•~2= A Million Dreams~•

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I lean my head against the wall. I try to ignore them but it's no use. Are they ever gonna shut up?

"Guys. Shut. Up." I yell over them.

"Ya, some of us are sleeping!" Clint agrees.

"We aren't that loud!" Sam defends.

"Ya, you kinda are." I hear Natasha reply from the cell next to me.

"I can hear you two over my music." Pietro chimes in.

"So?" Scott crosses his arms.

"Its at full volume." Pietro says, being the smarta$$ he is.

Scott crosses his arms in defeat and sits down. Pietro smirks evilly. I snicker and Wanda just shakes her head. Wanda never talked to anyone ever since "the accident" and Pietro always tried to cheer her up, but that never worked. The only thing that could get her to cheer up was Anya. I miss her as much as the twins do but I can't let her death affect me like it did to Wanda. Its been a year. Ya, long time. It feels like a week though.

Just then there was static coming from the speakers. I cover my ears, along with Scott, Pietro, and Wanda. At the same time there was sparks coming out of the camera. Im confuseld. Next thing you know the cell doors open and the static and sparks stop. I walk out, confused as to what is going on. Then the door to the room opened. I expected to see Ross but no. It was Tony. He was with someone else too. He had some sort of robotic leg thingy to help him.

"Come on, we don't have much time." Tony says. I look over at Steve, who gives us the signal to follow him.

This was our only way to freedom.

Ya it's so short and I'm so sorry. So many stuff with school has been going on. Its really stressful. I hate 8th grade 😣. Anywho. I'll try to update faster. Oh who am i kidding! Everytime I say that I end up not doing it. And I can't make a promise because I know I WILL break it.

How about this.

Everytime I miss an update you have to spam me with comments. I will then start working, or finishing, the chapter! Regular updates will be on Saturdays. Thanks for reading I love you all. And once again I'M SO SORRY! ~Alaina

Word Count: 398

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