Thirty Five

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"What the fuck is so interesting about the stars?"

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"What the fuck is so interesting about the stars?"

Miyako turned her head over her shoulder as Katsuki poked his head out from the open door, bearing hickies along the side of his neck and a few more on his chest from the short period in which Miyako had been allowed to top him. Of course, Katsuki had gotten bored after a few minutes of the positions and took back over. The sight made Miyako smile, and she shrugged her shoulders, moving to sit down in the chair she had placed out on her balcony.

"It's just always been something that amazes me," She informed as Katsuki moved to sit on the ground in front of her.

Katsuki rested his head against Miyako's knees so that he could look up towards the sky. Smiling softly, Miyako reached forward and ran her fingers through Katsuki's slightly damp hair. Miyako watched as his red eyes skim over the stars before a small smirk gathered on his lips and he craned his neck to look at her.

"If I'm the sky, will you be the stars to light up my fucking life?" He asked, a small blush tinging on his cheeks.

A deep shade of red covered Miyako's cheeks and she hid her face in the palms of her hands, a smile gathering on her lips, "S-Stupid! You shouldn't listen to Kaminari anymore!" She exclaimed.

Katsuki's eyes flashed in annoyance and he sent her a sharp glare, "I CAME UP WITH THAT BY MYSELF YOU SHITTY GIRL!" He exclaimed.

The words brought a deeper blush onto Miyako's cheeks and she turned her head away from him, "Th-that's something he would say though!" Miyako whined.

Scoffing in annoyance, Katsuki pushed himself off of the ground and walked back inside the dorm room. Miyako smiled softly and shook her head at his childish ways before turning her attention back into the sky. Miyako quietly mouthed the words of the constellation names as she slowly spotted them. 

The sound of the curtain moving around made Miyako turn her head back towards the door. Katsuki fumbled with something in his hand and looked towards her, his face red as he threw it at her, "I meant to give that to you," He muttered.

Miyako grinned softly as she fumbled around the box, fingering the velvet fabric of the object, a soft smile on her lips on her lips as she looked back up to Katsuki, "Awh, are you getting all love-y dove-y with me?" She teased.

The tips of Katsuki's ears turned a deep scarlet and he sent her a sharp, annoyed glare, "Shut the fuck up and open the damn box," He spat, turning his head away from Miyako's view.

A small giggle left her lips and she shook her head in amusement as she looked over the box before glancing back up towards the ash-blonde male, a slight nervous feeling bubbling in her stomach, "Why'd you get me something?" She asked.

"I'm your damn boyfriend! Can't I get you shit if I fucking want to?!" He retorted, folding his marks over his chest.

Miyako smiled softly as she ran her fingers over the small edge in the box, "Well, you are pretty..." Miyako trailed off, "Lets just say you're something else, but I still love you," She hummed.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and dropped his chin on top of his palm, "Just open the damn box, will you?" He sneered.

Miyako smiled softly and glanced at him before casting her eyes towards the box. She allowed her fingers to run over the velvet before she opened the box. A sharp gasp left her lips upon seeing the charm bracelet that lay neatly in the box, a total of six charms. The first charm on it was simple Rosette. The second one was a princess crown, which brought a small smile onto her lips. The third charm was an acorn. The fourth one, the middle one, was a heart with the initials 'M' and 'K' which earned a giggle from Miyako. The fifth one was Lily. The final one was a detailed wand.

"Wow..this is..." Miyako glanced up at Katsuki as he turned to look at him, "How much was this?" She asked quietly.

A smirk grew on Katsuki's lips as he walked over, crouching down in front of Miyako as she tugged the bracelet out of this, "That doesn't matter," He informed, grabbing a hold of the charm bracelet to inspect it.

Miyako giggled softly as Katsuki used a hand to grasped a tight hold on Miyako's wrist. Carefully, Katsuki clipped the bracelet onto her, pulling away to look back up at him.

"Its gorgeous," She mumbled, raising her hand to inspect the jewelry.

Katsuki looked up at her, "Glad you liked the damn thing," He muttered, "I'm going to bed,"

Miyako nodded her head as he walked inside and turned to look back up at the sky. After a few more minutes of her gazing at the sky, Miyako lifted herself from the chair and slid the glass door back open, stepping inside just as Katsuki slipped underneath neath the covers of her bed, his back pressed against the wall.

Miyako smiled softly and moved over to turn the lamp on her desk off before shuffling her feet back towards the bed. A soft yawn left her lips as she tugged the blanket back and crawled onto the bed. A soft smile grew on her lips as she stretched out next to Katsuki, feeling his arms pull her closer to him.

She was content with the way they currently were.

>>So, I have made the grand decision to only update on the weekends. School is super stressful!<<

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