Chapter 27~ Strange Places

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"Yellow" by Coldplay

"Look at the stars; look how they shine for you in everything that you do."


I woke up in a place I'd never seen before. It was dark and I could hear the freezing rain pounding against the window that led to the outside world. I looked around and realized I was lying in a bed; a rock-hard bed at that. It was really bloody uncomfortable, not to mention the duvet was about as thin as a sheet of paper.

I heard a beeping noise and I jumped only to have the beeping accelerate. My head snapped around the room, trying to find the source of the noise I was hearing, until I found a faint red light next to my bed. My eyebrows furrowed and I pulled the sheet back so I could get up and look around the room. When I did so, I noticed that I had on a gown... only a gown. I put my hand on it just to make sure I wasn't seeing things and then saw the plastic bracelet around my right wrist. In plain black letters, it said, "Chelsea and Westminster Hospital" across the front of it along with my name, Anna Marie Daugherty... Anna? Why did Niall say my name was Anna? That was funny. He'd never called me that ever before.

I tried to think back to the last thing that had happened to me before waking up there in that hospital. So I sat there for a good five minutes just racking my mind, trying to determine the last thing I remembered.

I remembered writing my song with Louis and dragging Niall in to listen to it and tell me his opinion. I remembered my revelation...

I remembered running away and I recalled writing the song... The song! I no longer had on the pyjamas I had been wearing, so where had the paper gone? And who changed my clothes? I shivered at the thought but then shook my head to get myself back on track.

Where did they put the papers?!

I hopped out of the rockbed and shuffled my bare feet around on the cold floor trying to look for a light switch so I could see. Instead of finding the light, I found a table with a duffle bag on top of it. My eyebrows furrowed and I silently unzipped the bag. I gave myself a pat on the back when I realized the pyjamas were in there. I smiled when I noticed my phone in there as well.

I picked my iPhone up and pressed the home button making the screen illuminate to show me I had a text message from... Harry? Since when did I have Harry's phone number in the first place? And since when did he have mine? I didn't even have Niall's number for crying out loud, and he was my... well, actually I didn't really know what Niall was to me. Sure, I liked him and I was pretty sure he liked me, but we hadn't made it official or anything like that. I wasn't sure I wanted to make anything public anyway.

I'd read all those books and articles where the girl falls for the rock star and she ends up depressed because of all the hate she gets... I sure as hell didn't want to end up like that.

I brought my thoughts back to my phone screen and unlocked it so I could read the message. It read; "If you wake up and find this, I'll be right back. I had to step out and call Niall to tell him where we were."

So Harry was the one that had brought me there... That explained why my bracelet said Anna instead of Aine. But why was Harry deciding to be kind to me all of a sudden? He'd never had bothered to before. Why was he choosing to then?

My vision blurred just a little bit and a sharp pain shot through my head. Whatever pain killers they'd given me were obviously wearing off, so I slowly but surely made my way back to the rock-bed, my phone still in hand. I carefully laid myself back down, pulling the practically non-existent duvet over my legs to at least TRY and keep myself warm. It was absolutely freezing in that hospital room just like any stereotypical hospital room.

It was also very lonely. Harry had sent that text message nearly fifteen minutes ago. Where on earth could he have gone within that time? I unlocked my phone again and texted him back, typing, "Where are you?" Before tapping the send button, locking my phone, and curling up in the bed, trying to make it as comfortable as possible; which was hard to do, I might add, but after a minute or two of tossing and turning, I found a good position and began to fall asleep.

Not very long after, I heard the door open slowly and the light from out in the hallway shined on my closed eyes. I didn't have the energy to make myself move though, so I just stayed there half-asleep. All of a sudden, the person that had come into the room began singing and I knew it was Harry as soon as I heard him utter the first note.

"Back in my head we were kissing. I thought things were going all right; with a sign on my back saying kick me, reality ruined my life. I feel like I'm constantly playing a game that I'm destined to lose 'cause I can't compete with your boyfriend-"

My eyes fluttered open and his back was towards me as he sat something down on the same table beside the duffle bag. "What song is that?" I asked him suddenly through the silence, making him jump just a little bit until he looked behind himself and realized it was only me.

"Oh, Anna. I thought you'd fallen back asleep," Harry told me, clutching his chest over his heart with his right hand. "Uh... It's a song I've been working on today called 'I Would'," he said answering my question and turning back to what he'd been doing before I'd startled him. "Would you like some pizza?" he asked me and I'd realized it was a pizza box he'd sat down on the table.

"Yes, I'm STARVING!" I replied melodramatically and he chuckled at me.

"Okay, okay! Don't get your knickers in a twist," Harry retorted and opened up the pizza box. "Is pepperoni alright?" he inquired.

"It's my favourite," I replied with a smile on my face. Without saying anything else, Harry picked up three slices of pizza; one in each hand and the other in his mouth. I held back my laughs and put my hand over my mouth.

Harry stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "What?" he asked me through a mouthful of pizza, making me laugh even more than I had been. He attempted a smile as he continued walking, but failed when the slice went tumbling to the tile floor.

"Harry!" I yelled at him disbelief.

"Shh!" he said shushing me, the other two pizzas in hand. "I can fix it," he finished and walked around the saucy mess in the floor over to me. "Here, take these." Harry handed me the food in his hands and I took them before he walked off, blindly groping the walls, looking for the light switch so we had light other than what was streaming in through the window on the door.

I rolled my eyes at the Cheshire boy with eyes similar to mine and couldn't help but smile. He was so overly-dramatic in everything he did, making him an absolute delight to be around; at least when he wasn't being a complete dickhead. I hadn't realized at first how nice of a person he actually was.

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