•~8: The Attack Pt. II~•

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This chapter and the next will be swooping through POVs. You will know which one is which but if you don't then just ask me =)

The teams split up to their positions. Let's start with left. Tony, Rhodes, Natasha, and Clint make their way to the left side of the yard where half of the army was. The soldiers notice the team of 4 and start attacking.

Monica is taken by surprise to find them here so early. She takes out her bow and arrows and runs towards the middle of the army. There she met another guy with bow and arrows. They both have an arrow pointed at eachother.

Clint aims his arrow at the stranger's chest, yet doesn't shoot. He knows he's not suppose to kill, but the stranger had different clothing on than the rest of the soldiers and it obviously looked as if they were the leader of this section.

Monica points the arrow at the heroes heart, not afraid to kill. But she knew it wasn't her instinct and she wasn't originally trained to be a big bad. If she were to be honest with herself, she has never killed someone so important and she knew the world needed the hero.

Clint knew the girl was hesitant to shoot. He also could tell that she probably had never killed before. Clint's mind switched back and forth between not to kill her or to kill her. Finally, he changes his aim from the chest to the leg and shoots.

Monica eyes widen. Her senses tell her to shapeshift. It's kinda like the spidey-sences Peter has. So she does as the senses tell her to. She transforms into a hawk and flies over the top of the heroes head.

Clint, seeing the hawk, aims his arrow down. Clint follows the hawk above his head and falls to the ground in the process.

Monica laughs at his clumsiness. Monica gets ready to do the move she had practiced since the day she got into the underground base. In mid-flight, she transforms to her original form and shoots the arrow at the heroes leg whilst falling. She changes back into a hawk when she is only 3 feet away from the ground.

Clint looks up and sees the hawk do something. It looked as if it was celebrating. Clint furrows his brows and realizes he should probably be in pain at the moment. He his mind sets to that thought, his leg started to hurt. The villain sure did have a good aim, but he had better. He takes out a bow, which when shot formed a net. He shoots at the hawk.

Let's take a look on how Steve's group is doing. [Rewind 5 minutes]

The team makes their way to the middle of the yard, where the bomb was thrown. Looking around, Bucky and Steve couldn't see anything from their perspective.

"Sam, Vision. Anything?" Steve asks through the comms.

"Not yet." Sam replies.

"I'm afraid not, Captain." Vision answers. "But I do sense heat signatures in your area, it's best to stay prepared for what may happen next."

Loki and his army have a cloaking spell on them. This was all Loki's plan. Cloak. Let them think their is no one. Surprise atrack. Defeat them. Celebrate. And let's not forget brag and rub it all over his boss' oddly shaped face.

Steve and Bucky begin to suspect that no one was there. But Vision had said he sensed heat signatures so it was best to stay prepared.

Steve whispers to Bucky, "Let's just go back and see what happens next. They're probably waiting till we think there is no one here."

Loki watches as the heroes conversate. It seems as if they don't think they are there. Loki holds up five fingers, counting down till they attack. The heroes make their way back to the facility.

Steve and Bucky here something behind them. Their plan had succeeded. Gun shots fired. Steve uses his shield to block it and Bucky shot back at them, not giving a single crap about the No-Kill-Policy he and Steve had made up.

Loki curses under his breath as he realized he had ran into their trap. He cloaks himself again and runs behind Bucky. Loki smirks, loving his new and "evil" plan. He gets out his silver and green knife.

Bucky's senses warn him from behind. He catches the invisible knife with his metallic arm. The cloaking spell disappears and there stood a masked villain. Bucky twists the villains arm, which had the knife in it, and threw him to the ground.

Loki grabs his knife and cloaks once more. He knew he had dissapointed the boss. Loki runs towards the cloaked jet. He flies the jet above the heroes and drops a bomb.

Steve, realising the bomb being dropped, puts his shield up, deflecting it. The bomb bounces off the shield and onto the ground. Steve, being just in time, puts his shield over the bomb to stop the explosion from spreading.

Now, what is Pietro and the gang up to? [Rewind 10 minutes]

Pietro, Wanda, and Peyton walked out of the facility and into the yard. There, they met the army. The leader, who was dressed in different armor, holds out their hand as if a symbol to stop walking and not shoot at the gang.

Anya couldn't believe her eyes. There stood the three people she saw most on her phone. She knew she had a connection with them, she just didn't know what. She knew one of them was Peyton, but she couldnt remember the other names. Yet, Anya knew that she had to continue the mission.

The villain holds down their hand and reaches behind their back. They grab two katanas, making a slashing sound. This must've meant attack because others started shooting at Pietro and the gang. Peyton makes two ice katanas to match the villian.

Peyton makes two katanas made of ice and charges at me. Anya holds up her katanas, ready for battle. They start to fight while the army and the other heroes fought around them. Peyton takes one of her ice katanas and slices Anya's shoulder with it.

The villian let's out a small scream, one in which sounds familiar to Peyton. 'It couldn't be her, she's dead.' Peyton thought. The villian holds her shoulder as it would start to bleed.

Anya looks at her shoulder and back at Peyton, only to see that she was hesitating. 'I think she knows who I am' Anya thought. Anya watched as Peyton was deciding her first move. But Peyton's first move, wasn't really a move. It was a word.

Peyton stood, afraid of what may happen next. Peyton finally spoke.


Word Count: 1134

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