The Hydra incident

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I soon arrived back to my dorm to see my team doing their own thing, and by that I mean Nora reading a book, Ren doing maintenance on his weapon and Jaune and Pyrrha being god knows where. 

Nora: Oh hey there F/n, how was your date?

F/n: First off not a date, second thing today was okay besides what some jack asses try to do somthing idiotic earlier today.

Ren: What did they do?

F/n: Oh just shoot up a store with me in it.

Nora: Really?!

F/n: Yeah.

Ren: And you handled them all I'm guessing you ussually handle a human opponent.

F/n: Well actually one of them was sent to the hospital.

Nora: God, what did he do!?  

F/n: Remember when I said somthing bad would happen if you touch my necklace, basically that.

Ren: And you did all that, with that neutral attitude  you ussually have?

F/n: Yeah, well beside the time I blacked out for a bit. I don't what happened then. Also I have to be somewhere tomorrow.

Nora: Going to town with team RWBY tomorrow?

F/n: No. I have  to help another group of people handle some Grimm.

Ren: Odd? I don't remember any announcement about missions yet.

F/n: It's more like I caught a groups attention, and they informed me of somthing dangerous coming.

Nora: In that case why don't we tag along, we are a team after all.

Ren: Nora.

F/n: Your choice, but I won't force you nor will I stop you.

Ren: Hey mind if I ask you somthing?

F/n: Go ahead.

Ren: Why do you give people that choice?

F/n: Because unlike a white haired prick, I actually give people a choice that I don't know what their going to do.

Nora: What do you mean?

F/n: Let's just say, emerald city man up their like to give people the illusion of choice. While in truth, he plays them like he does with small cane every night.

Ren: Speaking of innuendoes, have you seen Ruby's swear jar?

F/n: No why?

Ren: She's been going nuts trying to find it, She wanted to use that money for somthing.

F/n: Whatever she wanted doesn't matter to me.

Nora: You know one these days you got to let that anger go.

F/n: I'll let it go when they can bring back the dead. Good night.

I said as I went to bed. Burying my self with my blanket.

I soon open my eyes to see a place I always hated to see. Why Am I here of all places, especially sense Shannon's grave is nothing more then a dog house.  I decided to walk away from this place, only for a voice to catch my attention.

???: Well look who's back.

I soon turned my head to see those three right there, covered in blood and their weapons pulled out.

yang: Come on, it's time for my boxing practice.

Ruby: After that, I want to shove my giant scythe inside you. So that way I can blow a load all over your insides.

A shattered heart: RWBY x neglected and abused Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now