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After first period me and Hope walked to our next class which was English. We were the first ones there, like always, we sat in the middle because Hope has a thing with sitting in the front and the back, she prefers to to be seated in the middle.

About half way through the lesson I hear Hope cussing out some girls at the back of us, so I turned to see who it was, and it was Britney aka the most dumbest bitch alive. She's popular, dates the quarterback of the football team and she picks on everyone that isn't popular so you know the typical white chicks.

"Shut the fuck up you fake hair, everyone in this class knows that your hair ain't real" Hope says as the class laughs. Britney turns red and so does her friends, she screams and runs out of the classroom and the teacher applauds Hope.

"About time someone stood up to the annoying hoe" and the class erupted in laughter again and I actually found myself smiling at this. 

*Ring !* *Ring !*

Me and Hope walked out of class to go the cafeteria to get our seats. We went in line to get us some food when Britney came into the cafeteria looking for a certain someone, but then she caught my gaze and came straight up to me with her minions while Hope was too busy talking about food.

She stopped in front of me and within the snap of her fingers a fist connected with my jaw, I fell on the floor holding my cheek and looked up to see who it was. There stood her boyfriend shaking his hand and laughing at me with his friends but they brought a lot of people with them, it was almost the whole school. Everyone was laughing at me when Hope suddenly grabbed her tray and smashed it on Britney's head and then everyone forgot about me and laughed about her, Hope grabbed me by the arm and we ran to the bathroom.

We waited until the bell rang for the next period which was in about 2 minutes. Once it did ,me and Hope rushed to science. It wasn't long till the bell rang again for lunch time. We went to the cafeteria and found a table which no one uses and sat there. More and more kids came in but the person who stood out to me the most was Britney and her boyfriend, I avoided them because I knew they were looking for me. Just as I thought they were gone,I looked up to find Britney's boyfriend smirking at me before he grabbed me in a choking hold as everyone was recording. Hope stood on the table and started yelling at him to let me go, Britney along with her crew were laughing at me losing breath. I couldn't breathe properly and I'm pretty sure my face was red turning purple, that was until Hope grabbed her tray once again and smashed it on Britney's boyfriends head instantly knocking him out because she hit him multiple times.

We decided to skip school early and went to the mall like she said. It was 3:40 when we got there, Hope was talking about some getting some new clothes and that while I was just daydreaming about what will happen tomorrow until I was knocked to the floor by something. I looked up to see a handsome man looking down at me as I looked at him in fear, thinking he will hit me like everyone else has but he didn't he just stood there staring at me. Hope gasped and came to help me stand up. We looked at both of the men and looked down shyly but they looked Italian.

"Come on Sheryl let's go" Hope said breaking the silence.When she left I mumbled a quick sorry before turning around to catch up with Hope who was already ahead of me.

When I was walking I felt eyes watching me and I turned around to see both men still looking at us, I turned my head back around quickly and kept on walking. Once I rounded the corner I saw Hope jumping up and down excitedly, she was literally fan girling.

"OMG! did you see how hot they were?Oh god I'd totally hit that" She said still jumping as an old couple looked at us weirdly when Hope gave them the finger before we walked off.

We went home around 5:25.I told her to take all my shopping to her house because my parents would not approve and would just hit me if I came in with any bags of shopping. I sighed seeing the mess on the floor knowing that I would have to clean it up anyways. I dropped my bag on the floor and started cleaning,  I went to the living room to see bottles everywhere and no one in sight. I cleaned it up before going my room, I walked in on my mum doing the dirty deed with one of my dad's mates, I gasped and I guess a bit too loud because she snapped her head towards and glared at me.

She got off his dick and came to me punching and kicking me saying that I was useless to her while the man behind her was laughing at me and calling me a whore let's just say that I cried myself to sleep that night.


How do you guys feel about her mum?

What would you do if you were in her position?

Comment down below.

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