Chapter 17- Late Night Visiters

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Stefan slept on Loki's bed but was awoken when he heard a voice.

"It seems to me my prize warrior has changed a bit since I last saw them," Hela said.

Stefan shot up and looked into the dimly lit room.

"I mean you no harm, oh what's your name now? Stefan?"

Hela walked out of the shadows toward Stefan.

"I'm here to make you a deal,"

Parker went downstairs to see Stefan.

He was sitting in the living room looking at pictures of all the avengers.

Parker walked up to him.

"What's wrong Mr. Stein?"

"Loki isn't up here," Stefan said without looking away from the wall of pictures.

Parker walked away and left Stein to his thoughts.

Tony decided it would be fun to host a party and try to lighten up the mood.

Everyone came, even the guardians of the galaxy.

They all got there pictures put onto the wall.

After a while Tony caught Parker and his friend trying to get a beer. Stefan sat on the couch and saw Tony drag Peter to his room.

He chuckled and looked over to the wall. He saw Fenix's picture and sighed.

Even if he was still here, would he hate me if I was still Stefan

While looking at the wall something caught Stefan's eye.

It was a picture of Loki, obviously taken by a cell phone, it was right next to a picture of Fenix and himself.

Man, Parker can be great sometimes

That night was more painful for everyone. It had finally set in that Fenix was gone and they now have Stefan, and that Loki was gone for good.

Stefan and Thor got most of the pain from Loki's death.

Oh! Btw the fates of everyone on this list:
Captain America
Winter Soldier
Black Panther
Black Widow

All belong in the hands of my friend Mike Chaney Mallory
He decides who will die and how

Oh, he already decided who will kill who in a couple chapters

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