Almost Safe

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Mia's POV

Me, Peyton and Calum went down the hall, we had to find Ashton and Luke. We turned the corner to see a hall of prison cells. "Oh my god," Calum gasped when he looked into one of the cells. There lay a battered and bloody Luke Hemmings. "Luke!" I yelped. Calum found a key on a hook outside of the hall. He unlocked Luke's cell and went in. I saw Ashton in the cell next to Luke's.

"Cal give me the key," I said. Calum handed me the key and I unlocked Ashton's cell. His head hung low. His arms were raised above his head, chained to the grey wall. There were many rips and tears in his shirt and pants. I saw multiple cuts on his arms and legs. "Ash, Ashton," I said. Ashton groaned and looked up. "Mia?" He croaked. "Yeah, Calum and Peyton are here too," I said.

I unlocked the chains around his wrists. Ashton rubbed his bloody wrists. Calum had cut the ropes around Luke's wrist and ankles. "Luke wake up," Calum said. "What happened?" I asked. "I wasn't cooperating with Demon," Ashton said sadly. His eyes suddenly widened. "Is Spencer here?" He asked. "She's with Angel looking for Michael," Calum said still trying to wake Luke.

Ashton tried to stand but stumbled and fell to the ground. I helped him up, he slung his arm over my shoulders. Luke was finally waking up. "Luke?" I said. "Calum? Peyton? Mia?" Luke said. "Yea," Peyton smiled. Luke stood up, his legs were shaking. He wrapped his arms around me. Ashton was now leaning against Calum.

"Thank you," Luke whispered, his chin rested on top of my head.

Angelica's POV *when the groups split up*

Me and Spencer quietly walked down the hall. We had to knock a few guards unconscious. We passed the conference room, the light from the room illuminating the dark hall. We came to the solitary confinement room. Spencer walked through the wall and quickly opened the door. I saw Michael sitting against the pole.

This time he had a gag in his mouth and he was blindfolded. He flinched when I started to walk forward. "Michael, it's okay, it's me Angelica," I said. Michael relaxed and I took the blindfold off of his eyes. He looked at me fear in his warm eyes. I took the gag out of his mouth. "It's really you?" He asked.

"It's really me," I smiled a bit. Spencer coughed quietly. "Spencer!" Michael said surprised. "Yea!" Spencer said doing jazz hands. "Okay we have to get off the handcuffs," I said getting to work. "Go look for a key," I told Spencer. She nodded and walked out of the room. I noticed a cut running from Michaels hairline to his jaw. Blood was running down his face, dripping down his neck.

"What happened?" I asked. "I got in trouble," Michael said sheepishly. "I told you to stay out of trouble," I sighed as I fumbled around with the metal cuffs. Michael hissed in pain when I touched the ripped skin on his battered wrist. I heard the handles of the door shaking, like someone was trying to open the door. "In the corner go!" Michael whispered.

I nodded and shifting into a small animal. A mouse. What? It's useful. "He's still here at least," one guard said after they'd managed to open the door. The other man walked in and looked around. I scurried into the corner and into a hole in the wall. The man picked up the crumpled piece of cloth and stuffed it in Michaels mouth and tying it around his head.

Michael glared at the guards as they walked out of the room and closed the door. I came out of the hole and shifted to my human self. I took out the gag again and got back to work on the handcuffs. Soon Spencer walked back in carrying a silver object. She tossed me the key and I unlocked the cuffs around Michael wrists. The skin on his wrists was torn and his hands were bloody.

"C'mon Mikey," I said helping Michael to his feet. Spencer opened the door and then helped me bring Michael out of the doorway.

Michaels POV

My wrists were brutally torn up and I could hardly walk. Angel and Spencer were helping me down the hall. Spencer tensed beside me and turned around pointing her head at someone behind us. She gasped and Angel turned also. I turned to see the angry face of Demon. I stumbled back but Angel and Spencer caught me.

"Looks like you finally made it," a Demon grinned. "Yea, now we're leaving," Spencer said as we rushed forwards the door. Guards ran down the hall after us. I couldn't keep going, I fell to the ground, the cut running down my face was throbbing. Angel and Spencer turned to help but froze.

Demon was pointing a gun at my head, his finger a little ways from the trigger. "Don't. Move," Demon said. Angels breath hitched in her throat. She glared at Demon. I tried pushing myself up, but my wrists burned and I fell back to the ground. I looked back towards Angel, but I saw a black furred wolf, and it looked angry. It's eyes flashed red and it growled at the men and Demon.

Spencer gripped her gun, her hands were trembling slightly. "Drop the gun," Demon ordered. Spencer's eyes narrowed to slits and she put her finger over the trigger. "I don't think I will," she said. The wolf barked viciously and crouched down, it's muscles tensing as it prepared itself to pounce.

Suddenly I heard a guard scream and a loud thud. Spencer gasped. "Don't mess with her, she's danger," Ashton said. Demon turned his attention to Ashton giving me time to crawl over to Spencer and the wolf. I saw Calum running from the prison hall, Mia and Luke walking after him. Luke was limping pretty badly. Peyton ran alongside Calum.

"Mikey!" Calum hugged me tight. "Cal, I can't breathe," I gasped. "Sorry dude, where's Ash?" He asked. "He's over there..." Spencer trailed off remembering Ashton was alone against all of those guards. "Go help him!" I shouted. The wolf bounded down the hall towards the guards. It jumped on ones back clamping its jaws down on the mans throat killing him. Peyton and Spencer ran in together. Peyton electrocuted the men and Spencer shooting her gun at many guards.

Mia dragged me over to where Luke was propped up against the wall. I watched as Calum joined the fight punching Demon in the face. Mia looked at my wrists and her eyes widened. "That looks pretty bad," Luke pointed out. Mia started to wipe off the blood on my face and neck. I flinched when she first touched my face.

I looked over at the small fight. Calum and Peyton standing together fighting Demon. Spencer was shooting her gun, Ashton and the black furred wolf fought side by side. Where was Angel? I mentally facepalmed. Angel can shapeshift, she's the wolf. I can be stupid sometimes. Ashton was knocked to the floor, a man above him raised a gun pointing it at his head. "ASHTON!" I shouted.

Peyton's head spun around staring in horror, lightning cracked outside of the window. Her expression turned to rage as she tried running to help. A guard grabbed her and pulled her back into the fight. Which she easily won.

Angel looked at me and then the man. She barked and jumped on the mans back making him miss his targeted area. Ashton yelped as the bullet hit his arm. Spencer noticed him and shot the man that shot Ash. Angel jumped off as the man fell limp. Soon it was just Angel, Spencer, Calum, Peyton and Demon...

So how did you all like that long chapter, WITH ACTION?!?! Haha so the rescue is happening WHOOP WHOOP!!! Eminem came on the radio today in the car and I thought about Luke rapping at Ford Field and was like I'm gonna update😂 Luke Hemmings and Eminem were my inspirations this chapter!!

Goal: 10 votes?!?!

Stay Cool Bros💚💛


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