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Fast forward to when she's 8 and half months

To say that I'm in pain is an understatement,I feel like i'm about to fucking die.I just found out that i'm pregnant with a son and I'm happy about that don't get me wrong but I felt depressed because I know that he's going to a lot like Vincent.I miss him but once I give birth to this beautiful boy I'm going to move back to where Vincent and the rest of the family are.

I sat there crying thinking that when I return they would all hate me for faking my death but I had to do it for a good reason.Vincent made it pretty clear that he didn't want any babies so I had to move away from him and raise this little one on my own for a bit.

"Girl!Are you okay?"Yvry said rushing to my side but being careful because she was 3 months pregnant

"Yeah I'm fine I just hate the fact that I even left my baby daddy in the first place,I left everything behind even my 2 best friends"I said blowing my nose 

"You'll be united with them very soon and I know they won't be mad at you because they love you,even though I haven't met them they sound like nice people"Yvry said holding her bump and admiring it

"Will you be alright though when I leave?"I asked

"Of course,I have a lot in my savings right now and trust me being a teacher at a young age has its perk.Talk about one of the male teachers there,ugh just wish he was mines already"Yvry said dreamily

"Well"I started off trying to get my self off the floor

"..you go get what you want,don't let others stop you from doing that"I said grunting once I stood up properly.

As I stood up straight I felt pain in my lower region,I held my stomach when I was confronted when another strike of pain.I felt warm liquid soak through my tights and onto the floor.I looked up at Yvry and she was already on the phone with the ambulance.In a few minutes the ambulance arrived and they took me in their van.The nurse holding onto my hand while the pain was becoming more stronger told me that I was about to give birth.I made it on the bed in the hospital when all the men exited the room and the ladies took off my clothes and replaced it with a hospital gown.

I put my legs on the metal thingy that was on both sides

"You're crowning,I can see the baby's head.When I tell you to push I need to give a big push alright?"She said.The pain was unbearable and I couldn't say anything so I just nodded my head

"Will the father be here?"The nurse asked and again I shook my head no in response.There were three ladies in the room,one held my hand,one was where my legs were and the other one was where the table of metal stuff were.

"Alright push"she said

"AAAAAHHHH"I screamed as I pushed,I felt like I was taking a big shit but it was coming out of my vagina

"Breath and then push again"

"AAAAHHHH"I screamed an ear piercing scream and then I let my head fall when I heard the sound of a baby cry

"It's a boy Congratulations"

I cried tears of joy as I watched the nurse cut the umbilical cord.They washed him and handed him to me.He opened his eyes and I saw that they were green,just like Vincent.I sobbed and held onto him before he was taken away from me so that he could feed and that I could get some rest.

"What would you like to name him?"

"Miguel Vinny Russo"I said smiling at my little bundle of joy who was fast asleep in his cot

I took my time showering seeing as I had to wash off the blood and be careful because of the stitches that they had just put in.


Short chapter yeah yeah I know but like I said the story is coming to an end

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The Tattooed Mafia Man **EDITING**Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ