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After I saw her shoot the punching bag three times after looking at me I just lost it.I walked up the stairs and into the kitchen,I saw everyone sitting around the table and Sheryl standing eating an apple.

I went to the fridge and then heard Sheryl saying "Mark,can I talk to you for a minute,Privately?" followed by footsteps.I turned around and saw Hope looking at me and her eyebrows scrunched together.

"What the fuck did you do to my best friend?"She asked and I just shrugged at her,she hopped off her seat and walked towards me and stood right in front of my face.

"Listen here,just because she likes you doesn't mean you can take it for granted,she has had enough bullshit going on in her life and you're just another problem to her.You know what your probl-"She said but I cut her off with a kiss.

I don't know why I did it but she was just annoying and I hate when girls talk a lot.I heard a gasp and then soft sobs,I pulled away from Hope and smirked at Sheryl.She ran out of the kitchen and Hope punched me in the jaw,

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!,YOU'RE BREAKING MY FRIENDSHIP WITH HER,YOU SELFISH BASTARD"she said as her face turned red.She turned to walk away but I grabbed her arm and collared her and pushed her up against the wall.

"You don't get to touch me or speak to me like that,bitch I could end your life with a single bullet"I sneered at her and I pulled out my gun and pointed it to her head."Do you hear me?"I asked and I got no response.

"I SAID DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME?!"I shouted in her face and she nodded her head quickly.I released her and she fixed herself up while storming out the kitchen doors and up the stairs.I smiled remembering what it was like to be abusive to someone,I never thought I'd do it to a girl but I did and it felt weird.

Mark later on walked in the kitchen and stared at me for a long time.

"Dude I know I'm good looking but I'm not gay"I said and he scoffed

"Come on man what happened?there's a time where you're into Sheryl and now you don't?Man that's fucked up."He said and I stopped and looked at him.He has no idea I kissed Hope but I'll keep it that way.

"You know how my mother tried to kill me when I was younger?and my life got fucked up?Yeah I'm preparing myself for when she finally finds out the monster I am and leaves me.I have no feelings and I blocked them out a long time ago."I said not putting an effort in to what I was saying.

He looked at me and he looked disappointed?

"You're pushing away the people who care about you the most,when are you going to start realizing that?"He asked then walked out the doors.After he said that I got angry and started trashing the kitchen,throwing anything I could find.I tried to calm myself down because deep down I knew he was right,I was pushing people away who actually cared for me besides him.

I wanted to make things right but I think seeing her shoot the bag changed everything about her,she won't want to see me going into her room.I even told her that I was going back to the old me.I fucked things up with her,I have a problem and it's because of my upbringing.You see,I never had a normal childhood.

My dad taught me how to shoot from when I was 7 years old.He always told me that there is going to be the time when he dies and he's leaving his money with me.He told me that my mum was a gold digger and to be careful,that's why he taught me how to shoot at a young age.

He prepared me for the worse.I sighed and walked up to my room.I saw a figure standing in the corner of the bedroom looking at the photos of the younger me there,I grabbed my gun out of the back of my slacks.

The Tattooed Mafia Man **EDITING**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora