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Hey guyz! So I was camping... Again. Wnjoy this chapter guys. And please vote and comment to tell me you're enjoying this story!

Angelica's POV

I stared into Calums eyes. I heard footsteps and voices. "Ca-" I was interrupted by Calum clamping his hand over my mouth. He pushed me against the abandoned car we were hiding behind.

Mia was silent beside me. The voices got closer. "Where'd that other one go? Hood," One man asked. "I don't know," another answered. "We have Clifford Hemmings and Irwin, gosh did that boy put up a fight," the first voice said.

"What do you expect from him," the second voice answered. Calums hand was still over my mouth. His eyes were squeezed shut. "We have to leave, take what we have," another voice said.

I felt Calums grip on my arm loosen as the black vans drove away. "Wh-what was that," Mia stuttered. "Cougar Agency," Calum said through gritted teeth.

"Why did they take Michael, Luke and Ashton?" I asked. "I don't know," Calum said. "Come on, I'll take you to headquarters," he added getting into a car.

"I call shotgun!" Mia shouted getting into the passenger seat of the car. I rolled my eyes and got into the backseat.

~Luke's POV~

I had seen Calum push Angelica behind the car and was glad they weren't found. I still can't feel my legs, at all. Ashton lay limply in front of me. Michael sat beside me, his head rested on my shoulder.

I felt his breath on my neck. I could hear the conversation between the driver of the van and the person in the passenger seat. They were talking about Calum.

Luckily he got away, and he can tell Mia and Angelica what they are. Heroes, just like us.

The van was cold and dusty. I shivered, goosebumps appearing on my arms. The feeling in my legs is coming back. Michael raised his head slowly.

"What are we gonna do," he sighed. "I'm not sure, we'll wait to see if Ash wakes up," I replied. "What'd they do to him?" Michael asked. "Chloroform, that's my guess," I said looking at Ashton lying at my feet.

His hands were still handcuffed. For once, we didn't have a plan. Probably because Calum's the plan guy. And Ashton helped. But Calum's gone and Ash is unconscious.


I felt the van stop. Doors opened and people got out. Finally I could feel my legs again. Ashton still wasn't awake though. The back doors opened and light blinded me.

I was dragged out of the car were I was handcuffed. I saw a big stone building. Michael was brought out of the car too. I laughed to myself at the people who had to carry Ashton.

"Suckers," I laughed making eye contact with Michael who laughed too. "What's that?" One of the men asked. "Nothing, nothing at all," I said. The guards opened the doors of the building.

Me and Michael were shoved inside. There was a man standing before us. "You're missing one," he snarled. "He got away sir, some are still looking," one guard said. "Take them to there cells," the man grinned wickedly at me.

I spit at his shoes as I was dragged down another hall. We were in the prison hall. Michael was shoved inside one cell. Ashton was dumped in another. Then I was released from the handcuffs and I walked into my cell.

The guards walked away leaving us alone in the dark cold prison cells.

~Mia's POV~

I sat in the front seat of the car with Calum. Angel sat in the back seat. Cal had explained him and the boys being actual superheroes.

There also was something called the American Hero Action. He was taking us there. It wasn't to long until we pulled into a building.

"Come on girls," Calum said walking toward the doors. Me and Angel followed him inside. We were met by a man. "Ah! Mr. Hood, Mr. Kingsley would like to see you and these lovely ladies," he said.

Calum nodded and we headed to an office. A man sat behind the desk. "Miss. Pearson, Miss. Ross," he smiled kindly. "How do you know us?" Angel asked.

"Because I know what you are," Mr. Kingsley said. "And what are we?" I asked brushing some hair out of my face. "Superheroes, it's in your DNA." Me and Angel stared blankly.

Calum shifted in the corner of the room. "Angelica, we learned you have the ability to shapeshift," Mr. Kingsley said. "Shapeshift!" Angel said excitedly.

"And Mia, you can control water and create it." I was now amazed at what I apparently could do. "You have to learn to control your powers though," Calum pointed out.

"You start today, go on Mr. Hood," Mr. Kingsley waved to us as we walked away. "That's AWESOME," Angel threw her fist in the air. Calum chuckled slightly.

"Come on to the training room," he led us to a big room full of different equipment. "I'll help Mia first," he said. Angel sat down on a bench.

"Ok, concentrate on what you want to create," Calum told me. I balled my fist, my arms shaking as little water droplets appeared around my fist. "Woah," I lifted my fist to my face.

The water swirled around my arm and I willed it to shot at the wall. The stream of liquid splattered against wall. I heard clapping. "Great job Mia," Calum praised.

I sat on the bench, Angel went to work with Calum. "Focus in an animal you want to become," Calum instructed. Angel clenched her fists. I saw her body tense.

She wasn't having any luck. "I'll get someone in here who has your powers," Calum suggested. He ran off and soon came back with a boy about our age. He looked Chinese and he was really muscular.

"Girls this is Frank Zhang," Calum introduced the boy. "Angelica," Angel shook Franks hand. "Mia," I smiled and shook his hand also. "Great to meet you," Frank smiled kindly.

"Angel is a shifter also, can you help her?" Calum asked. "Of course," Frank said and walked up to the mat with Angel. "Just concentrate, keep yourself loose," Frank instructed.

Calum was sitting beside me as we watched Frank and Angel. Angel let out a strangled yelp as she started to change form. Frank grinned. Soon instead of Angel, there was a vicious looking black furred wolf.

The wolf had Angels golden eyes. "Wow," I breathed. Soon the wolf started to change until Angel stood in its place. "That was awesome! Thank you so much Frank," Angel smiled.

"No prob, but in battle you need to be able to change fast," Frank said. He started to run. Instead of Frank there was a brown bear bounding through the room.

"I got it," Angel said shaking out her wrists. She started to run. I saw her start to change. A full grown tiger pounced about. It roared, it's teeth glistened in the light. "She's good," Frank said.

After their training they said goodbye to Frank. "I'll take you guys to our house," Calum said. We got into the car and drive into the woods. A big house and a stable were standing in the middle of no where.

"Go inside," Calum said getting out of the car. Angel walked in and turned on the lights. There were two rooms on one side and a kitchen on the other. There was a set of stairs too.

"Home sweet home," Calum sighed.

So I added Frank from Percy Jackson! Lol this is probably the only appearance from Frank though so SEE YA LATER FRANK!!!

Stay Cool Bros💛💚


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