Thirty Seven

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>>The Final Chapter<<

>>The Final Chapter<<

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>Katsuki's POV<<

It was an odd sight, a nerve wrecking, spine tingling sight. Blood fell from the corners of her soft pink lips and onto her shoulder, and if the scarlett droplets got lucky, they would roll down her arms. Her black hair going every which way, and deep circles beneath her eyes. Her arms hung limply at the side of the chair, having been untied by Deku, but not moved. The worst about it all was the amount of injuries she held, blood rushing from a good handful of them. The ground below her covered in the oozing red, and a table against the wall covered in the same red liquid.

He wanted to moved, but he was frozen solid. The colour slowly falling from his face as glared at her, part of him infuriated that she hadn't been able to run away, and the other part being crushed by the appearance of hers. Deku stood next to her, tears building in his green eyes as he was on the verge of breaking down.


Ume's voice adruptly came to a stop upon entering the room. Katsuki could hear her breath hitching in her throat before a shaky breath left her lips. At the sound of the voice, Miyako slowly lifted her head up, and the sight brought a feeling of dread to Katsuki.

She had bruises all over her face. The worst one being just beneath her eyes, a common sign of a broken nose. She didn't look like she was in pain, but Katsuki knew better. A sudden cough racked through Miyako's body, blood flying from her mouth as she slumped forward. It snapped Katsuki from his slight daze and he propelled towards the black haired girl, catching her before she fell into her own blood.

Katsuki cringed slightly, feeling the blood of his lover smearing beneath his knees as he adjusted Miyako's position, propping her up against his knee while his other hand wrapped securely around her waist.

"Th-that....bad, huh?" Miyako gave him a toothy grin, revealing the blood that stained her usually white teeth.

Katsuki clenched his jaw at the sound of her hoarse, pained voice, taking a mental note of the way her eyebrows furrowed as she spoke. His fingers pressed against her cold skin as he forced tears back. He knew in the very back of his mind, that Miyako was going to die..but if she didn't, she would never be the same.

"Damn you, you shitty girl," He whispered quietly, his fingers moving to brush against the strands of her black hair.

A tired smile decorated her lips and she turned her head to the side, spotting Deku and Ume not to far away, now crying, "Midoriya..Ume," She whispered, grabbing their attention, "S-Stop being....pussies," She attempted to lighten the mood by her teasing, but Ume began bawling.

Katsuki made no attempt to silence Ume as he studied Miyako's face, soaking in every last detail. From the small scars that covered her cheeks from acne to her hairline. Miyako traded a few words with the both of them, Katsuki was to spaced out to listen to them, and soon sent them on their ways, leaving just the two teens alone in the cold metallic room.


"Shut up," He rasped, turning his head away from the female as the tears that gathered in his eyes finally came down, "You'll be fine, damn it," He muttered.

"I love, so much," She carried on as if Katsuki's words meant nothing to her, "I...I asked U-Ume to keep you in...l-line until I see you again," She informed.

Katsuki's face contorted into an angry scowl at her, "Don't fucking say t-that, Miyako! You're going to be fine!" He yelled, only trying to convince himself.

He knew she wasn't, and it was a stab in the chest to realize this. Katsuki looked down at her, his tears falling off of his chin and onto her bleeding skin. Miyako had tears in her eyes as well, but she reached upwards and wiped his tears away, smearing her blood onto his cheek in the process.

"You're be fine, mon...amour," She whispered out, "You're g-going to become the greatest h-hero ever...a-and yo-you'll have a family," Miyako paused for a moment, moving closer into his arms, "I-I promise you one last thing, K-Katsuki.."

The tears were rolling down his cheeks like streams, and he moved to sit down on his ass, pulling Miyako against his chest and hugging her closely, "Wh-when your time comes...I-I'll be waiting for y-you," Her voice was barely above a whisper, almost being drowned out by the sound of Katsuki's quiet cries.

"M-Miyako," Katsuki looked down at her, realizing that her eyes were slowly closing, "I-I need you here. J-just keep your damn eyes open! I-I love you..please, Miyako,"

Miyako looked up at him, her lips twitching upwards in the slightest, and she simply shook her head, "I love you too....Katsuki," She whispered, "Just..s-stay st-strong..for me,"

Katsuki's chest ached something fierce and his eyes scanned her face as she rested her head against his chest, listening to his erratic heart beat as she closed her eyes for the final time. The very last thing she heard was the lures agony in Katsuki's angry yelling, begging her, pleading for her to open her eyes.

Once all the colour from her body had drained completely, Katsuki let his head drop down, his tears splashing onto the corpse of the girl he held close to his heart. Outside the room, stood the classes 1-A and 1-B, listening to the sounds of the strongest hero-in-training crying, showing weakness and vulnerability for the first time. Ume stood huddled in Tarou's arms, both of them crying over the lost of a companion.

No one dared to interrupt Katsuki, and the only one who did was Izuku. When Izuku reappeared, Katsuki followed soon after, cradling the body of Miyako Yukishima in his arms and his head lowered, but his red eyes refused to look at her blood stained face.

The weeks following after her death were the hardest for Katsuki, but he did as Miyako wanted. He trained as normally, making sure to keep himself healthy, but the end of the days were rough for him. He was trapped in his room, which he could still smell Miyako's scent embedded into the pillow she had slept one many times before. He still had some of her items in his room, acting as a constant reminder of how he wasn't able to save her. Katsuki vowed to never allow it to happen again.

His dreams were plauged with the thought of Miyako. Her shortened black hair, her sparkling, mixed eyes, the birthmark beneath her left eye, her scent, her touch, her everything. Most dreams were memories in all honesty.

When the dreams of Miyako came less and less, Katsuki felt at peace. Soon after the dreams left, so did the physical pain he got in his heart everytime she was brought up. He never did forget Miyako, in the back of his mind he still remembered her, and he would sometimes dream of her, but not often.

>>I'M NOT OKAY!! I made myself cry writing this. Thank you all for reading this story! I appreciate it! Make sure you keep an eye out for any updates on this for other, newer BNHA Fanfictions I will write! Again, thank you so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed😇<<

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