Chapter 4~ Hello Again

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"Hello Again"- Hoobastank

"I dream that someday we'll be able to look back on this together and say it was for the best and that it made us stronger today."


My eyebrows furrowed and he walked over to sit next to me on the couch, angling his body towards me. I mean, sure this boy looked familiar, but I honestly had no idea who he was. How did this lad know my name? Sure, I could tell by his accent that he was Irish, but that didn’t mean that I knew who he was. “Aine, it’s me. It’s Niall Horan,” he told me.

I gasped as the realization of who he was hit me. I did know this boy. I’d known him for a really long time actually. “Oh my gosh, Niall!” I exclaimed and he pulled me into a hug with huge smiles on both of our faces. I had finally found him. I had given up for some time by then because I didn’t know where he had gone. I tried looking for him so many times and I even tried going back to Mullingar, but by the time I’d went, he was already gone… but I guess it didn’t matter. He had found me, though it was in probably one of the strangest ways possible.

Everyone else around us gave us confused looks. “Why does she remember you and not us? That’s not fair!” Harry shouted, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping his foot on the carpeted ground. Niall and I pulled away from each other and we both looked over at Liam at the same time, knowing that he was the allotted leader of the group.

“Explain, please,” he stated simply, nodding at the two of us to continue.

I knew Niall would speak first because he knew how shy I really was. “Aine and I have known each other since we were kids but we lost contact when we were eleven because she moved,” Niall explained, then turned to me after he’d trailed off. “Why did you move?” he asked. “You never even told me why or where you were going.”

I sighed again. “I’m so sorry. I tried to get a hold of you so many times, but my mum always caught me,” I told Niall.

He gave me a bewildered look. “Your mum wouldn’t let you talk to me?” he asked in disbelief. I nodded my head and pursed my lips as I stared down at the floor. ”Why not?”

I took a deep shaky breath and knew that I couldn’t ever tell him the truth. Besides, it was in the past. Nothing like that could ever happen again anyway. It was a hopeless case for me. “I don’t know. They never told me,” I lied.

“Oh,” was all he said.

After a moments silence, I said, “I almost didn’t recognize you.” Niall smiled and laughed lightly. “When did you start dying you hair?” I questioned him.

“The year after you left when I was twelve,” he told me.

I smiled up at him. “I really like it. It suits you,” I said. We both sat there grinning at each other for a moment until Zayn spoke up.

“We love the whole reunion thing going on here, but we kind of need to get Anna to the hospital,” Zayn said. Niall and I both looked around ourselves to see the four of them standing up, ready to go.

“Oh, yeah,” Niall said and stood up from the couch. He turned back around to face me and hesitantly reached down to pick me up. I didn’t really do anything, so he went ahead and picked me up, carrying me bridal style just like Harry had done. “Well you sure haven’t grown that much since I saw you last,” Niall snickered with a smile on his face.

“Hey!” I exclaimed and smacked his arm even though what he’d said was pretty much true. I was a measly 5’2 and I only weighed one hundred and ten pounds.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now