Escape Atempt

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Hey Bros it's Pewdiepie... Just kidding! I've been watching so many Pewdiepie videos lately haha. Enjoy this chapter!!!!!

Angelica's POV

After I'd gotten dressed it was about 4:00 p.m. As I walked down the stairs, Calum walked in with McDonalds happy meals. "Seriously Cal, happy meals?" I asked. "Keeping the mood happy," he joked. Mia was still in the shower so me and Calum are together. I ate a few French fries. God, I love French fries.

"You're so calm," I spoke up. Calum looked at me weird. "About the situation, I mean three of your best friends have been captured," I added. He nodded frowning a bit. "I've been trained about how to react to this situation, can't change the past. Just gotta make things right in the future," he sighed, taking a vote of his burger.

I nodded and took a sip of my drink. A few seconds later Mia came into the kitchen brushing her long blonde hair. "Eating without me?" She said faking sadness. "You were in the shower," I said. "Hate you," Mia said sarcastically. "Love you too," I smiled. Once Mia sat down with her food Calum suggested we play 20 questions.

"Okay, full names," Calum said. "Angelica Rose Pearson," I said. "Mia Lynn Ross," Mia said. "Calum Thomas Hood," Calum said. "How about birthday," Mia suggested. "March 10th," I smiled. "February 6th," Mia said. "January 25th," Calum said. "I'm already bored," Mia huffed. "Me too," Calum admitted. "I'm going to my room," I stated walking out of the kitchen.

When I walked into my room I jumped onto my bed and took out my beats headphones and my phone. I put on my headphones and turned on Warzone by The Wanted, which is actually a really good song. I laid down and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to a vision.


I was back at Demons building, I had learned about The Cougar Agency, the badguys. I walked inside the building people talking in the main hall, guards heading to the conference rooms and the prison hall. I decided to check on the boys. I walked in, they didn't look too great. Michael was in a corner, his eyes dull, bruises on his arms and face. Luke's hair was messy and dirty, he had small cuts covering his face and arms.

Ashton had a few cuts and bruises. He still had his bandana even though it was ripped and dirty. A few guards walked in. "Mr. Clifford, we understand you haven't been very cooperative with us lately," one man said. "Should I care?" Michael asked, his voice cracking. "We are taking you to the solitary confinement," the man said unlocking the cell door. I gasped. Michael jumped and backed away.

"Don't touch him!" Luke defended, his voice also cracking making him sound unconfident. "We can do what we want Dr. Fluke," a guard spat. Michael was hauled out of the cell. He kicked and shouted as he was dragged away. "Go with him Angelica," Ashton said. I turned, surprised. "Y-you can see m-me?" I asked. "Yea, now GO!" He urged. I rushed out of the room and ran after the guards and Michael.

They took him to a room, they unlocked the door and led him inside. There was a metal pole in the middle of the room. The guards pushed Michaels back to the pole. They handcuffed his wrists together around the pole. "Hey! Get back here you bastards!" He yelled angrily. He struggled trying to break the handcuffs. I saw blood seeping down his wrists from the friction.

"Michael, we'll get you out of here," I said. "W-who's there," Michael said trying to look around. "Me, Angelica," I said standing in front of him. "Y-you're here," he said staring at me. "I'm a Visioner, some people can see me and some can't," I explained. "I can't handle this Angel," Michael cried. "It's okay Mikey, we're working on a plan," I reassured him.

"Come here," he said his voice barely audible. I went over to him and sat down. "You have to stay safe, tell Mia and Calum that we'll be okay for a little longer, but you have to hurry," he said staring into my eyes. "Stay alive for me, okay?" I said. "Okay," Michael said. He kissed my forehead. And then everything... disappeared.

*End of Vision*

I woke up back in my room. In a normal situation I would've freaked. Michael Clifford kissed me. But this situation wasn't normal. So I tried to stay relatively calm. I hated seeing Michael in that state. I hated seeing Luke and Ashton looking so helpless inside there prisons. We needed to save them and fast.

Michaels POV

I kissed Angelica. Stupid move Mikey, I thought. After that she disappeared. She was a beautiful girl. Even with her flaws. This definitely isn't the time to flirt though. Survive first, flirt after. I was aware of the blood seeping from my wrists where the skin had been cut. I winced in pain when the metal cuffs rubbed against my bloody skin.

I was breathing heavily, my back resting uncomfortably on the pole. I heard yelling erupt from the hall. I looked at the door and listened to the shouts. I heard, Luke and Ashton. Plenty of guards and the bellowing voice of Demon. The door started to shake, the handle on the inside shook violently. "Help! Someone!" I yelled pulling at the handcuffs.

Dents appeared in the metal door as I struggled to free my self. Suddenly the door burst open. Ashton Irwin fell inside. "Mikey! We're getting out," he said, determination flashing in his hazel eyes. "Where's Luke?" I asked. "Out there," Ashton said fumbling with the handcuffs around my wrists. "Ash, I can't hold them off!" Luke yelled as he fell to the ground. The guards were on him in a second.

Ashton looked up, he clenched his fists but continued trying to break the cuffs. One guard murmured, "Get a tranquilizer." A guard loaded something into his gun and aimed at Ashton. "Ash! Look out!" I shouted, but it was too late. Ashton fell over clutching his arm. A small dart was embedded in his skin. "I'm sorry... Michael..." He trailed off into unconsciousness. I shouted at the guards and pulled on the handcuffs.

I admit I used some colorful words... The lads were dragged back to their cells and I again was left alone in the bloody room.

So, this story will be told in Angelica's, Mia's, Michaels, and Luke's POVs. Just saying. Thank all of you for the votes and comments. Love all of my Potatoes!!!

Here comes the brofist👊

Stay Cool Bros💚💛


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