Chapter 9~ Could He?

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"Do I Wanna Know?"- Acrtic Monkeys

"Do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways?"


It was already almost midnight and we were still playing 'Never Have I Ever', but now with a movie in the background. Thankfully, we had run out of whiskey before we all got too drunk, but we were still asking each other questions every once and a while, while we watched the movie. "Never Have I Ever; failed a test," Liam slurred out.

"Me either," I said and smiled.

"I definitely have," Harry told us slowly and Niall, Louis, and Zayn all mumbled their agreements. We sat in silence for a moment, watching the movie (which by the way was 'The Amazing Spiderman') until Louis spoke up again.

"Never Have I Ever; been suspended from school for starting a fight," Louis said.

"I can't say the same," Zayn chimed in.

"Really?" I asked. "Why did you start a fight?" Zayn sighed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I-... I don't really want to talk about it," Zayn told me in shaky voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Zayn," I said in a panic because I realized that I had hurt him. "I won't mention it again." He shook his head.

"It's okay," he reassured me. Then it was silent again. The six of us sat there in the quiet demeanor watching Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield on the television screen until eventually, they said something that made us all laugh, which (thankfully) lightened the mood between us all.

A few of the boys made comments on the movie (mostly about how hot Emma Stone was [even though I was pretty sure that they all had girlfriends]) until I thought of a problem with me being stuck there for the next few days. "What am I supposed to wear tomorrow?" I asked over the noise of the movie, which by now was really just background noise.

"Erm... I hadn't really thought about that," Niall said.

"She's about the same size as Perrie," Zayn chimed in. "I'll text her and make sure it's okay, but I'm sure she'll be fine with you borrowing some."

"Perrie who?" I questioned them all.

"Perrie Edwards," Harry told me. "It's Zayn's girlfriend." I looked over at Zayn as my eyes widened.

"Your girlfriend is Perrie Edwards?!" I asked excitedly.

Zayn gave me a bewildered look. "How do you know Perrie?" he questioned me.

"She was on the X-Factor a few years back wasn't she?" Zayn pursed his lips and slowly nodded his head. "That was a really good year on that show," I finished.

"Perrie was on the show the same year we were," Liam told me.

"How do you not know who we are?!" Harry shouted at me.

"I do now!" I exclaimed. "And don't you remember? You gave me a concussion today!" Harry sighed and sat back into the couch he sat in.

"It's okay, Hazza," Louis said comforting him. "It wasn't your fault."

I gave both Louis and Harry confused looks. "Yes, it was!" I yelled at both of them, hysteria present in my voice.

"Calm down, Aine," Niall whispered to me and pulled me closer to him. "Arguing will only make them more insane." I stifled a laugh and closed my eyes, listening to the beat of Niall's heart as I put my head against his chest.

It was quiet again for about another minute or so until Zayn's phone chimed, meaning he had received a text message. "Perrie said that it was fine," Zayn told me after he checked his iPhone 5... rich people...

"Good," was my intelligent response.

"You want to go get changed for bed right now?" Niall asked, looking over at me.

I shrugged. "Sure," I replied. So Niall slowly (and wobbly) stood up and I quickly rethought him carrying me all the way over to his flat. "Erm, are you sure you can carry me all the way there?" I asked, trying not to offend him or anything like that.

"Of course!" Niall slurred. He was almost as drunk as Harry. I guess that just proves that the Irish will be Irish... I also guess that I'm an exception to that rule.

But anyway, Niall picked me up before I could even protest and began carrying me towards the door and -surprise, surprise (not)- he fell over... backwards. Although, I was surprised he made it all the way into the hallway.

Thankfully, nothing was behind us and he kind of caught himself... At least he didn't hit his head like I had done earlier that day. But then I landed on top of him. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I asked Niall in a panicked voice.

"I'm fine," he replied, obviously mimicking what I'd said many times throughout that day. I rolled my eyes at him before looking down to see the smirk present on his face. I laughed at him, but as soon as my emerald green eyes met his crystal blue ones, I stopped and the smirk slowly faded from his face, becoming serious.

I was mesmerized.

The two of us sat there for a moment, just staring into each other's eyes, me still lying on top of Niall, our faces only centimeter away from each other's.  "Oh, getting a little too comfortable, now aren't we?" Harry asked staggering into the hallway.

I felt my cheeks get hot and I jumped up off Niall and sat on the floor against the wall. "What happened?" Liam asked as he walked over to us in the hallway. Niall hadn't even made it through the first door.

"Niall fell," I informed Liam.

"He didn't just fall," Harry said with a smirk on his face.

"Go to your room, Harry," Liam instructed.

"You're not my boss!" Harry shouted back at Liam.

"Harry, please go to your room," Liam repeated to him.

"Yes, daddy," Harry replied through a sigh and went through a door farther down the hallway which I was guessing was his bedroom.

"Is everything okay?!" Louis exclaimed as he ran into the hallway.

"Everything's fine!" Niall shouted as he sat up and leaned against the wall next to me.

"Are you sure?! Are you hurt, Niall?! What about you, Anna Marie? What happened! What's going on? WHY IS THE ROOM SPINNING?!" Louis ranted.

"Louis, go to your room," Liam said.

"NEVER!" he shouted and ran back into the general direction of the lounge. Liam rolled his eyes at Louis and sighed.

"Did Niall fall?" Zayn asked as he walked into the hallway.

"I did it on purpose," Niall said.

"Of course you did," Liam retorted sarcastically, but I had to stop and think. Did Niall really fall on purpose? No, he couldn't have. If he did fall on purpose that would've meant that he liked me. We'd been friends since we were kids. He was famous now. I was a nobody. He couldn't like me...

Could he?

"Hey, Niall," Zayn began, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I think I should carry Anna and I can show her where Perrie's clothes are," he suggested. Niall sighed shakily and nodded his head while rubbing his hands up and down his thighs. "Alright, let's go, Anna," Zayn said as he picked me up off of the floor. "We'll meet you back in the lounge," Zayn called over his shoulder.

I looked back at Niall as Zayn started walking away with me in his arms, and saw him grit his teeth and clench his fists just before we rounded the corner through the door to go up the stairs.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now