Chapter 17~ Lunchtime

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"Dear No One"- Tori Kelly

"Dear no one, this is your love song."


"Okay, so I think we should keep it in a simple key so it'll be fast and easy to record," I suggested to Niall. The other four boys had already tuned out because they had absolutely no idea what the two of us were talking about.

"Sounds good," Niall replied and strummed out a 'G' chords on his guitar.

"I'm hungry!" Louis yelled loudly.

"Shut up, Louis!" Niall shouted back at him and I chuckled at his bluntness.

"But it's past lunchtime and my tummy's growling!" Louis exclaimed again and then pulled his shirt up to reveal that a face had been drawn on his stomach in permanent ink. He started making it talk in some ridiculous voice of his. "Louis, I'm so hungry," he said for his own stomach. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tummy. Niall won't let us leave," he replied to himself.

"Louis, shut up. It's fine," I retorted.

"Mr. Tummy's the one who said it!" he shouted pointing to the face on his stomach.

"Well, tell Mr. Tummy to shut up too," I finished with a scowl on my face before I turned back to Niall and smiled. "It's fine... Let's finish."

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Niall asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"Of course. I'm not even hungry," I replied, but luck was not on my side. My stomach growled. I grinned innocently at him and he chuckled before taking the two guitars back to their places on the wall. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "We have to finish the song!"

"Calm down," he said as he walked back over to the stool I sat on. "We have plenty of time to get something to eat." He sighed and picked me up out of my chair, beginning to carry me out of the room until he was interrupted.

"FINALLY!" Harry shouted and ran out of the room in front of us. Louis sprinted out with him as well, almost knocking Niall and I over in the process, but luckily Zayn was right behind the two of us to put a hand on Niall's shoulder to steady him.

"Thanks, Zayn," Niall said through a sigh.

"Anytime," Zayn replied and smiled at him and then at me... That's when we heard the snoring. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The only person left in the studio was... I looked back at the same time Zayn and Niall did... Liam.

"That's a stereotypical daddy right there," Niall said and Zayn laughed loudly, causing Liam to jostle in his sleep, only making the two boys laugh even louder. I was confused though. I still didn't get the whole "daddy" thing. It didn't make any sense to me. It's not like he was actually their dad and he wasn't even a father at all... at least I sure hope not.

Zayn walked over to the table Liam was laying on and looked around until he found what he was searching for; a Sharpie. He picked it up and Zayn and Niall both gave each other devious smiles before Zayn took off the cap to the marker and turned to Liam.

Niall quickly sat me back down on the stool he'd just picked me up from and ran over next to Zayn to help him. "Sign my name, will ya?" I asked the two of them.

"Will do!" Zayn shouted over his shoulder before he and Niall began drawing... on Liam's face. About a minute later, they finished and Niall came back over to pick me up again. "Ta dah!" Zayn exclaimed while standing to the side so I could see how they had vandalized Liam's face with a black Sharpie.

I laughed so hard.

They had put on of those curly-q mustaches on his upper lip along with a monocle around his left eye. All three of our names (Zayn, Niall, and me, Aine) were written across his two cheeks. But that wasn't even the best part.

Written across his forehead in big bold letters was one word and one word only; a word that I had heard a lot having been raised in Ireland; a word that I'm kind of afraid to write down because I'm afraid someone might read this and send me to a mental institution thinking I was insane. What was that word?


Yes, that's exactly what it said. I almost pissed myself I was laughing so hard... metaphorically speaking of course. Besides, I'm pretty sure Zayn was closer to it than I was. He was practically rolling in the floor in his laughter. "We have to quit laughing before we wake him up," I managed to say through my laughing fits I got every time I looked at Liam's face again.

The lads breathed out their yesses and eventually out laughter died down. There was a pause full of silence as the three of us just stared at the decorations on Liam's face. "So who's gonna wake him up?" Zayn asked after what seemed like forever.

"I want to!" Niall whisper-shouted so he wouldn't wake Liam just yet.

"Sounds good," Zayn replied and smiled, giving him a thumbs up.

"I don't want to be here," I spoke up. "If I am, I'm going to die laughing." Niall held back a laugh. "So you remember?" I asked him and he nodded his head in reply.

"Of course I remember," Niall told me. "How could I forget the first time we hung out together?"


I was five years old. Niall and I had known each other only for a few months, but I'd never been over to his house or anything like that.

At least not until then.

The two of us had just gotten to his house after church, meaning it was a Sunday afternoon. Niall and I HAD been hanging out with his older brother, Greg until he laid down on the lounge room couch and fell asleep there, leaving Niall and I to entertain ourselves because Niall's parents were cooking lunch in the kitchen.

Without anything else to do, Niall and I had been forced to get out the colouring books and the colours. Niall sighed melodramatically. "This is so boring!" he shouted and put the cap back on the colour he had just been drawing with. I sighed as well and did the same, though I said nothing, being the shy person I was when I was a child. "We should do something fun," he finished.

I looked down at my hands in my lap. "Like what?" I questioned Niall as he looked around the room until his eyes landed on his big brother. The devious smile immediately spread out widely across his face. I followed his gaze with my own and smiled as well... We both stood up and ran over to stand in front of him, our colours in hand. Little did we know that there "colours we had gotten were permanent inked Sharpies.

Ten minutes later and viola; Greg's face was covered in drawings (may I remind you) by two five year olds with Sharpies in their tiny little paws. By that, I mean Niall and me.

Both Niall and I were struggling to keep in our fits of laughter as we continued to take in the masterpiece the two of us had made. There was a moustache drawn across his upper lip along with a monocle around his left eye. Across his forehead was written 'Dum But', bad spelling and all. I mean come on, now; we were only five. The two of us were cracking up laughing until one word interrupted us.

"Lunchtime!" Niall's mum shouted from the dining room.

Niall's eyes widened and so did mine. Why? Because we had to wake up Greg for lunch, which meant that Niall's parents were going to see him... but apparently Niall didn't really care. He immediately along with gently shook Greg's shoulders to wake him up. Niall's face was completely serene and serious. He always was a really good actor. The only problem was, that at the time;

I wasn't.

So as soon as Greg's eyes fluttered open, I cracked up laughing. Niall slowly turned to look at me with a look as Greg jumped up and ran to the bathroom to see what we had done.

*End of Flashback*

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now