twenty-Nine: Beginning Anew

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In the morning, Aly stood on the edge of Purgatory, which had the way she came in. There had been no sleep last night with drinks at Shorty's before going back to the homestead of later drinks. The day had passed of the old one killing Doc and Wynonna, and Aly didn't know what future she was going back to. The old one's death didn't mean that Wynonna would live— or Doc. They had too many battles to go, and one of those threatened to kill them. Yet, Aly wanted to believe that when she returned to the future, her parents would be there waiting for her. She felt no different now, but she didn't know the future.

Aly hugged Nicole and Waverly good bye. She rolled her eyes at Dolls, who made no movement toward her. Aly had the word "dick" on the top of her tongue.

Walking toward her, Doc was hesitant about hugging her, but he did so. It was a light hug with her back still messed up. Those markings hadn't disappeared. Aly kissed her father on the cheek, and when he pulled back, there were tears in Doc's eyes. For a man who pretended to have no feelings, he had a lot of them.

Last was Wynonna, who gripped her daughter so tight that Aly was sure her back wounds started to bleed again. Aly didn't mind. With her head in her mother's hair, Al smelt her mother and the perfume she wore that day. The scent had been gone in the future, replaced by fire and death.

"I'll get them all," Wynonna promised. "You'll never have to do this."

Alice felt in tears with that because in truth, she wasn't sure if she could do this anymore. There was a reason she came back here: she wanted to save her parents, and she believed she did so.

"It's time," Dolls said with a head jerk to the line.

Standing on the side of Purgatory was the witch. Wynonna gripped Peacemaker as Aly stepped back. "I love you, Mom and Dad."

"I love you, Alice."

Alice Michele Earp took a deep breath as she walked toward the witch, who said nothing. A large portal opened, revealing nothing of the future but fog. Aly turned back to her family and waved. She really hoped this wasn't the last time. Aly stepped through the portal and disappeared.

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