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I messaged Mark to meet me outside my room because although our rooms are next to each other, I didn't want to let the whole house know what I was doing. I got dressed in my black suit and met him outside my door
"Keep a close eye on Hope because the Snakes might take her and use her as leverage to Sheryl"I said and studied his facial expression. His eyes darkened for a moment and then disappeared when he said "Yeah don't worry I'll keep an eye on her". We heard feminine voices coming from downstairs and it sounding like arguing so we headed downstairs to see what was going on.

We walked downstairs and saw one of my one night stands wearing skimpy clothing and eyeing my girl up and down in disgust. I widen my eyes when I saw what she was wearing, she noticed me and said "Vincent! Honey, that ugly bitch over there was harassing me at the door".

Suddenly Hope busted through the kitchen doors "WHO'S THE BITCH??" she said while looking at the girl in front of me, I was about to kick the girl out of my house when Sheryl came up to her and pulled her hair and punched her face repeatedly and she shouted at her,


I watched her in awe and knew that Sheryl was not that innocent, she was a real bad ass when she wanted to and as much as I wanted to watch this I knew I had to stop them.

I grabbed Sheryl and pulled her away from the girl who was getting blood onto my floors. Sheryl calmed down and looked like she was ready to go for a round 2, she pushed me away and walked up to the girl,

"Next time you come into this house, show some respect and remember not to touch my man or else your nose won't be the only thing that will be broken" she said and the girl nodded her head quickly.

Sheryl grabbed her by her fake hair shoved her out the door."YAASSSSS BITCH!"Hope shouted while jumping on the spot and Sheryl just smiled at her,obviously proud of what she had done.

Me and Mark eyed her out like we didn't know her anymore,she came up to me and kissed me deeply and said "Is there another bitch I need to beat up?",I shook my head no and smirked at her and she smirked back.We all went to the kitchen and Mark and Hope followed right behind us,we saw that the maids had already made our breakfast while all the commotion was going on in the living room.

As I sat down, I saw that Sheryl was going to sit down on the seat next to me but I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto my lap. I looked across the table and saw Mark doing the same thing to Hope, she looked at Sheryl and they both turned a shade of red while me and Mark smirked at each other. Once we were done Sheryl and Hope hopped off our laps and ran outside to the backyard, me and Mark shook our heads at their childish attitudes but followed them to the back anyways.

We got there and didn't see them anywhere and they didn't even make a sound. I looked at Mark and saw that he had already pulled out his gun and I did the same before checking my surroundings. I walked towards the trees and saw that there was no one there and then I told Mark to come my way and I pointed to the ground where I saw footsteps and realized that someone had been here.

I heard rustling in the trees and before we could look up a thick gooey substance had fallen on top of our heads followed by laughter.I rubbed the gooey thing off my eyes and looked up to see Sheryl and Hope sitting up there with their phones out recording what happened. It was too early for their shit and theyre lucky we're cool even though we're killers but I smiled knowing that Sheryl was happy. I turned to Mark who gave Hope a scowl which resulted to Hope laughing even more.

I dragged Mark into the house and we made a deal that we would figure out a way to get back at them but not now. Mark smirked and walked me up the stairs to his room, he lifted up his bed and pulled out water guns,balloons, flour, bags of chocolate and many other things. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged before grabbing the chocolate and putting in a bowl before putting it in the microwave to melt.I filled up the balloons and put them in a big bowl and Mark halved the melted chocolate into 2 big plastic bowls. I grabbed the flour and poured it into a different bowl and then we carried everything down stairs and hid them in the theater room which was right behind the couches of the living room.We waited in the theater room for the girls to come into the living room.

We heard footsteps coming inside before hearing them jump onto the couch and turning on the t.v. I turned to Mark and nodded at him showing him that it was time to get even, he smirked and grabbed the water balloons, a bowl of melted chocolate and a bowl of flour before going to stand behind Hope, I repeated his actions and stood behind Sheryl. They were talking about a T.v show when we both threw the water balloons on them and laughed as they shrieked, we poured the melted chocolate on them as they froze, feeling the gooey substance drenching their clothes.We waited for them to stop screaming before we tipped the flour on top of them, Mark fell on the floor laughing out loud and holding his stomach and I just stood laughing at them.We walked to the front of them and started laughing again because they were all white from the flour, they both puffed out the flour covering their mouths before looking at one another. Sheryl stood up and Hope followed her, they screamed and ran towards us, Sheryl jumped on me and Hope jumped on Mark which caused both of us to fall.

They rubbed themselves on us before stopping and straddling our waist. Sheryl looked like she just won a trophy. Mark was glaring at Hope and Hope was laughing and jumping up and down on his member,he groaned and covered his face as Hope turned red and stopped. I saw Sheryl laughing at them and so I flipped her over so she was on the bottom and I was on top,

"You wanna be a bad girl today?" I asked in a husky voice while giving her a hickey and i noticed she tightened her legs and I smirked at the reaction I got. Inodded to Mark which was telling him to go away and he nodded, grabbing Hope and walking upstairs with a smile.

I faced Sheryl and saw that she already turned red and she used her hands to cover her face. I removed her hands,

"Aw, do you not want to play anymore?" I asked in a teasing voice and she shook her head very quickly,"But the fun was just getting started"I said while looking in her eyes. I got off her and picked her up before walking up to the room , i placed her on the bed despite that she was covered in flour and watched her every move. I shook my head and started removing my clothes and she watched me closely.

Once I was done I jumped on the bed and crawled towards her, she eyes lit up and as I got closer to her she laughed out loud and pushed me off the bed before running into the bathroom and locking it behind her. I swear this girl is gonna give me blue balls, I waited for her to finish and just as she did she called out to me to bring her a towel,I smirked and knew that this was my perfect revenge on her.

"No come and get it yourself"I said.

"No I'm naked Vincent, just grab me a towel please"she pleaded.

I thought about it for a while,

"No this is payback for what you did to me this past week"
She walked out of the bathroom using her hands to cover her private parts and her hair covered her face as she looked down. I stood up and moved her hair out of her face and removed her hands from her body.

"Don't be ashamed of your body" I said as she continued to look down at her feet

"I'm just not used to being naked in front of a man, I just don't want to lose my virginity yet, I was saving it for marriage or at least I'm not ready for that" she said while turning a bright shade of red when she looked up I noticed she had watery eyes. I widened my eyes and grabbed a towel from behind me and wrapped it around her body.

"I'm sorry for making you feel like that, but I'm not gonna be the one who takes away your innocence from you, okay?"I said honestly while we stared into each others eyes

She smiled and nodded before going to my closet and grabbing one of my dress shirts before putting it on and hopping on to the bed. She put her face in the pillow and sighed out loudly, I rolled my eyes and went for a quick shower before slipping on some boxers and heading off to bed with her. I found her tiny body sprawled out across the whole bed with my shirt riding up a little,I gently pushed her over to her side and got in and she immediately cuddled up next to me.


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