Thirty One

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Miyako hummed softly as she waltzed into the old, familiar house she had used to live in before the dorm rooms

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Miyako hummed softly as she waltzed into the old, familiar house she had used to live in before the dorm rooms. Miyako had returned simply because it was Ginko's birthday, and it was the least Miyako could do. Katsuki trailed behind Miyako begrudgingly, a small scowl on his face as he swung the door closed with his foot.

As soon as she entered the house, Miyako was surprised to get the scent of a perfume that she knew. Her footsteps immediately ceased to a stop, a small squeak leaving her lips as Katsuki slammed into her back. The red eyed male was about to snap at her, only to have a hand cover his mouth. Miyako lowered her head, her eyes narrowed as she racked her brain to think of where she had smelled that perfume.

Setting the small gift on the coffee table, Miyako pulled away from Katsuki and trudged into the kitchen. The first person she saw was Ginko sitting at the counter.

"Hey, brat," Miyako greeted, turning her head as Katsuki wandered into the kitchen, looking around the place, "Do you-" An excited gasp from behind her interrupted Miyako, prompting the black haired girl to turn around.

Standing behind Miyako was a middle aged woman who looked all too familiar. Hana stood in front of the hallway connecting to the kitchen, and she looked terrible. Hana's complexion had multiple blemishes and her cheeks sunken in from the drugs. Her once white teeth were hideous and she looked...sick.

"Miyako! I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon!" She exclaimed, swooping in and wrapping Miyako in a tight, bone crushing hug.

As if on cue, the backdoor opened and the reeking stench of weed infested Miyako's nose, and Hana pulled away to happily turn her around. With a sharp glare, Miyako looked towards her step-father who smiled at her.

"Mon Dieu, Miyako! Vous avez tellement grandi! La dernière fois que je t'ai vu, tu étais comme ça grand," ((My God, Miyako! You've grown so much! Last time I saw you, you weren't this tall)) He informed, putting his hand next hip to show what he said.

Miyako sent him and angry glare, pulling away from Hana and swiftly moving towards Katsuki, who looked confused. She placed a hand on her slightly aching shoulders, "What are you two doing here?" She demanded.

Hana smiled, completely oblivious to the hostile glare, "Well, we decided since its Ginko's birthday, we'd come over," She explained, giving Paul a swift kiss on the lips before speaking, "Aren't you going to tell us who this boy is?" She asked.

Miyako glanced towards Katsuki for a brief second, before sighing softly, "H-...Mom, Paul, this is boyfriend. Katsuki, that's my mom and her husband," Miyako informed.

Miyako could seeing the puzzle finally finish connecting in Katsuki's head, and a look of realization crossed his face before settling into annoyance and anger. He gave them a swift nod before moving his hand to wrap and Miyako's waist, pulling her in front of him and holding her close.

Hana narrowed her eyes slightly at Katsuki, "Oh.." She mumbled something that Miyako nor Katsuki could hear, but Ginko did and a look of annoyance gather on her face.

"Mom, can we not do this today? Its my damn birthday for fucks sake. Save your feud for later," Ginko snapped.

Miyako leaned her head against Katsuki's shoulder, looking up at the noticeably pissed off male as he connected more and more pieces to the puzzles. His grip he had on her had gotten slightly tighter as he made a few seconds of eye contact with Hana.

"Ah," Miyako began, pulling away from Katsuki, "Actually, we have to go get some stuff for school..I figured we should at least come by and tell you happy birthday," Miyako quickly lied, rubbing her neck.

Ginko frowned slightly but nodded her head, "Okay, you can come back tomorrow if you want," She offered, "It was nice to see you again Katsuki,"

"Yeah," Katsuki stood up straight, "You too,"

Miyako quickly began pushing him towards the living room, "You're present is on the table, text you later. Bye!"

Before Hana or Paul could stop her and Katsuki, Miyako had already shoved the blonde male out the door and followed quickly after. As soon as the door closed, a sharp sigh left Miyako's lips and she ran a hand through her hair, trotting down the staircase.

"I fucking hate her," Miyako hissed bitterly, "First she marries that jackass Paul, then she starts on the drugs, then she a-"

A sharp squeak left her lips when Katsuki snatched a hold of her elbow, jerking her back around and into his chest. Once her body was pressed against his chest, he moved to wrap his arms around her waist.

He pressed a soft kiss onto her head and spoke quietly, "I know you fucking hate her," He informed softly, "But did you ever give her a second chance?" He asked.

With a small sigh, Miyako leaned against his body, her arms wrapping around him as well, and she nodded her head, "Four.." She whispered, "I gave her four goddamn chances and she fucked up every one of them,"

Katsuki remained silent, giving her a soft, reassuring squeeze before pulling away, and grabbing her hand, "C'mon. I don't want you to be in a pissy mood today," He informed.

Miyako tilted her head at his words, "Where are we going?" She asked as he began dragging her behind him.

"A place,"

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