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"No, goddamn it," Katsuki snapped, making Miyako while and drop her head onto his knee.

"But why?" She sulked, "I bet you'd be good at it," She informed.

Katsuki looked down at her in annoyance before speaking, "I broke the other fucking stick and I don't even have a set," He replied.
Miyako sighed in defeat and nodded her head, rolling onto her other side so she can see the TV. For the last couple of minutes Miyako had been begging Katsuki to show her his drumming skills, only to be instantly shot down by him.

Miyako wrapped a lazy hand around his leg, playing with the fabric of his jeans as she focused on the screen. After a long couple of minutes, Katsuki seemed to get bored of the game and turned it off, putting in a movie afterwards.

"Your asshole of a friend, Ume, told me something," Katsuki bluntly informed.

Her head immediately snapped upwards into his directions. Ume, knowing all of Miyako's darkest secrets, could've told him anything, and knowing Ume, she probably told him the worst thing possible. "What?" She asked, "Wait, before you tell me, was it good or bad or worse?" She questioned.

Katsuki looked at her for a moment, "Calm your tits, Miyako," He demanded with a roll of his eyes, "She just told me you use to sing," He informed.

Miyako's cheeks reddened and she nodded her head, turning to look at the ash-blonde male as he laid onto the bed, his legs drapped over Miyako's hips. He nudged her side with his heel, silently telling her the he wanted an answer.

Miyako buried her face into her now folded arms, "I use to," She mumbled, "I stopped about a year after I moved to France," She informed.

"Show me," He demanded.

Miyako shook her head, "No. My voice sucks and I haven't sang in like...a really long time," She informed, "Besides, I was never really good at it,"

Katsuki suddenly sat up, moving his legs off of Miyako and grabbed her arm, pulling her upwards. A small yelp left her lips at the action, and a blush gathered on her cheeks as he pulled her over to his spot, laying back down on the bed and releasing her arm.

Miyako looked down at him in confusion, her eyes scanning his features as he watched the TV, "Lay down, dumbass," Katsuki demanded, looking back at her.

Miyako's eyes widened at his words and her cheeks inflamed in a deep scarlet, "I-It's frowned upon wh-when a male and a f-female are laying together when th-they aren't i-involved," She stammered out, nervously toying with her fingers.

Katsuki sighed in annoyance before looking at her, "I'd say we're pretty damn involved," He declared, "and who actually gives a shit what we do?" He asked.

"I DO!" Miyako yelped, "I'VE NEVER-"

A loud squeal left her lips when Katsuki's hand snatched out, grabbing a hold of her and jerking her down into his side, "You worry to damn much, Runt," He muttered.

Miyako buried her face into her hands as they layed together. He was really warm in all honesty, but she wasn't to surprised. After a moment, Miyako let her hands fall and she awkwardly scooted closer into his side, watching a smirk grow onto his face as he wrapped an arm around her frame, pulling her closer to him.

"Not that bad is it?" Katsuki teased.

Miyako shook her head and remained silent as the two watched the movie. At sone point during the movie, Miyako had wrapped an arm around him, and almost immediately got embarrassed. Beneath his shirt, Miyako could feel his six pack, and a blush grew onto her cheeks. She hadn't expected him to be this ripped, but she wasn't complaining either.

Finally getting bored of the silence, Miyako spoke, "You think we're involved?" She asked quietly.

Katsuki shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, sure," He replied.

Miyako couldn't help but smile softly, "We aren't quite there yet, mon amour," She hummed softly.

Katsuki turned his head to look at her, a smirk on his lips. Confused, Miyako parted her lips to ask him a question when he sudden had her trapped beneath him, his lips on top of hers. Miyako's cheeks turned a red that had yet to be discovered and her eyes flew wide open.

The kiss was just a few seconds long. Katsuki pulled away with a shit-eating grin and swung his legs off the bed and stood up, "You hungry?" He asked, "I'll bring something back up for us," He informed before walking out of the room.

Miyako was frozen in shock, her eyes glued to the roof. Did he seriously just steal my first kiss?! Miyako sat up, a blush still evident of her face as she rubbed her temples. Her lips still tingled from the feeling, and in all honesty..she wanted another one.

Miyako turned her head towards the cat bed, where King had been sleeping, "Did he just.." She whispered.

In response to her words, King let out a typical cat noise before settling back down into his bed. Downstairs, Miyako could hear Katsuki and Mitsuki yelling back and forth. She couldn't actually understand what they were saying due to the slightly jumbled words and raised voices.

Miyako couldn't help but grin slightly at the sound of footsteps storming up the staircase, the door being pushed open by Katsuki. He tossed a bag of chips onto the bed, muttering underneath his breath as he did so as he began walking towards the bed.

"Why'd you kiss me?" Miyako questioned, stopping Katsuki in his tracks.

"Cause I fucking wanted to," He replied, sitting on the bed.

Miyako looked at him for a moment before moving onto her knees and scooting closer to him. Miyako turned his head with her hands and leaned forward, pressing another kiss to his lips with a blush on her cheeks. She felt his lips twitch upwards at the kiss and his hands grabbed her hips, pulling her into his lap so his neck wasn't craned in an awkward position.

Miyako eventually had to pull away from his lips and smiled brightly, "That first kiss wasn't satisfying enough," She informed, "Now, lets get back to watching the movie," She demanded.

Lullaby *Katsuki Bakugo*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang