Chapter 11~ Nightmares

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"Nightmares"- Belle Histoire



My snapped up to see Her. The woman who ruined my childhood. The woman who killed my hopes and my dreams with the words she said to me and the physical pain she caused me.

It was my mum.

“Who’s that?” Niall asked from beside me. I looked over at him and met his beautiful crystal blue eyes and immediately was surprised when I saw what he was dressed in.  He was in a tuxedo with a cute little pink bow tie on top of his white, button-up under shirt.

“That’s my mother,” I told him before I looked down to see what I was wearing. I gasped at what I saw. I had on my dream wedding dress covered in pearls and lace sleeves on it and a veil was shielding my face. “How did she find me?” I questioned. “Why is she talking?”

“She heard the preacher say ‘Speak Now’,” a girl said from behind me. I looked to see who it was… T-Taylor Swift? Why was Taylor Swift standing behind me like she was a bridesmaid or something like that? “Haven’t you heard my song?” she asked me taking… taking HARRY’S hand? What?!

 I looked over at the three girls standing next to Taylor. The first one I recognized as Zayn’s girlfriend and amazing singer, Perrie Edwards. The next one was the dancer, Danielle Peazer, and the last one, I wasn’t exactly sure how I knew, but somehow I knew her name was Eleanor Calder.

But why were these girls at my wedding? I’d never even met them before… A better question was why was I having a wedding?

“Aine Marie Daugherty! Get your arse down here right now! We are going back home!” my mum yelled at me. I looked back out at her and Niall took my hand for support. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I realized that it was Zayn standing beside me, giving me an encouraging look. Standing behind the two of them were Liam, Louis, Harry, and Greg along with all the girls.

I sighed angrily and turned back around to face my mother. “No,” I stated simply and firmly. My mums eyes widened and I realized she had an almost empty bottle of vodka in her hand.

“What did you just say to me?” he asked through gritted teeth.

I let go of Niall’s hand and walked out of Zayn’s grasp to the edge of the stage-like thing. “I said ‘No’,” I repeated angrily.

“You little bitch,” my mum said as she walked up the few steps to stand in front of me and she slapped me. I felt like a little kid she was towering over all over again as I stumbled backwards, ripping the train of my dress in the process. “You are done disobeying me!” she shouted and I cowered as the vodka bottle in her hand came slamming down onto my head.

My body slammed down onto the floor and the lights felt like they went out as everything went black around me. “Aine!” Niall yelled to me. “Aine!” he shouted again, only farther away this time, but I couldn’t even make myself open my eyes I was in so much pain.

“Aine?” I heard a familiar, soft, creepy voice say as a hand rested on my shoulder. I just couldn’t put my finger on the name until all of a sudden the pain ceased just enough for me to open my eyes.

I screamed.

It was the guy my mum had arranged for me to marry when I turned twenty. I backed away from him and saw a calendar on the wall. It was my twentieth birthday. “Aine! I’m so sorry!” Niall yelled again.

“Niall!” I exclaimed when I saw him being dragged away by my mother. I jumped up and started running towards him, but I didn’t make it very far because my vision got blurry and I tripped over my dress down the stairs.

“I love you, Aine!” Niall shouted to me. “I promise I won’t forget you! I’m so sorry I let you down!” My mum continued dragging him towards the door until he finally broke free. I gasped and sat up. Everything was going to be okay.

But I was wrong.

My mum ran after him and threw the vodka bottle at his head and he fell down face first onto the floor. “NIALL!” I screamed from the top of my lungs and crawled over to him as fast as I could. I rolled him over and laid his head in my lap as the tears flowed non-stop down my cheeks.

The blood began soaking his blonde hair along with the white of my wedding dress as I sat there with him in the broken glass that began cutting through the fabric of my dress and my knees. “Niall, p-please don’t-t leav-ve me here al-lone,” I managed to say through my sobs in a whisper.

“I promise I won’t forget,” he replied in a soft, barely audible voice, only making me cry even harder than I already was. “I’ll always love you, Aine,” Niall finished before he took a sharp intake of breath.

And then breathed no more.

“Niall,” I whispered hopefully. “Niall, wake up… Please wake up!” I exclaimed beginning to get hysterical. “Don’t leave me here alone! Take me with you, please!” I yelled as I shook his shoulders to wake him, but soon a pair of hands were pulling me back. “No! NIALL!” I screamed even louder.



“Aine! Aine, wake up!”

I gasped and jolted up immediately, my eyes wide and also itchy. “Aine, are you okay?!” he asked and pulled me into a hug. I sighed in relief and breathed in his scent as I hugged him back. “I was going to let you rest more while I made breakfast, but you started screaming and crying in your sleep, so I came running.” Niall told me.

“What happened?” Zayn asked frantically as he dashed into the room.

“She was having a nightmare,” Niall informed him.

“Is everything alright?” Liam questioned after sprinting down the hallway to stand in the doorway to Niall’s room.

“Nightmare,” Zayn stated plainly, walking farther into the room to sit next to me on the bed.

“Are you okay, Anna?” Liam asked walking over to stand beside the bed. I took a deep, shaky breath and shrugged while burying my head deeper into Niall’s chest. Niall’s arms tightened around me and the tears kept streaming down my face, soaking through his shirt, so I was sure he could tell I was still sobbing.

“I’m so sorry, Aine,” Niall whispered to me. “I promise I won’t leave you alone again.” I heard a pair of footsteps leave the room and I knew it was Liam because I could still feel Zayn sitting beside me.

I soon made myself stop crying and reluctantly pulled away from Niall. I sighed before saying, “You can go finish making breakfast.”

“But I said I wouldn’t leave you alone,” Niall retorted, looking into my eyes.

“I’ll stay with her,” Zayn chimed in. Niall took a deep breath.

“Okay,” he breathed through a sigh and stood up from the bed. He pulled me into a hug with his arms wrapped around my shoulders and his chin rested on top of my head. I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. “I’ll come get you after I finish breakfast,” Niall whispered and then kissed my forehead.

“Alright,” was my intelligent response. We both let go of each other and he slowly made his way out of the door to go back to the kitchen.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now