Shopping day

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Well today's the day when I go shopping, yay... Gonna be honest, I don't really care for it. But I promised Velvet I would, so might as well. 

Nora: Where are you going?

F/n: Oh Velvet invited me to go shopping with her team.

Nora: Ohh, so the bunny girl is making her second move.

F/n: What are you talking about?

Ren: She first gives you a home made lunch, then she's inviting you to go shopping. It won't long until you two start dating.

F/n: Sure, next your going to tell me that I'll be dating a metal Pinocchio. 

Nora: Oh come on, when will that happen?

F/n: Well s fun this has been, I need to get going. See ya later.

I soon shut the door and took a deep breath. Man Nora can be nuts sometimes, especially with ideas like that. Besides, Glynda has already been sneaking kisses on my check when I'm not looking. 

F/n: Jeez.

???:  *in the head*Getting board yet of this little dream of yours.

F/n: *In the head* Not as much as I'm annoyed as I am hearing you again.

???: *In the head* Oh you pathetic man, you know can't rid of me that easily. Especially sense your 'sisters' are here.

F/n: * In the head* And the fact that your here means trouble isn't that far away.

???: *In the head* Well true, in fact I already told Jaune about the future when he touched your weapon.

F/n: *In the head* Look just accept your not coming out. So long as I have my necklace on, your banquet will never come.

???: *In the head* Oh believe me I know, but you can't wear that thing forever. And when it comes off, that's when the real fun will begin.

Soon that thing went silent, Hopefully for good. It wasn't long until I noticed team RWBY's door was open, and Ruby's swear jar was just lying there. 

F/n: *Looks inside* Well it's not she's using it.

(Time skip brought to you by Chibi F/n taking the swear jar)

It wasn't long until we  into town. Of course Velvet insisted on grabbing my arm when we past a couple of groups of human, I guess humans never really treated her well. Surprising, considering how cute she can be. It wasn't long until we ended up at a coffee shop, when I spotted a girl with shades, a guy with red hair and white eyes, and big guy who I swear has been eating his vegies. 

Velvet: My team is over there. 

She said pointing at that group I noticed. Who the woman in shades wave back at us. We soon began walking toward them, and I'm already getting looks from her.

Shades: So your the guy Velvet was talking about. Gonna say, you look neat. Relaxed, yet ready for combat. 

F/n: Thanks, your shades look nice as well.

Shades: *lowers shades* Thanks, Name's Coco Adel. *Points to the Red guy* His names Fox. *Points to big boy.* And his name is Yatasuhashi. 

F/n: F/n L/n, nice to meet you. So I understand you all wanted to go shopping today.

Coco: That's true, although I think Velvet just wants you to have a good time.

F/n: Believe me, that Is the least of concerns.

Coco: Well aren't you mister fun. Look, just at least try to make Velvet happy.

F/n: Sure. 

Coco: Man you sound like a buzz kill.

A shattered heart: RWBY x neglected and abused Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now