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After the meeting with the guys I took Sheryl to the room so that we could have our own little talk.

"We need to talk"I said and she sighed but sat down on the bed

"You know how I went to that meeting earlier today?"I asked


"Well it was about you"I said and her eyes widened

"What did I do?I did nothing wrong"she said as tears began filling her eyes

"I know love,you did nothing wrong don't cry"I said and she wiped her eyes.I remembered that she gets emotional easily,it's either that or because she on her.........you know what.

"What is it then?" she asked

"Someones been stalking you" I said 

"WHAT?!!"she screamed and I covered my ears as she stood up and paced around the room

"Someone has been stalking you,they took photos and sent it to a guy I know"I explained 

"Do you think it was those guys who came the other night?" she stopped and asked

"It's a possibility,It crossed my mind but I'm not 100% sure"I said

"Okay,thanks for telling me anyway"she said and smiled

"To be honest I wasn't gonna tell you but then I promised to follow all of your 7 rules and I'm not one to break a promise,I'm a man of my words"I said 

"So I've been told"she scoffed and came back to the bed but this time she straddled my lap and wrapped her tiny arms around my torso. I've noticed that she always does this when she wants to sleep and I'm getting used to it and I guess I'm sleeping better now once I'm with her,but she still doesn't know about my nightmares.

Yeah I sound like a wuss but I have bad dreams as well.It's about the room at the end of the hallway,the last time I set foot in there was when I was about 4 or 5 years old,I was chained to the wall by my mother and she'd starve me and the only time she'll come and get me is when my father is looking for me.

I've always wondered if I had a real mother who actually loved me,someone who would have brought  me up well and let me have a proper childhood like every other kid did.My father was the only person who was there for me,he taught me everything I needed to know in order to stay safe because he said that I was a target and that they would kill me if they have the chance to and also because he was the biggest mafia leader.

I always looked up to my father and wanted to be him one day but he suddenly passed.I was broken but I knew that I had to take over his empire and become the new leader as he always told me.I didn't want to kill people and all but its a habit of when I get angry.You could say I have anger issues,before I met Sheryl I was out and about getting drunk,laid and killing people to relieve stress.

Once Sheryl came into my house I became a different person,I mean I turned into a softie and I'm nice to men......well most of the times.But other than that she's changed me without knowing that she did.Every time I'd get angry,she'll come to me and try and make me laugh and it feels like I had what I never had as a kid.

I looked down and saw her sleeping on my chest and somehow her thumb got into her mouth.I shook my head and went to lay her down on my bed.I was trying to put her down but she just clung onto my shirt and wouldn't let go.

"I'll be right back babe,I'll be in the bathroom if you need me"I whispered and she slowly let go of my shirt but still sucked on her thumb

I went to brush my teeth and changed into a pair of shorts before going back to the room.I saw her curled up into a little ball and the black color of the sheet brought out the blond of her hair.I slid in beside her and she immediately cuddled up next to me and threw one of her legs over mines.

I'm lucky to have her,she's too innocent for this world and I don't know what I'd do without her or how to keep her safe with all my enemies after her.

~Next day~

I woke up and turned hoping to see Sheryl but no one was there.I propped myself on my elbow and saw her standing in my white shirt in the bathroom and I watched and smirked at her at the same time.She turned around and saw me watching her and she rolled her eyes.

"What?"she asked walking out of the bathroom

"Nothing"I said still smirking at her,she didn't notice that the shirt was up around her waist and her red lace undies were on display

"Then why you looking at me like that?"

"Oh nothing"I  said and bit my lip and tried not to look down so she wouldn't see

"Stop looking at me like that then"she said crossing her arms over her chest which only pushed her breasts up making them look bigger.She was walking to the door when I stopped her.

"Where you going?"I asked

"To have breakfast?duh"she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Babe,if I were you,I'd pull down that shirt because your undies are on display and you don't wanna be embarrassed in front of everyone do you?"I said with a smirk.She looked down and gasped before pulling down the white fabric as I laughed at her.

"You pervert"she said and walked out

I shook my head and went to brush my teeth and put on a shirt before going downstairs.Like every morning,there is always a fight but this time it's Leo and Alberto

"What now?"I asked

"Alberto called Leo gay and that he has a small dick and that that's the reason why he doesn't have a girlfriend yet"Damien said and kept looking at the two yelling profanities at each other.

Sheryl,Hope and Maiyah were sitting on the couch eating popcorn and enjoying what was going on.


"ISN'T THAT A QUESTION I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU?"Leo screamed back and tried to punch him but Alessandro and Lorenzo were holding him back

"BITCH PUUHHLEEAAZZZEEEEE I GET LAID EVERY NIGHT,AT LEAST I GOT LAID AND DON'T HAVE WRINKLY BALLS"Alberto shouted at him but in a high pitched voice but I think he just does that from time to time

"GET LAID FROM WHAT?!YOUR HAND?"Leo said back and the girls were shouting 'OOOH'S' and 'AHHH'S' every time someone gets roasted

Alberto was about to say something but Nicholas came into the room with a gun and shot it in the air.The room went silence and I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen

"ALL OF Y'ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP,YOUS ARE IMMATURE ASSHOLES GROW THE FUCK UP"Nicholas shouted and then joined me in the kitchen

"Having fun?"I asked

"Yup,a lot of fun" he replied with a smirk and we bumped fists

He's protective when it comes to family and he doesn't trust easily.The only person he talks to is either me or Sheryl but when it comes to the rest he's not normal he turns into someone else.He was a hard guy to talk to but in the end he warmed up to them and accepted their stupid ways.


You guys had a little peep about Nicholas' life

Do you guys want me to do a background about all the guys' lives?

Sheryl is killing Vincent slowly,he wants her but she's not aware of it

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