•~6: Wanda's Cooking Competition~•

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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and it's sooooo long! It's longer than I expected. Also, I'm really sorry for not posting as I planned. My Christmas, when this was planned to come out, was filled with bad luck. First I got sick and got a high fever, then my tablet broke, which is what I write my chapters on, and I couldn't write it. I only recently got it fixed. Once again, I'm really sorry and enjoy the chapter.

It was dark. I was sitting up in my bed. I look around and see in the next room (Pietro's room and mine is combined) Pietro sleeping. I wrap the covers around me, with it being cold. I notice the window is open. I get up and get ready to close the window, when all of the sudden there was an explosion coming from across the yard, not even a mile away from the tower. I fall but find myself not touching the ground. I look up and see Pietro and his arms around me.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Ya, I'm fine." I confirm.

I look out the window and see the yard on fire. That's not the thing that really got my attention, it was the army that worried both me and Pietro. An army, in matching uniforms in rows of 5 came marching to the base, with three people leading it. These people had different costumes on than the rest. They had black costumes, with blue trims on the sleeves, neck, and belt. It was surprising because they didn't have any weapons, while the rest of the soldier did. The rest of the soldiers wore camoflauge and goggles.

I turn around and Pietro kneels down, "You need to run. Get to safety."

I wake up to someone poking my back. I look over and it's Pietro.

"Finally," he says, "Hurry up, get ready, and meet me in the kitchen." He zooms out of the room.

I look around. It was day and the sun had already rose. I try my best to ignore the nightmare, which I'm pretty good at doing.  I check the time. '11:19 am' is what it said. I quickly get up and get my clothes and change. I wore a light blue short-sleeved shirt with a jean jacket and skinny jeans. I brush my hair and put it into a braid, with a few stands of hair falling out. I walk out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

Standing there was all the Avengers, including Steve, Tony, and Wanda. Steve was standing on the opposite side of the room from Tony. Wanda stood next to Pietro and Vision, so I took my place by Pietro.

I look up at him and whisper. "What's going on?"

"You'll see." He whispers back.

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what is going on.

"So," Vision starts. "Wanda and I were thinking of ways for team bonding," Steve and Tony share a glance of confusion, "And so why not do a cooking competition."

Everyone seemed down for it, knowing it was, not only, educational but it was also a bonding exercise. And so we picked teams of 2. The teams were:

•Pietro and Peyton (me)
•Wanda and Vision
•Sam and Bucky
•Natasha and Clint
•Steve and Tony

No one's P.O.V. (Keep in mind I dont know a clue how to make pizza dough, so deal with me here)

Everyone had a certain part of the room where they had everything they needed. They were making pizza. A simple dish yet easy to mess up, because they had to make the crust.

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