•~9: The Attack Pt. III~•

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Tony was fighting alongside Rhodes in the sky when he saw something go down in one of Clint's nets. He was confused, since he didn't know what it was the Clint shot down.

Tony flies down to Clint, who was on the ground. Tony looks at the net and there was a girl. The girl had black hair and a couple freckles. Tony looks at Clint in pure confusion.

"You caught a girl?" Tony asks.

Clint stares at Tony with a death glare. Tony then sees that his leg had a bow and arrow in it.

Tony sighs and looks around for Natasha. He finally spots her. "Natasha!" Tony shouts.

Natasha looks over at Tony. "Come over here and get your pet." Tony says, referring to Clint.

Natasha rolls her eyes before walking over to Clint and Tony. Natasha helps Clint up. One of the soldiers had noticed that their leader lied on the ground, unconscious and in a net.

"Retreat!" One of the soldiers yell. "Retreat!"

All of the soldiers did as the one soldier said. They all marched, or ran, away. Tony and the gang watched, not even bothering to chase after them.

Natasha and Clint walk back to the facility to treat his leg. Rhodey lands to the left of Tony. They both stare at the army, who ran away and into the woods, where they assume their jet is.

"Are we just gonna let them go?" Rhodey asks.

"Yep." Tony responds.

"And your not the least bit worried they might show up again?" Rhodey questions.

"Yep." Tony responds, still staring at the army.

Rhodes gives Tony a questioning look. "What do you-" Rhodey cuts himself off. "You know what, nevermind."

Rhodey walks back to the facility. Tony continues to stare at the army. By now the army was fading into the woods. The leaves started to blow rapidly, meaning there was a helicopter.

[Rewind 5 minutes]

Steve and Bucky noticed that the army from the left side of the building had retreated. Their best guess was that they rather a) gave up or b) their leader died.

Because the leader of the middle army was a wuss and flew off, they also started to retreat back to the helicopter, which was located in the middle of the woods.

Trespassing much?

The wind rose and the leaves on the trees blew rapidly. The helicopter must've turned on. But both Steve and Bucky know that they won't leave till all of the army has retreated, and the right army hasn't retreated yet.

Vision landed to the left of Steve while Sam landed to the right of Bucky. They stood as the wind blew at them.

"Should we go after them?" Vision asks.

"Nah." Sam responds. "'Better to sit here and look awesome."

And they did that. They sat and stared at the trees, looking awesome. Everyone then walked away, leaving Sam in the yard.

"And moment's over." Sam says, walking behind everyone and into the facility.

[Rewind 5 minutes] Now it's swapping POVs so stay with me here

Through the midst of the chaos of fighting between heroes and villians, stood Peyton and Anya. Anya didn't answer the question. She was not only shocked, but afraid. What if she does tell Peyton it's her? What will the boss do? What will they do?

Peyton didn't know what to say. If it was Anya, she would respond. She would recognize her. Right? Peyton let one of her ice katanas melt, as an act of peace. If it was a mistake to melt the sword, Peyton would know. But it felt right to melt it.

Anya realises the act of peace and puts her katanas down and not in the defensive way they were before. Though Anya didn't necessarily know Peyton, she wanted to show that she didn't want to fight.

Peyton smiles, knowing it might just be. Just when Peyton was about to put away her other sword, Pietro came in and shoved Anya into a bunch of soldiers, making her hood fall off and revealing her blonde hair in a braid. All of them fall to the ground. Of course, Pietro didn't know he shoved his sister.

The soldiers get up first. They offer a hand to Anya and she takes it. Once Anya was up to her feet, Pietro stood beside Peyton. Most of the army was down by now.

Pietro runs at Anya, but she was prepared this time. Anya shoots a psychic wave at Pietro while he was in super speed and Pietro lands on the ground behind Peyton.

Peyton looks at Anya and smiles, knowing she had her friend back. Pietro, on the other hand, was shocked. He only knew one person with that power and that was his younger sister. Pietro gets up and walks towards Anya.

And just like that, Anya was gone. Like she dissapeared. This was a thanks from Loki, who had been watching from a distance. Loki and Anya ran off with the soldiers and onto the helicopter.

The helicopter took off into the night. A cloaking spell was put on it so the Avengers couldn't follow them. Which meant Pietro and Peyton couldn't find Anya.

Peyton and Pietro stood in shock. Wanda had then walked over to them. "What happened?" She asked, noticing their worried and shocked faces. Pietro looks and Wanda, then at Peyton, then back at Wanda.

[Time skip to the next morning]

Everyone was talking about the incident last night. Pietro, Wanda, and Peyton had told everyone of what they experienced and how Anya was alive. Everyone spoke, except Peyton, who was deep in thought.

"So," Steve starts, "What are we gonna do now? We know that there are more villians out there than we know and we don't have any information."

"Actually," Clint limps into the room. "We do have information."

"How?" Wanda asks.

"I might've shot down a leader of the group and is now in a prison cell with p power dampeners." Clint remarks. "Thanks to yours truly."

"Well," Tony says, "Let's take a look at our captive."

Word Count: 1023

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