•~4= Undercover~•

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It's been a year since the apartment explosion. It's been a year since Anya died. It's been a year since I heard my twin sister's voice. A year since we were put back in prison. And a week since we got out. Peyton and I shared a room, since Wanda wanted to share a room with Vision. Steve shared a room with Sam and Bucky. Poor Natasha had to share a room with Clint. Thor went back to Asgard with Bruce and Scott went back to his family. The tower was silent. Steve never spoke to Tony and Tony never spoke to Steve. Tony did try once to get Steve's attention. Surprisingly, they didn't fight. No one spoke about the fight, which made it awkward. Clint had tried to start a conversation. It worked, kinda. It started out a nice little conversation, and then it was just total silence. It was getting better though. People would have small talk or greet others.

Present Day

I scroll through the TV channels, trying to find something that Peyton and I would enjoy watching. We found one movie called "The Princess Bride" and another called "The Phantom of the Opera." I wanted to watch The Phantom of the Opera" but Peyton wanted to watch "The Princess Bride." (I advise you watch both movies, cause they are both extremely awesome!)

"Come on! Phantom of the Opera sounds way cooler!"

"No!" Argued Peyton "Phantom of the Opera sounds like a horror movie! Let's watch a kid friendly one!"

Keep in mind that both of us haven't seen either movies.

"How about this. We watch Phantom of the Opera and the The Princess Bride. So that way if it is a horror movie, the Princess Bride can calm us down."

"Alright fine."

So we watched Phantom of the Opera first, while Princess Bride was recording. Surprisingly, it ended up being a really good movie. And then we watched Princess Bride which ended up also being a good movie. Peyton and I were proud we found these movies.

That night, Peyton and I didn't fall asleep till around 4 in the morning. Why? We may have pranked all the Avengers, except for Steve and Tony. They would blame it on themselves

We put girly stickers and magnets on Bucky's arm. We took Clints bow and Natashas widow bites. We put blue dye in Wanda's body wash and shrunk all of Visions clothes. What did we do with Sam? You may be asking. Well the next day, I'm gonna fly around in it while Sam looks out the window. I may have pranked Peyton too. I changed the WiFi password. That ended up affecting everyone and I told Friday not to tell on me. And she didn't! I told her if anyone asked she would respond with "A hacker was going through the WiFi so I changed the password.

The next morning I woke up to someone banging on the door. I get up then smirk, knowing I had succeeded in pissing everyone off. I try to look as tired as I can. I open the door to see Clint. I give a questioning look.

"I need you to hide me." Clint says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Nat thinks I stole her widow bites and now she's hunting me down."

"You notice there's no hiding from Natasha. Right?"

"I know, that's why when she kicks down the door you speed us out." Clint responds.

I roll my eyes and let him in. "So, what's the best hiding place you have?"

"All I can think of is under the bed."

And so, Clint crawled under my bed. I sped to the cabinet, where I had been hiding everything in, and got the widow bites. I ran through the halls and placed them on Natashas desk, which was by her bed. I ran back to the bedroom. I walk up to Peyton, who's still sleeping, and shake her.

My hand then freezes. I vibrate the ice off. By that time, Peyton woke up. "Hey. If Natasha breaks down the door and asks where her widow bites are, just tell her they are on her nightstand."

She nods and falls back to sleep.

"Wait, you knew where they were?!" Clint asks

"Yep." I was willing to let my gaurd down.

"Did you hide it too?"



"Cause I felt like it. I also changed the WiFi password." I smirk.

"Your evil." He crosses his arms.


"Speedy Gonzales."


"Discount Flash."

I hold my heart, a showing of how he heart my feelings.

"How dare you."

Clint leaves the room, without one word. He knew he succeeded in the nickname war.

This was the first time, since the explosion, that I had a good time.

I seriously do suggest you watch The Princess Bride and The Phantom of the Opera. If you have, tell me what you think of the movies in the comments. I'm always happy to see what you say!

Thanks for reading and being patient with me!!! Love you all!! 😜

Word Count: 845


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