•~10: The Interigation~•

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"Who are you?"

No response

"Where is the base?"

No response

"Are you ever gonna talk?" Tony butts in.

"Stop being impatient." Steve looks at Tony with a glare.

Tony rolls his eyes and looks back at the girl. She sat on the ground, back faced from them. She had long, almost waist length black hair.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Steve tries to calm the girl down.

"I know." The girl speaks. "I also know that if I tell you anything about me you'll run me through your computers and get a location of where the base is and I don't want that."

Steve sighs. He didn't want to come to the measures. He looks at Wanda and nods. Wanda lifts up her hand, revealing her red flares. The flares enter a hole in the glass cage. The girl watches the flares as she allows them to enter her mind.

What the flares showed Wanda:

It's midnight, in a cold cell. A little girl with piercing light blue eyes was crying as alarms went off. Soldiers ran by before spotting the little girl in the cell. They open the cell and take her to the base. It's not that far away from their facility. It's completely underground and hidden from sight. Inside was bigger than they expected. It was like a small town under there. There were many soldiers marching and shooting at targets.

That's when she entered a room, looking like a bedroom. Two people were in the bedroom, yet their faces were blurred. Of what Wanda could see, one had black, short hair, and the other had blonde, long hair.  They said something about staying there and training with them.

The girl then visited who they called "the boss." He, as Wanda assumed, ran the place. He was a casual looking man with glowing, yellow eyes and black hair. He was dressed in a suit and tie and always sat in a dark office where the only thing you could see was the bosses eyes.

Wanda snapped back to reality of what she saw next. She looks around at everyone else, who watched her waiting for an answer. Wanda sighs, looking at the girl then back at the Avengers.

"The facility is underground. About 4 or 5 miles away from here." Wanda informs.

"I would be careful if I were you." The girl says, also seeing what Wanda had.

The team grabs their weapons, ready to end the war that had begun. The girl turned around to face them.

The girl smirks. "You have no idea what your getting into."

Yeah it's short, I know. Only 453 words. The next one will be longer so stay tuned =)

~Alaina ✌💙

Shattered Memories (Second book to The Third Maximoff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora