Chapter 13~ Twitter... 'Nuff Said.

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"After Ever After"- Jon Cozart

"If you've ever wondered why Disney tales all end in lies. Here's what happened after all their dreams came true."


"Is breakfast ready?" Niall asked as he walked into the kitchen of his flat with me still in his arms and Molly and my satchel in my lap.

"Just about," Liam replied while getting out the disposable plates from the cabinet. Niall went ahead and carried me over to the table and sat me down in the same chair I sat in the night before. "So you can't walk anymore?" Liam asked as he put the plates on the table. I shook my head and sighed.

"Nope," I told him. Liam then sat the bacon down on the table in front of me. "Bacon!" I exclaimed and sat up in my chair as Molly barked. Harry's head snapped up from his phone and he looked at Molly with a confused look on his face before he looked to Louis.

"Louis! Why did you give Anna her dog back?!" Harry shouted to Louis who was sitting at the table right beside him.

"She was scary!" Louis yelled back, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout on his face. I laughed along with Niall as he took his seat to my right and Liam sat the juice and the red solo cups both down on the table.

"Red solo cup!" I began singing. "I fill you up. Let's have a party! Let's have a party!" All five of the boys looked at me like I was insane. "What?" Haven't you heard that song before?" I asked them all, but they just shook their heads. "I guess I did hear about it from my pen-pal in America," I said under my breath.

"Anyway!" Zayn said and took his seat at the foot of the table as Liam took his at the head of the table. "Let's eat!" he exclaimed again. I smiled and sat Molly down in the floor beside me, then reached for a plate, but before I could Niall grabbed it for me.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"You don't have to get my food for me," I told him quietly.

"Nonsense," he replied with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes before I could stop myself and was surprised (and also confused) when I didn't get dizzy, but I decided not to make anything of it. "Well, I know you want bacon," Niall said and put like seven strips of bacon onto my plate.

I smiled. "You know me so well," I said. He laughed at me again.

"Do you want a hotcake?" Niall questioned me, pointing to the plate full of hotcakes (A/N: hotcakes, pancakes, flapjacks, same thing). I nodded my head at him. "Do you like syrup?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would I not like syrup?" I asked in disbelief.

"We've met some pretty weird people," Zayn told me, already munching on a pancake drenched in syrup.

I sighed and shook my head. "I've never met anyone that doesn't like syrup," I said.

"Then you haven't met that many people, which only proves you don't have a life," Harry retorted.

"Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically as Louis and Harry high fived each other. "Haven't you ever thought that the reason I don't like to meet people is because I don't want to meet any nutjobs? But I guess it's too late for me now!" I exclaimed glaring at both of them and their laughter ceased.

"You're right," Harry whispered over to Louis as they both continued staring at me. "She is scary."

I smirked and sat back in my chair while Niall, Zayn, and Liam all murmured their agreements. "Only when I need to be," I told all of them and looked at each of them individually, coming to Niall last. "Just remember that," I finished and smiled playfully.

Niall laughed lightly when he realized that I was just joking. "Here you go," he said and sat a plate down in front of me with three hotcakes drenched in syrup and seven strips of bacon on it. I grinned widely. 

"Thanks," I told him, looking into his blue eyes. Niall leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

"Too comfortable!" Harry yelled. Niall pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine while we both laughed at him.

"So..." Liam began. "You two came to an understanding then?" Zayn laughed on the opposite side of Niall from me at the foot of the table.

"Kinky!" Harry exclaimed and waggled his eyebrows at Niall and I.

My eyes widened and I sat back in my chair. "I still have my ring on!" I shouted, pointing to the purity ring on my left hand ring finger. All five of the boys cracked up laughing and I began stuffing my mouth with food.

Eventually, they all stopped laughing and started eating. By the time I was through, I had eaten six flapjacks and twelve pieces of bacon. I was so glad I had such a high metabolism. After we all finished, the boys got up to throw their plates and cups away and Niall took mine for me. I thanked him and smiled as he smiled back.

All five of them then came back over to the table to stand around me. "So what are we doing today?" Harry asked all of us.

"I was thinking we could have a movie marathon day," Niall said, looking down at me. "Aine hasn't even seen 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'." Harry and Louis both gasped.

"Oh my goodness," Louis began. "She is a bad nut after all."

"What?" I asked.

"It's a quote from the movie," Niall informed me. I nodded my head in understanding. "Anyway, let's get started," he finished and picked me up out of the chair.

I heard Molly bark from below me. "Come on, Molly!" I exclaimed and she followed Niall and I into the lounge. Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry followed us as well and they all went over to the movie cabinet. Niall, after sitting me down on the couch, went over there with them.

"What movie should we watch, Anna?" Zayn asked. I picked Molly up off the floor and sat her in my lap.

"I don't know," I replied, petting Molly. "Each of you should just choose one and I'll pick out of them."

"That's a great idea!" Louis shouted and I chuckled as I unzipped my satchel and pulled out my phone. I unlocked my phone and typed in my four-digit passcode and immediately clicked on the twitter application that I used so much.

My twitter page came up first because that was the last place I'd been and I saw that I had over three-million followers. "Holy shit," I stated.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now