•~20: The Reason Behind It~•

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Couldn't find anything Marvel-y so I put this =) Which one would you do? I would do rather 3, 5, or 6. XD

Anyways, enjoy!

One hour earlier

Wanda's P.O.V.

We flew in the quinjet to an abandoned Hydra base. This was the last one, at least of what we know. We are going to see if there was anyone there, and if people are there we can take the base down and go back. Kinda like a hit and run.

Steve let Pietro and Clint stay home to watch over Monica, who had joined us about a week ago, and Anya. They were gonna leave Pietro alone, but no one trusted him with two teenage girls. Heck, I didn't even trust him with our own sister and her friend. Wow that sounds mean.

Anyway. I stare outside the jet window, looking at the white, soon the be stormy, clouds. The storm was approaching, but we plan to be back at the facility before the storm starts.

"What will we do after this battle is over?" Bucky asks.

"I dont know." Steve admits. "Hopefully we can find a way to not be wanted." He laughs at the end.

"Like that would happen." I hear Tony snarl.

God those two fight everyday. It's annoying. Ya, I understand why they are mad at each other, but jeez, get over it.

Steve rolls his eyes, not wanting to start another fight. Natasha bites her lower lip, reminding herself of her neutrality. Vision and Rhodey look the opposite way. I couldn't help but to roll my eyes, look down, and fiddle with the rings on my fingers. Bucky glares at Tony then at Sam, who mentally tells him to stop. It was silent till we got to the abandoned base.

The base, sitting on a hill, looks as if it was crumbling to pieces. Half of the roof and walls were missing and cracked, just waiting for something to trigger it's fall. Moss built up on the walls that were closer to the ground. Windows were shattered or half broken and you could tell they held prisoners here because some of the windows were barred.

We land the jet behind the base and managed to keep it out of sight if anyone still worked there. We didn't even think if there would be visible from the sky.

The sidewalks were cracked and pieces of it were missing. One wrong step could send an asphalt landslide at us, so we took steps carefully and stayed aware of our surroundings. Thunder rolled in the background. The storm was closer than we expected. Rain started to pour. It seemed as if every 10 seconds the rain got two times heavier.

On the way up there, people started slipping. So Tony, Rhodey, and Vision were now floating to avoid any slick hazards. Once inside the base, under a rather untrustworthy roof, we split into groups of two.

Sam and Bucky went left. Rhodey and Tony went to search from the sky. Steve and Natasha went to the basement of the facility. Leaving Vision and I to go right. We kept our comms on, just incase we found something. Which meant we really couldn't say anything without anyone else knowing. Did Tony care? No.

He kept babbling. I dont mean that hypothetically. I mean he was actually saying the word 'babble'.

"Tony, you know everyone can here you right?" I hear Steve ask.

"Oh really?" Tony replies, "Is it bothering you?"

Steve takes a heavy sigh. "Yes."

"BaBbLe bAbBlE BaBbLe!!" Tony screams.

"Tony shut up." Natasha warns while whispering, "Someone will hear you!"

"BABBLE BABBLE BABBLE!!!" Tony screams, with more enthusiasm than before.

And that's when we heard something fall from behind us. My hex showed and Vision's stone glowed.

"TONY!" I whisper scream into the comms, trying to be as quiet as possible.

The noise gets louder, as if it was coming at us, getting a foot closer by the second. Whatever it was, it was running. And it was running right at us.

"TONY SHUT UP!!!" I once again whisper-scream.

The noise got closer and closer, and all we could do was stay more alert and back away.

"James, Sam, are you two running?" Asks Vision.

"No. Why?" Bucky responds.

"Something is coming at us." I respond.

Tony stopped babbling when he heard this. It kept getting closer and closer. I made a field out of my hex to protect Vision and I. And then, it stopped. Just like that.

Then the sky went dark and we supposed it was from the storm. But as it got darker, we knew it wasn't the storm. It was something else.

Then there was a bomb dropped. Vision then pulled me back from the bomb, as if making me not see it. It was a flash bomb. I squeezed my eyes shut. Vision let go of me and we turned around. Everything was quiet.

"Guys?" I ask through the comms, "Does anyone copy?"

No response. I furrow my brows.

"Does anyone copy?" I repeat.

Still no response. And then the darkness vanished and light shined through the, still untrustworthy, ceiling. I walk slowly, my shield vanishing.

I look around. I turn to Vision to see him faze through the ceiling to check for people. I looked around the base for a while.

"Wanda." I hear Vision say through the comms, his voice sounding concerned. "I need you to come up here."

I floated up to him. There was a ship, a really big ship. Then the jet roared from behind us and it flew after the big ship, following it straight towards the facility.

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