Chapter 20~ Cool Kids

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"Cool Kids"- Echosmith

"I wish that I could be like the cool kids, 'cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in."


"Anyway, what kind of sandwich do you want, Aine?" Niall asked me and let go of my hand.

I sighed but answered anyway. "Whatcha got?" I inquired.

"Pretty much everything," Zayn replied for Niall. I nodded and pursed my lips to think.

"Okay... then I'd like some ham, bacon, and salami, plus cheese, mustard... ranch dressing and barbeque sauce," I told them and looked up to see all of their eyes wide and their jaws dropped: all except for Niall's of course. "Please?" I finished and grinned cheekily.

"That's creepy," Harry said, his eyes still wide.

"What's creepy?" I questioned, a bewildered look on my face.

"Nothing," Niall replied and shook his head, glaring over at Harry, Zayn, and Liam before getting to work on my sandwich.

"Are you sure you guys-" Zayn began.

"Shut up, Zayn," Niall said, cutting his off. Zayn held his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, don't get your panties in a wad," he retorted and we all laughed including Niall who was trying to hide it.

"Here you go," Niall said and handed me a non-breakable plate with my sandwich on it.

"That was fast," I replied in a skeptical tone. I especially knew that there was an art in perfecting what I had come to know as my sandwich. I hadn't ever met a person that could make my sandwich in under five minutes other than myself of course.

"Hm, I wonder why!" Harry exclaimed and gazed over at Niall with a weird expression on his face.

"Shut your trap, Harry!" Niall shouted back and began making himself a sandwich as well. There was a pause of silence as Harry walked over to stand beside me.

Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You know-" he started.

"Hands off," Niall snapped and Harry took his arm off from around my shoulders, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Anyway!" Harry began again. "You and Niall have A LOT of things in common. It's kind of-" he paused looking for the right word. "-creepy."

I shrugged. "Well of course," I replied. "I practically grew up in his house... Why does it matter?"

Zayn shook his head. "It doesn't," he told me. I gave them a bewildered look, but then just rolled my eyes and went back to eating my sandwich. "You see, that's exactly what Niall would do in your situation!" Zayn exclaimed.

"I thought you just said that it didn't matter," I said, putting my sandwich back down on my plate.

"Right," Harry replied, then took a bite out of his sandwich that he'd spent about ten minutes perfecting. I scoffed at him as Niall came to sit down in the stool beside me with his sandwich he made himself on a plate in front of him.

I studied him for a second... He was flawless. At least in my eyes he was. His foggy blue eyes were sparkling even in the artificial light of the kitchen. His face was chiseled into the perfect shape and I'm not gonna lie: he was built. He took a bite of his sandwich and it looked very similar to mine.

Oh! That's what they were talking about!

"What do you mean?" Liam asked me. I glanced up at all of them in a daze and realized that they were all staring at me like I was insane.

"Did I say that out loud?" I questioned. Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall all nodded their heads simultaneously. "Oops," I finished and smiled cheekily. Niall laughed at me and took my hand as the other boys laughed as well. "I can't believe you still eat my sandwich," I said to Niall, pulling his hand up to my lips.

He shrugged. "Everyone thought I was weird, but it was worth it to be able to remember you," Niall told me.

"Aw," I said as the smile broke out on my face. He could always make me feel so much better about myself. Niall smiled as well and leaned forward to peck my lips, but all too soon, neither of us wanted to pull away just yet.

"TOO COMFORTABLE!" Harry shouted again, completing the act with some fake gagging, but still, we didn't stop.

"Yeah, seriously... Get a room!" Zayn shouted. I pulled away and glared at Zayn in irritation, who was chomping away on some kind of sandwich. "What" he questioned innocently.

"I'm back!" Louis shouted in a sing-song voice as he walked into the kitchen once again, over to the island to stand beside Harry.

"Boo- bear!" Harry exclaimed. "I made you your favourite sandwich." Harry handed him a plate with some weird type of sandwich on it and Louis cheered, took the plate from him, and began eating it quite quickly. Not even a minute later, the sandwich he had was gone and he was holding his plate out to Harry with a dorky smile on his face. Harry, his mouth still full of the bite he'd just taken, looked at him like he was crazy. "I'm not making you another one," Harry finished.

"Harry!" Louis whined and stomped his feet.

"Louis, quit acting like a two year old," Zayn said.

"No!" Louis whined again.

"Lewis, if you can't quit acting like this, I'm going to have to send you to your room," Liam said in a calm tone of voice.

"My name is NOT Lewis!" Louis yelled.

"Louis, please go to your room," Liam told him.

"NEVER!" he shouted and ran back into the general direction of the lounge. Liam rolled his eyes at Louis and sighed.

"Here we go again," Niall said and I laughed, knowing that he was referring to what had happened the night before.

Five minutes later and we had all eventually finished our sandwiches. The only problem was that we had no idea where Louis had gone when he'd left. "We HAVE to find him before he breaks something," Liam said frantically, who had thankfully used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to get the Sharpie off of his face.

"Let's split up," Zayn suggested and the boys and I agreed with him. Niall began to reach for me to pick me, but I stopped him before he could.

"I should be able to walk again," I told him.

His eyebrows furrowed. "How do you know?" Niall asked.

"Erm... just a feeling," I replied and smiled nervously.

Niall paused for a moment to think it through, pursing his lips, but eventually nodded his head. "Okay," he replied. I smiled at him and stood up from the stool. I danced around in a little circle just to prove my point to him and he grinned while laughing lightly at me. "Alright, alright; I get your point," he finished. At that exact moment, I "Lost my balance" and fell over into his arms. "Oh my gosh, Aine, are you okay?!" Niall asked frantically as Liam, Zayn, and Harry all came to stand around me.

"Calm down, I'm just joshin' with ya!" I exclaimed and then jumped up to stand on my feet.

"Quit doing that," Niall replied and stood up, snaking his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Once again; TOO COMFORTABLE!" Harry yelled for the second time. I looked over at him as Niall continued to stare at me and I raised an eyebrow.

"You think this is too comfortable?" I asked Harry as I wriggled out of Niall's grasp and began advancing on him. "If you want 'too comfortable,' I'll give you-" I paused and got right up in his face. "-too comfortable." I stopped and glared into his green eyes that were very similar to mine before turning back around, running over to Niall, and dragging him out of the kitchen by his hand.

"Aine, what are you doing?!" Niall whisper-shouted over to me as we ran to his bedroom.

"Just trust me!" I whisper-shouted back to him just before the two of us ran into his bedroom and I slammed the door behind the two of us and locked it before anyone else could even think about getting inside.

My Summer Love~ A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now