Chapter 31~ Drowning

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"Drowning (Face Down)" by Saving Abel

"I think I'm drowning. Can someone lend a hand? Can someone save me?' Cause I don't think I can."


I trudged up the sidewalk to the front door of my house, the key to the lock already in hand.

Let me fill you in a bit.

After Zayn and I had that little talk, the two of us went side by side out to the van. When we arrived, Harry was already in the passenger seat, his eyes locked on his phone as he sat oblivious to what was going on around him. Louis on the other hand sat in the drivers seat, shouting frantically at Liam and Niall who were busy trying to fit all of the instruments into the boot of the car once again- it was a wonder how Louis had gotten it in there in the first place.

I ran up to Niall's side and assessed the situation, stopping he and Liam from going any further. "What are you doing, love?" Liam asked sweetly as I began to take things out of the car. I glanced over my shoulder to see Liam, Niall, and Zayn all giving me looks of concern.

"Don't worry," I told them confidently. "I'm a master at Tetris."

No more than two minutes later, I had the whole van packed and ready to go. They were all pretty impressed to say the least.

Anyway; after I was finished, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and I piled into the back of the van where Louis and Harry already were- Harry still mesmurized by his iPhone and Louis still telling us all to "hurry the hell up."

"So where to now?" Louis questioned us all (but mostly Liam) as soon as the last door had closed behind Zayn.

We all glanced over at Liam and he shrugged. "Back to ours, I guess," he told Louis- who immediately groaned at the information, along with all the rest of us. We had been stuck in that house for two days; I don't think any of us really wanted to go back there at all, including Liam. "Well, where else would we go?" Liam asked again.

The sly grin broke out on my face almost immediately.

Eventually, I convinced the lads to hang out at my house. After they'd agreed, it took us about five minutes of Louis' once again hectic driving before we reached it.

"This is your house?" Harry asked me in disbelief from behind me on the porch along with all of the other boys.

I nodded my head. "Well, it's the company's that I work for. They just let me live here," I explained to them while unlocking the front door and pushing it open to reveal my front entryway. I stepped inside and put my keys on the table beside the door.

The boys followed me inside as well, looking around at my house. They stood there, all five of them, their eyes wide and their mouths agape. "Holy shit," Liam finally said. I cracked up laughing at them all.

"Never thought someone with less followers on twitter than you would have a bigger house, huh?" I questioned them, but mostly Harry. He met my gaze and rolled his eyes at me, but I just ignored him and walked through the entryway and into my lounge, looking back over my shoulder at the lads who were still standing there like complete bozos. "You boys coming in or not?" I inquired of them.

They all mumbled their yesses and closed the door behind them before walking into the lounge as well. I plopped down on the couch in front of the television, but the boys continued walking around looking at everything. "How big is this place?" Louis asked, looking down the long, dark hallway.

"Erm, well it's got six bedrooms and four bathrooms, two different lounges, along with a gigantic kitchen, a weight room, and then a heated pool and a hot tub in the backyard," I replied only to have the boys looking at me once again with wide eyes.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now