Chapter 24~ Team Name?

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"The A-Team"- Ed Sheeran

"The worst things in life come free to us."


I sighed before turning back to the piano to play something while he was deep in thought. I was so proud of my comedic timing when I began playing the theme song from the game show Jeopardy. He looked over at me, giving me a look that said "Really?" and I gave him a cheesy smile before he rolled his eyes again. He chuckled and then went back to his brain storming. "That's it!" he exclaimed after a moment's silence.

I looked up at him. "What's it?" I asked him hesitantly.

"You're 'Only Annie'," he told me, his blue orbs looking over at me in victory.

"Annie?" I asked and Louis nodded his head enthusiastically. "Why Annie?"

"Because it's both Anna and Marie put together!" he shouted. "I know, I know. I'm a genius." I chuckled at him and rolled my eyes.

"Now all we need is a team name," I joked to him and teasingly elbowed his side. But Louis wasn't laughing. "Louis, I'm just joking," I said when I saw him contemplating the idea.

"Well I'm as serious as a heart attack," he retorted, the devious smile sliding out across his face. I stared at him momentarily and I could practically see the wheels turning in that little head of his. "The A-Team!" he exclaimed.

"We are NOT prostitutes," I replied shooting him back down.

"Okay, erm..." he continued, pausing for a second to think. "Team Sexy?" Louis inquired.

I sighed over-dramatically. "Once again, we are NOT prostitutes," I told him.

"Team Charlie's Angels?"

"Louis," I threatened through clenched teeth.

"Okay, okay. No team name," he finished throwing his hands up in surrender. I stifled my laughs once again and shook my head while turning to the piano. "Yet," he added and I rolled my eyes once again while he laughed at me and put his hands on the keys. "Let's get started, then."

I smiled up at him. "Sounds good," I replied and put my hands on the ivory as well.

"Where are the lyrics to your song?" Louis asked, looking down at me with his crystal blue eyes.

"Erm," I began and turned to look around the room. "There it is," I said as I spotted it sitting on top of the chair Niall had been sitting in earlier that day. I stood up to go get it, but Louis stopped me before I could.

"I'll get it," he said and sat me back down on the piano bench before walking across the room to the chair and grabbing the piece of crumpled up notebook paper with all the words written on it. He then came back over to sit next to me; him on the bass side and myself on the treble side.

"Thanks," I told him while he put the paper up on the music stand on top of the piano.

"No problem," he replied and smiled over at me. Once again, both pairs of our hands came to rest lightly on the ivory keys of the piano in front of us. "So how do you want this song to go?" Louis inquired of me.

"Well," most of my other songs are slow, so I want this one to be more up-beat," I said. Louis nodded his head.

"And you said you wanted it to be in a simple key, correct?" he asked again.

"Yeah," I replied to him, nodding my head.

"Well then, we'll do it in the key of G," he finished. I shrugged.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now