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As the second turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours, the duo listened to the sound of the waves crashing over one another and stared up at the stars that littered the black sky, occasionally diving into a conversation

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As the second turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours, the duo listened to the sound of the waves crashing over one another and stared up at the stars that littered the black sky, occasionally diving into a conversation.

"Why the fuck do you like stars so much?" Katsuki asked, his eyes lingering on the constellation Andromeda before turning to look at Miyako.

Miyako paused for a moment, giving him a small shrug, "It's...always been my uh, escape. If I ever need a break from something I'll simply just walk outside, climb to my roof, and lay there for hours just looking at the stars," She explained.

"So, if I were to ask you to name all the damn constellations, you could?" Katsuki smirked, a challenging twinkle in his red orbs.

Miyako smiled softly and nodded her head, "I guess I could," She replied, "Is it a challenge?" She asked.

"It is now,"

Miyaki chuckled softly and looked at her folded legs, "Alphabetically?" She questioned.

Katsuki paused for a moment before nodding his head and Miyako leaned back onto her palms, "Andromeda, Antlia, Aquarius, Aquila, Ara, Aries, and Auriga," Miyako glanced at Katsuki, who was looking at her as if she were from another planet, it brought a smile and an embarrassed blush onto her face as she carried on, "Boötes. Caelum, Camelopardalis, Cancer, Canes Venatici, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Capricorn, Carina, Cassiopeia, Centaurus, Cepheus, Cetus, Chamaeleon, Circinus, Columba, Coma Berenices, Corona Australis, Corona Borealis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, and Cygnus. Delphinus, Dorado, and Draco. Equuleus, and Eridanus. Fornax. Gemini, and Grus. Hercules, Horologium, Hydra, and Hydrus. Indus. Lacerta, Leo, Leo Minor, Lepus, Libra, Lupus, Lynx, and Lyra. Mensa, Microscopium, Monoceros, and Musca. Norma. Octans, Ophiuchus, and Orion. Pavo, Pegasus, Perseus, Phoenix, Pictor, Pisces, Piscis Austrinus, Puppis, and Pyxis. Reticulum. Sagitta, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Sculptor, Scutum, Serpens, and Sextans. Taurus, Telescopium, Triangulum, Triangulum Australe, and Tucana. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Vela, Virgo, Volans, and finally, Vulpecula," Miyako listed proudly.

Katsuki looked at her for a long moment, "Damn. You know your stars," He mumbled.

Miyako laughed softly, ducking her head in order to hide the smile that graced her lips, "I guess I do," She replied, rubbing the back or her neck.

Katsuki smiled softly as he looked up at the sky, and Miyako found herself gazing at his features. The moon was shining down perfectly on the two of them, and it cast a shadow on his face that actually made him appear cute. Miyako had never seen him genuinely smile before, so this was a sight for sore eyes. Miyako's cheeks flushed and she turned looked away, pulling her legs up to ger chest, resting her chin on top of her knees.

"Why did you walk away from the fight?" Katsuki suddenly asked.

Miyako looked at him, surprised at the fact he hadn't said one curse word in the sentence, "It wasn't worth it," She informed with a small shrugged, "Besides, fighting doesn't help anything. I know that for a fact,"

Katsuki's head turned to her, and he rose a brow, "What the hell happened to you?" He bluntly asked.

Miyako nearly choked on her spit at the question and her eyes widened in size, "Wh-what do you m-mean?" She stammered out, tugging at the ends of her hair nervously.

Katsuki scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean, you shitty girl," He retorted.

Miyako looked at him, her heart slamming against her chest as she tried to figure out a lie to tell him. She hardly knew Katsuki, and she wasn't sure if she could fully trust him with the words of her past. Finally, Miyako let out a quiet sigh and shook her head.

"I...I don't know if I should tell you," She admitted, rubbing her wrist, "I me-"

"That bad, huh?" Katsuki interrupted, looking at her.

Miyako's eyes widened and she looked away from him, giving him a soft nod, "Yeah," She whispered.

Katsuki's eyes stared into the back of her head for a moment before he spoke, "Andromeda...she was a princess, right?"

Great choice of a topic.

Miyako lifted her head at the question, looking at Katsuki and nodded her head, "Yeah, she was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, the king and queen of the African kingdom Aethiopia," She informed and with a small smile on her lips, "How'd you know?" She asked.

"That bastard Fujiaki," He paused, "He said you were prettier than the Princess Andromeda," He quoted.

Miyako's cheeks turned a deep shade of red at the words and she let out a nervous laugh, "O-OH! Uhm, wow," She stammered out, "I...I have to disagree with that," She nervously stated.

Katsuki remained silent, looking at her, "Your fucking stupid," He scoffed.

Miyako's eyes widened at the insult and almost immediately felt shameful of herself, and she looked away, feeling hurt by the comment. The one major insecurities of Miyako's was her IQ.

"I may not know what the hell this Andromeda girl looks like, but you're cuter than all the other girls in that damn school," Katsuki muttered, "You're stupid for not believing it,"

Miyako's ears turned a deep shade of red at the words and she found herself speechless. She wasn't sure if she should still be offended by his comment or flattered. A sudden nervous giggle left her lips and she looked down.

Katsuki sent her an annoyed glare, "ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME YOU SHITTY GIRL?! I'M TRYING TO GIVE YOU A FUCKING COMPLIMENT!" He angrily yelled.

Miyako couldn't help but laugh at his words and his face. A deep red blush had covered his face and he had a pout present. Miyako shook her head and spoke, "You're a good guy, Bakugo. Thanks for the compliment," She said.

Katsuki looked at her, a surprised look on his face, "You...You think I'm a good guy?" He asked.

Miyako nodded her head in response to his question, "Behind that fiery temper and angry persona, you're definitely a good guy," She informed.

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