Twenty Seven

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The single word brought a loud scoff ripping from Katsuki's mouth, and he rolled his ruby eyes, "Oh don't bullshit me, Miyako," He snapped, dropping his hand from its clutch on her arm.

Miyako's eyes widened at his words, slightly panicked, "Baku-"

"Don't fucking call me that, Miyako," He interrupted.

Miyako looked up at him, her eyes flicking back and forth between his eyes and the wall behind him. She lowered her head and stepped away with a frown on her lips, "Did you..did you get a letter?" She asked quietly.

"From Ume," Katsuki vaguely answered, "I tossed it,"

"I got one from Tarou," Miyako mumbled, "I threw it away,"

Katsuki sighed softly and shook his head, "Whatever," He began, "I just..I want to know what the hell happened,"

Miyako frowned deeply at his words, "You wouldn't understand," She declared.

Katsuki looked down at her, "I can try," His voice was surprisingly quiet compared to how it had been for the last week.

Miyako frowned and ran a hand through her hair, "You're too damn stubborn," She mumbled, "Fine, I'll explain, but at least let me get changed," She suggested.

Katsuki nodded his head, "Okay, but you're coming over to my room," He declared.


Miyako ran a hand through her black hair as she waited for Katsuki to open the door. She nibbled on her lower lip as she heard Katsuki's angry yells and thundering footsteps as he marched closer to the door. The large, double doors flung open and before she could greet the male, his grabbed her wristing and dragged her towards a flight of stairs.

"H-Hey! I can walk on my own, ya know!" Miyako exclaimed as he dragged her down the hall.

"Without getting lost?" Katsuki retorted, opening up a door and pulling her into a room.

Miyako huffed out as she straightened out her shirt. She took a moment to look around the room, and immediately a large smile grew on her lips. Hidding in the corner was a drum kit just waiting to be played.

"Whatever happened to not having one?" Miyako teased, walking over to the kit and looking at it.

Katsuki clicked his tongue and sat in the chair in front of his desk, "I just recently got it," He explained with a shrug.

Miyako grinned and sat down in the stool, "Have you played it?" She questioned, running her fingers over the sheet covering the drum.

"Not a lot,"

Miyako let out a small hum and ran a hand through her hair before standing up and moving to sit on the comfortable bed. Before she could speak the door flung open and a flash of pink blinded her. Miyako let out a squeal as she felt arms wrap tightly around her, hugging her tightly.


"ARE YOU BACK TOGETHER?!" Mina cried, interuppting the fuming Bakugo.  Miyako's cheeks turned red as she attempted to pull the pink male off.

"I-I....n-no!" Miyako yelped out, "I just- we-"

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Katsyki yelled, making Mina's face pale.

Eijiro's head poked into the door, and awkward smile on his lips as he mumbled an apology to Katsuki..something about trying to stop her from coming up here.

After a few moment of Katsuki's angry yelling and pushing the duo out of the room, he finally slammed the door shut and quickly looked it. He let out an angry huff, sitting down in the chair and slouching.

"I...guess I should tell you why I uhm, said..what I said," Miyako began awkwardly.

Katsuki remained silent as he looked at her with a small frown on his lips. Miyako sighed and patted the spot next to her, "I want you to still at least sit next to me...please?" She whispered.

Katsuki paused for a good moment before standing up and walking to sit on the bed, leaning against the wall and pulling his legs up to rest his arms against his knees.

Miyako went into full detail about what had happened earlier the morning they broke up, having to pause every now and again to clear her throat or take a deep breath in order to stop herself from crying.

After the end of her small story, Miyako went to stand up to leave when she felt Katsuki's hand wrap around her elbow, tugging her back onto the bed next to him.

There was a small frown on his lips as he looked at her, "Why the hell didn't you just tell me this?" He asked, sounding more hurt than angry.

Miyako shrugged her shoulders and ran a hand through her hair, "I don't know, Katsuki...I just thought that you'd-you'd get angry, so I didn't say anything and..yeah," Miyako paused, glancing at him, "I want you to know that I am sorry for what I said to you..about not needing-"

"I got it," Katsuki muttered, "I understand now," He informed.

Miyako looked at him for a moment, realizing that he had completely turned his head away, almost burrowing it into his own arm. Miyako felt guilty and shuffled closer towards him, hesitantly reaching forward and placing her hand on top of his shoulder.

"Katsuki..?" Miyako mumbled softly.

Katsuki remained silent but he leaned against her hand. Miyako moved onto her knees, scooting closer towards him and wrapping her arms around his chest and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Katsuki tensed at the action, but eventually relaxed, letting himself lean back against her.

"I'm sorry," Miyako whispered softly, "I wasn't trying to push you away...I'm-"

"Just stop apologizing, Miyako," Katsuki rasped, "I get it," He informed.

Miyalo was surprised that he wasn't pulling away from her. After a moment he turned around, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible. A light blush gathered on her cheeks as Katsuki practically stuffed his face into her chest as he hugged her.

Miyako combed her hand through his ash blonde hair and laid her cheek against the top of his head, "I should get going soon..before Ume looses her mind," She whispered.

Katsuki stubbornly shook his head and spoke, "I miss you," He suddenly admitted, "It fucking sucks without you pestering me," He muttered.

Miyako looked down at him in surprise, a small blush gathering on her cheeks, "I-I missed you too," She whispered.

Katsuki looked at her, his red eyes burning holes into her, "Th-"

Miyako placed her hand over his mouth, a small grin on her lips, "It's not you who should be asking to take me back," She interrupted watching his cheeks turn pink, "So..if you're willing, I want you to take me back," Miyako whispered.

Katsuki only nodded his head, pulling her back against him.

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