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"Why did you bring me with you?" Miyako asked as she examined a can of vegetables

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"Why did you bring me with you?" Miyako asked as she examined a can of vegetables.

"Why do you talk so fucking much?" Katsuki retorted, snatching the can from her and placing it in the hand held basket.

Miyako rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I don't, I'm just confused as to why the great and mighty Katsuki Bakugo would drag along me," Miyako muttered sarcastically.

Katsuki scoffed and stalked off, making a smirk grow onto her lips. Miyako hummed quietly underneath her breath as she fell into step beside him.

"So, Bakugo," Miyako began, earning a glare in response, "When did you become a housewife?" She asked, a smirk.

An irk mark formed on Katsuki's head second before he whirled around, anger burning in his crimson eyes as he yelled, "I'M NO DAMN HOUSEWIFE YOU SHITTY GIRL!!"

A nervous bead of sweat rolled down Miyako's temple and she quickly rose her hands, waving them about before her face, "O-Of course not, B-Bakugo!" She stammered out, "It was just a joke,"

Katsuki whirled around, allowing Miyako to release a short breath of relief. Miyako quickly fell into step beside him, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her jeans. Her eyes flicked over towards the clock, frowning when she realized that it was almost ten.

"Is this all? I really need to get home," Miyako stated.

"Damn woman, be patient. I still have to pay," Katsuki mumbled something beneath his breath as he dropped the basket onto the counter.

A small grunt left her lips as she silently waited for him to gather everything. He switched the bags around a bit before setting off towards the door.

"Do you need some help, Bakugo?" Miyako asked, tilting her head at him.

"NO!" He spat, "I can do it,"

Miyako looked at him before sighing, "Just trying to help," She mumbled silently.

"Well I don't need any help from a damn extra," He spat.

"I understood you the first fucking time you pigheaded dick!" Miyako retorted.

Silence fell upon them for a moment when Bakugo made an abrupt turn towards a house, "You can come inside for a bit if you want," He stated, "Or you can wait out here,"

Miyako rose a confused brow, "Wha-? Are..are you going to walk me home?" She asked.

"Its a fucking miracle how someone as dim minded as you got into fucking U.A.," He muttered, walking towards the house, "You are happy to walk by yourself through that fucking place," He informed, opening the door.

Miyako glanced around the street, a small frown on her lips before she quickly scurried after the ash-blonde male. She peeked into the house, it was certainly much more beautiful than her house.

Katsuki walked into the kitchen, setting the bags down on the counter. Miyako could barely speak before he grabbed her arm and pushed her back outside, closing the door behind him.

"Lead the way," He demanded, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.

After about ten minutes of walking in complete silence, Miyako started to feel her nerves gettung worked up. What if I look weird? Is there something in my teeth? Can he tell I'm nervous? Her arms folded over her chest as she silently moved along the sidewalk.

Miyako turned her head to look at him, finally summoning up the courage to talk to him, "Thank you," She mumbled, "You didn't have to walk with me,"

Katsuki dismissively shrugged his shoulders, his eyes moving up towards the sky, "A hero never lets a woman walk through a bad place alone," He shrugged.

Miyako couldn't help but smile at his words, her gaze moving up towards the sky, "When is your birthday?" She bluntly asked.

Katsuki's eyes snapped down towards her. He was completely silent for a good moment before he spoke in a gruff voice, "Why the fuck do you want to know?" He snapped.

Miyako looked at him, a small frown, "Just answer me," She demanded.

Katsuki scoffed, rolling his eyes before speaking, "April twentieth," He muttered.

"A Taurus," Miyako looked back up towards the sky, scanning the seemingly endless black blanket before pointing to the constellation, "Did you know that the Greek God Zeus turned himself into a large white bull and kidnapped Europa. He hid her on the island of Crete where she bore him several children, including King Minos. The constellation commemorates the adventure of Europa's abduction," She explained, sending him a small smile.

"Who the fuck is Europa?" Katsuki muttered.

"In Greek mythology, Europa was the mother of King Minos of Crete, a woman with Phoenician origin of high lineage, and after whom the continent Europe was named," Miyako informed, "King Minos was the first King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. Every nine years, he made King Aegeus pick seven young boys and seven young girls to be sent to Daedalus's creation, the labyrinth, to be eaten by the Minotaur,"

Katsuki let out a small grunt, letting the information seep in before he spoke, "What about you, Runt?"

Miyako looked at him, briefly catching his gaze before she looked away, "I'm sorry?"

Katsuki let out an annoyed grunt, "You're brithday, dumbass," He snapped.

Miyako's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "O-Oh, uhm, October thirtieth," She mumbled before looking towards the sky for a moment before pointing towards the Scorpio constellation, "I'm a Scorpio but, uh, the constellation for that is the name of the scorpion, Scorpius," She informed.

"Tell me something," He demanded.

Miyako smiled softly at his demanding, yet surprisingly quiet voice, "The scorpion was sent by Gaia to battle Orion because she felt the hunter was killing too many animals. When Orion and Scorpius killed each other, Zeus maintained peace in the sky by placing the hunter in the winter and the beast in the summer, so they can never see each other," She explained.

Katsuki looked at her, "How the hell do you know all of this shit?" He asked quietly.

Miyako's cheeks flushed a deep red and she childishly looked away, folding her arms across her chest with a pout, "I have a lot of time on my hands, okay?" She whined out.

A genuine laugh left Katsuki's lips, startling Miyako into looking at him with surprise. After a moment he spoke, "So you fucking study?" He questioned, "Goddamn, you don't seem like the stuck up kind," He chuckled.

Miyako let out a puff of air, "I'm not stuck up! I just..have a really strict sister," She defended.

Katsuki let out a scoff, "Damn, that must suck," He stated, and after a moment of silence he spoke, "How about I take you to the arcade some time?" He offered.

Miyako's eyes flew wide open at the bold suggestion, and a blush gathered on her cheeks, "Wh-What?! Why?!" She exclaimed.

Katsuki looked at her, an oblivious look on his face before his eyes widened in realization, "TH-THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT YOU SHITTY GIRL!!" He yelled, making Miyako wince at the pitch of his voice, "I JUST MEANT THAT YOU NEED A BREAK FROM ALL THAT FUCKING STUDYING!!"

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