•~3=The Plan~•

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Its been a year since I met Loki and his... "friends". Not saying he doesn't have friends, I mean he has me. But everyone seems to hate him and he still calls them friends. I'm not sure how that works.

Over the year, I met a girl named Monica. She can be harsh sometimes but what do I care? I was probably the same way before I met everyone. Monica could shapeshift. She would mainly turn into a dragon or a pheonix. One of the two. also, i think shes midly insane... anyway. Me, Monica, and Loki always trained. It got to the point to where I dont get tired when I use my powers. I could also mess with poeples minds and read them. We also pranked eachother. Like, all, the, time. Loki always uses his illusions and turns off the TV without me seeing. Monica uses her powers to turn herself, and sometimes Loki, into spiders and snakes. And I always make them hear stuff, like a bomb, and there's nothing there.

Back to present day

I scroll through the channels on the TV, trying to look for something interesting. Nothing was on, so I clicked the News, cause I'm bored. I pull out a book and read, while the TV talks about this stupid stuff I dont care about. I then hear something.

"Breaking News: The Avengers have escaped custody of the FBI and are on the loose. Reports say the man behind us is rumored to be Tony Stark, a famous millionaire, also known as Iron Man. There is no evidence of there escape, since all footage of what happened. The only person that would know how to do that is Tony Stark. General Ross claims to see him before he passed out and the Avengers escaped."

The TV shows a man. He had grey hair and a suit and tie. I'm guessing General Ross.

"I was calmly sitting at my desk when I notice all my cameras have failed. My men started to work on fixing it. They all then pass out, and I turn around to see Tony in his suit before I pass out."

I turn down the volume on the TV. Loki had told me the Avengers were criminals but this, this proves it. I wonder what Loki and Monica will do. Heck now I'm worried what the boss would do. He scares the crap out of me sometimes. He never came out of his office. His eyes glare at me everytime I enter his office. His eyes are yellow. YELLOW!
He's just... wierd. Monica never met him before. Loki doesn't care, but sometimes finds it wierd. Speaking of Loki and Monica.

"Hey Anya! How are you? How's your day been? Well it's doing wonderful thanks for asking!" I sarcastically remark.

"So you see the news?"

"Yep. Do you guys ever knock?" I ask them

Monica then knocks on the door, which is already open.

"What are we gonna do now that the Avengers are free?" Loki asks, getting down to buisness.

"The real question is what the boss will do." I respond, crossing my arms.

"That too."

"So what do we do?" Monica asks.

"We wait for a plan."

Word Count: 541

Shattered Memories (Second book to The Third Maximoff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin