The Hunted

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Soooooo! I'm trying to do a double update my friends!!! BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia's POV

After Angelica fell asleep I went into Calums room. I saw him sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Hey Cal! How are you feeling?" I asked. "Better," he sighed. "So, Angel told me to tell you, uh, um," I stammered. "What is it?" Calum asked, concern written all over his face.

"D-Demon is hunting me and Angel," I blurted out. Calums face paled quite a bit. "This is bad, how does she know?" He asked trying to get out of his bed. "The watch, she told me Michael called or something," I said. Calum picked his watch up from the table. "Michael still has his," his eyes widened.

"We shouldn't risk calling him," he added in a hushed tone. Calum then pulled off the covers of his bed and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Cal, you should rest mo-" I was interrupted by the sound of a door opening downstairs. "Is Angelica awake?" Calum asked. "N-no, I don't think so, last time I checked she was in her room asleep," I said.

Footsteps echoed downstairs as multiple people entered the house. Calum clenched his fists trying to stand. He stumbled a bit, I caught him trying not to make much noise. I heard muffled voices from downstairs. People were coming up the stairs. I rushed to turn off the light in the room. I went back over to Calum as I heard footsteps outside the closed door.

I heard a few cries of protest from across the hall. "Calum! They have Angel!" I whispered frantically. Calum cursed quietly, I felt him tense up as the door of the room creaked. The light was turned on and men in black flooded into the room. Water was already forming around my clenched fists. "Before you do any water magic Miss. Ross, we should negotiate," one man grinned evilly.

Two men walked inside holding a struggling Angelica. The men held her arms back, there was a gag in her mouth. "What do you want?" I snarled. "Well, we want you two lovely ladies, and the boy," the man said. "No way!" Calum protested. I held up my hands my fists dripping with water. "Ah, none of that, or your little friend over here gets it," the man said motioning to Angel.

One man lifted up a gun and pressed it to her temple. She flinched, panic flooding her eyes. "I'm surprised you can handle her, she's an animal," I said, trying to make her realize she could still shapeshift. Angels eyes widened, she understood. "Well, she was quite easy to take down," one man laughed. Angel closed her eyes and started to change. The men were surprised when they saw they were holding a Panther.

Angel growled at the men as they backed away. "Get the tranquilizers," the man said. I shot columns of water out of my hands, surprising the men again. Then the fight broke out. Angel attacked the men as a Panther, while I shot water out of my hands. Calum helped by throwing a few punches.

A men ran at me, shot water in his face slowing him down. Calum came up and punched him in the face, knocking the man unconscious. I was knocked to the ground by a man. He was about to kick my face, when Angel the Panther jumped on him sending both of them tumbling away. There weren't many men left in the room. The one man stared at us in shock.

"You will pay for this," he snarled. Angel changed into her human form standing beside me. She was helping Calum stay on his feet. Suddenly he wasn't there anymore. He can teleport too, I thought. Then Angel collapsed and yelled in pain. I felt a stinging pain in the back of my neck. The man stood behind me holding an empty syringe. "As I said you will pay," he grinned.

Calum was scooting away from the man, he got to his feet. The man looked at him. The two started fighting. That's when I tumbled into darkness.

Michaels POV

They knew the location of the house. This was bad, really bad. I laid in the corner of my cell shivering. Everyone had been quiet for the longest time. Demon sent some of his men to the house. About 45 minutes later a few battered men ran back here. Demon was furious when the men said they had been defeated.

He gave one man, Agent Carter I think, a syringe of liquid. I could hear them talking, super hearing can be a good thing. Agent Carter returned a while after, he didn't look to good. He said Calum had beaten him pretty bad. Haha, and Calum was injured, Angelica had told me. I hope they were okay.

It was late at night, Luke was now asleep. Ashton was silent sitting against the wall in his cell. I hummed the tune to Long Way Home, one of our songs. Just to pass the time. It was boring in the small cell. I haven't been out yet. Lucky Luke and Ashton. I stood up and ruffled my dull green and dirt caked hair. I needed to dye it when we got back.

I heard footsteps echoing through the quiet halls. The man who walked into the prison hall was someone I didn't expect to visit. It was Demon himself. "Well hello Mr. Clifford," he grinned evilly. Ashton noticed him too. He cringed when Demon looked at him. "Ha, scared," he laughed. "Well your girlfriends are tougher than we thought," Demon said a few seconds later.

"There not our girlfriends," I said. "I don't care, all we know is they won't rescue you lads anytime soon," he said. "We're getting out whether you like it or not," Ashton spat. "What was that, Mr. Irwin?" Demon said turning to Ashton. "He said we're getting out of here," I repeated. Demon turned to face me. He unlocked my cell and walks in.

"I didn't ask you," he said as his fist collided with my stomach. I fell to the floor holding my stomach. "Does it look like I care?" I snarled looking up at him. Demon kicked me in the head. "Michael!" Ash cried. It's surprising Luke isn't awake. Ashton stood up and clanged his fists against the cell bars. "Don't touch him!" He continued to hit the bars. I shrunk into the corner.

Demon left my cell, locking the door. Ashton punched the bars again, they started to crack. He was the strong one. Demon looked surprised. He ran out of the hallway. Ashton continued to punch until one bar fell apart. "Ash! We can escape!" I smiled. He punched the other bars making them crack on impact. A few guards rushed into the hall.

They unlocked Ashton's cell door. One grabbed his arms another put a rag to his nose and mouth. Ashton struggled against the guards grip, but soon fell limp. "Hey! Don't touch him," I yelled. The guards turned to me as I started to hit the bars. They closed Ashton's door, leaving him in a crumpled heap on the ground.

They came into my cell. One pinned my arms behind my back. The other held the rag to my face. I breathed in the sweet scent and soon fell into darkness.

Oops... So more action for y'all!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment feedback please!

Stay Cool Bros💚💛


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