Chapter 2~ Who Are You?

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"Who Are You?"- The Who (song on the side)

"I really wanna know. Tell me, who are you?"


I jumped up from my place on the floor and ran up the stairs after her and into my room. I looked for her only for a second before I spotted her sitting on top of my bed, her leash in her mouth. “Can I not get dressed first?” I asked her as I walked over to my walk-in closet. The closet was about 5 feet wide and 8 feet deep that had a lot of clothes in it, but mostly filled with shoes. I absolutely LOVED shoes.

So I went through my clothes to find what I wanted to wear and came to one of my favorite pairs of short shorts. They were high-waisted short shorts with two buttons at the top and had red and black vertical stripes across them. I grabbed them and began looking for a shirt to go with them. I soon found a black tank top that had a really cute black, no-sleeve, button-up, chiffon shirt over the top of it. I took it down off the rack also and grabbed some clean underwear before I ran quickly across the hall to the bathroom, clothes still in hand.

I sat my clean clothes down on the vanity and turned the shower on. Before talking off my pyjamas, I closed the bathroom door and turned the little bathroom heater on. I quickly took off my clothes and threw them in the hamper, then realized that the shower still wasn’t heated up.

I sighed and looked at my face in the mirror. My emerald green eyes were shining brightly, as per usual, and there were a few freckles on my cheeks. My hair was brown: a little more on the lighter side, but brown nonetheless. It was actually about the same colour as the boy from the news with the blue eyes and wind-blown hair. Although my hair was nowhere near wind-blown. It was naturally stick straight and at the time, its length was almost to the small of my back and I had cute little side fringe.

The mirror then began to fog up from the heat of the water, so I hopped in and did everything I needed to do before getting out again and drying myself. I had only taken about a ten minute shower because I was absolutely ready to get outside in the beautiful weather and soak in all the sunlight I could before it was gone again.

I pulled my underwear and clothes on, then took about fifteen minutes to dry and brush out my hair. After doing so, I applied only some eyeliner and mascara to my face along with putting a little lip gloss on. I didn’t see the point in wearing a lot of make-up. I think it takes up time where you could be doing something else. I picked up my toothbrush and the toothpaste and quickly brushed my teeth.

Afterwards, I turned the bathroom lights off and went back to my bedroom in my closet to find the perfect pair of shoes to go with my outfit. I looked around until I found a pair of black high-top converse with the rubber being the same color red as my pants instead of the normal white. I picked them up along with a pair of socks and slipped them both on before walking back out to the main part of my bedroom.

Molly barked at me from where she still sat on top of my bed, the leash lying beside her. I smiled and walked over to stand next to her. “Impatient, much?” I asked while taking the leash and hooking it to her collar. She yipped again and jumped off the bed and I laughed at her and grabbed my satchel, slinging it over my shoulder as I checked to make sure my phone, money, and house keys were all in there, then Molly and I went down the stairs and outside.

I locked the door behind us, then turned around to face the mid-morning sunshine. It was about eleven o’clock and the temperature was already getting close to twenty degrees. I breathed in deeply before I began walking down the sidewalk with Molly.

We had only been walking about ten minutes when all of a sudden, there were screams coming from the next street over through a little alleyway between two buildings and as soon as Molly heard those screams, she took off towards them.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن