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*Alarm rings*

"Ugh another day  of being tortured" She mumbled to herself

"Hey I probably haven't introduced myself.Well my name is Sheryl I don't want to say my last name because I don't know who my real parents are.You see,I was adopted by the most lovely couple in the world (Note the sarcasm),they never learned to love me,they pick on me,make me do chores......oh and did I mention that they abuse me for no reason at all?.Anyways I thought that going to school will be like freedom to me but no,it's just the same"......

"SHERYL GET YO ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" my mother said.I chose to ignore her and get ready for school because either way I was going to get hit.My outfit consisted of a long black maxi skirt with a checkered long sleeve and a pair of converses and decided to go with my natural looks.

As soon as I opened the door to my room I made sure that it was clear.Once I made sure,I made a dash to the kitchen to grab my backpack,as I turned around my mother hit me on the head with the empty beer bottle she was drinking.

"WHEN I TELL YOU TO COME HERE NOW I MEAN NOW YOU DIRTY WHORE" she shrieked,I just sat there crying my eyes out and taking all the kicks and punches she keeps throwing at me because what was I supposed to do?I couldn't defend myself.

A knock at the door made her stop,she made herself look presentable before answering the door just to see my dad coming in with his mates.I got up and crept quietly up to my room and tried to find a way to get to school before it's too late.I noticed that my bedroom window was open and decided to climb out there and then climb down the tree.As I got down I saw my dad through the kitchen window staring right at me.

"Shit"  I gasped as soon as he started running towards the front door.I quickly ran all the way to school,lucky I was fast enough or else I would've been dead meat.I got to school just as the bell went for the first period to see my best friend Hope waiting for me.

"Where the fuck have you been?.I waited for 20 mins for you to get your ass to school" She said looking pissed off. "Sorry but you know what my parents are like.I had to go through all that again today and guess what?She acted like she doesn't give me a hiding everyday" I said sarcastically. "OMG why won't you just let me beat that bitch up?She ain't nothing but a whore,spreading her legs open to every guy she sees,I swear she is a pedo" she replied angrily.I just shrugged.

As we were about to enter through to our first class Hope said "After school today we are going to the mall to have fun,yah know, get some things off your mind" as I was about to decline she quickly said "No buts.My treat,im shouting you today" before she walked off to her seat.

I guess I'm going to the mall today after school."Yay" I said sarcastically before going to my seat as well.


What did you think of the first chapter?

So what did y'all think of Hope?

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The Tattooed Mafia Man **EDITING**Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя