•~5: I Have a Plan... Attack~•

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There is some language in this chapter but I put one if these * in the word so yep. Enjoy the chapter =P

It was around midnight. Everyone was asleep, except for me. I sat on my bed, watching  the video I had figured out my name with. Of course I had headphones on so no one could hear. I had been doing this since day one. Every background detail and every word I memorized and silently whisper it to myself. No one knew that I was doing this, not even Loki or Monica, which I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken are my friends.

You may be asking , 'Why am I continuing to watch this?' I honeslty don't know, something in my gut is telling me that I need to see them again. If only I could remember where they are. Then I'd go and see them. My gut is also telling me I should be in bed.

I then hear a knock on my door. I quickly put my phone away and cover myself up and pretend to be asleep. The door opens and I could see a figure of a girl in the shadows, possibly being Monica.

"You don't have to fake being asleep." She whispers to me, closing the door.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask, blowing my cover.

"Not really, but it wasn't quick enough. I could see you pull the covers on." Monica replies. "So what were you doing up so late?"

"I was just on my phone." I wasn't lying when I said that.

"Why?" She asks.

"Hmm?" I pretend I don't understand.

"Why were you on your phone at 11:30 pm?" Monica asks.

I sigh. Can I really be willing to let my guard down? What if she gets mad at me for looking at the video at this time of night. But she's Monica, I'm sure she'd understand. Monica interrupts me from my thoughts, choosing my thoughts for me.

"You were watching the video, weren't you?" It's not really a question that she asked, it was more of a statement.

I nod in response. "There's no use of being ashamed of that. I mean, if I had a video of my family, I'd be doing the same thing as you." She says, "I'm not sure about Loki though." She adds in.

We both laugh silently. After a while it was a beautiful, comforting silence between the two of us and the only thing being heard were the crickets outside. Monica decided to shatter this beautiful silence  into a million peices.

"We should get to bed." Monica states.

"Right. I'll see you in the morning." I say.

"Cya." She closes the door behind her.

At least she didn't murder me. =/


It was a morning like any other, the sun was shining and birds were chirping. No clouds in the sky and no bees around to fly. (Its October at the moment, in the book) I was casually watching the news, there being nothing interesting on but the weather, when there was a knock at the door.

Monica opens the door. "What up b*tch?"

"The sky." I point up. She gives me a smirk.

"Haha, very funny." She remarks. "Whatcha watching?"

"The weather, since there's nothing else on." I reply, looking at the TV which is on mute."

"Sounds like fun. It should be cloudy with a chance of sh*t."

We both burst into laughter. Just then, Loki bardges into the room, interrupting us.

"Guys." He says out of breath. "This is really important!"

"What could be more important than the fact it's gonna be raining sh*t later?" Monica asks with a smirk on her face.

"Wh- I'm not even gonna ask." Loki gets confused.

"So what's this really important thing?" I ask, actually giving a f*ck.

"Its the boss," Loki starts, "He has a plan."

"What's the plan?" I look at Monica for a split second then look back to Loki.

Monica had the same written expression on her face as I did. The face of pure confusion and fear. In fact everyone had that expression.

"He wants us to attack." Loki responds.

Last thing the three of us ever wanted was to go and attack the Avengers base. Monica looks extremely mad. I look like I'm terrified, which I am and Loki looks like he's scared but I can tell he's just really excited.

"Well," Monica starts, "If the boss thinks I'm going out there and fighting the Avengers themselves, he has another thing coming."

"He'll kill you if your not gonna fight, you know that Monica."

"F*ck that, I'm not going even if I die." Monica crosses her arms and pouts like a toddler.

"If Loki and I go, will you go too?" I ask.

She thinks for a moment. Usually when she thinks, it takes about 5 minutes to make up her mind. And that's what she did. So Loki sat on the floor and I continued to stay on the couch and play games on my phone, while Loki read a book. Then she finally made up her mind.

"Fffffffffine! I'll go." She decides. "When do we attack?"

Loki smirks, "Midnight, tonight."

Word Count: 871

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