•~22: The Time That Flies By~•

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Welcome to the last chapter!!! It's a shame I have to end this story but no need to fear, there will be a third book. So, enjoy the last chapter! 😁

2 years later

Anya's POV

"I DON'T GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF YA! YOU'LL NEVER GET NO SLEEP CAUSE OF ME!!!!!" and pots and pans clashing together.

That's what I woke up to. And then a scream, cause I may have trained Peyton to attack anyone who comes into my room that's not Monica. I smile to myself and sit up in my bed.

"Not cool." Pietro mutters.

I roll my eyes. "Your the one that woke me up at-" I hesitate and check the time. My eyes widen. "11am."

"Remember about that meeting?" Pietro stands up.

"Maybe." I look the other way. "Look, I was tired!" I try to defend myself.

"Ya, maybe because you fell asleep at 3am." Pietro crosses his arms.

I roll my eyes once again and pull the covers off of me. "So, how was the meeting?" I try to start a conversation.

"It's was ok, a little boring. We just talked about what everyone was doing." Pietro shrugs.

"And?" I wait for an answer.

"Bucky is out of the ice. Monica is still training. Wanda, Toaster, Thor, Loki, and Bruce are still no where to be found. Rhodes are at the facility, unaware of where we are, thanks to the Wakandan technology. Tony is missing at the moment, no one knows where he is, and there was an attack on New York."

I nod at his presence, kinda expecting it. No lie there. It's been a month since Wanda told us she and Vis were going off the grid. Thor came to Earth one night and left with Loki. Clint and Scott were put under house arrest after returning to their families.

Things were just going down hill for us. The king of Wakanda, T'challa, says we're lucky to be here instead of in prison. I have to agree with him though. We are lucky.

"Come on," Pietro walks to the door, "Lunch is ready."

Pietro closes the door behind him. I get out of bed and grab a light blue t-shirt and slightly ripped jeans. I put on a black leather jacket and put my hands in the pockets.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I grab myself a cheeseburger and sit down at the island.

Monica then walked into the room. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up."

"Ya and it's about time she did." Pietro agrees, leaning against the wall behind me.

I can't help but to smile and roll my eyes. "Hey, at least I haven't woken up at 3pm. Cough cough Monica."

She hits me in the back of the head while walking to the other side of the room. I laugh silently, knowing of my victory.

"So, where are Steve, Natasha, and Sam?" I ask.

"They were out looking for Tony but they ended up calling a few minutes ago saying that they found a supernatural signature around Edinburgh so they're checking that out." Pietro informs.


We stood outside and waited for the jet to arrive. We had gotten a call an hour ago saying Steve, Natasha, and Sam were coming home with Bruce, Rhodey, Wanda, and an injured Vision.

I stood in between Pietro and Monica, who's hair is now black. She dyed it to black, instead of brown which was her original hair color.

A jet then entered Wakanda. We automatically knew who was in the jet. It lands in front of us. The doors to the tower opened. Out came technicians. I guess they were taking Vision to get fixed. The jet doors opened. Steve and Natasha were the first to come out. Then Bruce and Rhodes and after them Sam and Wanda, who are supporting Vision.

Steve talked to Bucky while Bruce, Rhodey, and Sam talked to T'challa. Wanda came over after the technicians took Vis.

"Back so soon?" Pietro asks playfully.

Wanda smiles at his joke. There was something different about Wanda. I couldn't put my finger on it though.

"Did you change your hair?" I ask, gesturing to her, now, strawberry blonde hair.

Wanda nods. "I felt like it needed to change."

"I like it." I compliment.

We headed into the tower, where Vision was being fixed. For a while, Shuri and Bruce talked tech, which I of course did not understand at all.

Suddenly, Bucky told us something was coming at the dome. It created a boom from the top of the dome. We look outside to see odd buildings of some sort landing outside of Wakanda.


"No!" Thor shouted.

But it was too late. Thanos snapped. A blinding light appeared. The gauntlet was now burnt and ready to collapse.

"What'd you do?" Thor asks. "What did you do!?" He asks, louder and more demanding.

Thanos then left through a portal. It was silent. Trees rustled from the wind.

"Steve." Bucky said from behind me. I turn around to see him disintegrating into ash.

My eyes widen. I look around. Ashes flew through the air. I could hear Okoye shouting for T'challa.

Walling was hear behind me. I turn around and see Monica. She holds her hand up, looking terrified. Next thing I knew, she was gone.Tears filled my eyes. I turn back to Wanda to see her gone as well.

I then felt an odd feeling I've never felt before. I look down. My hands were disintegrating before my eyes. Then my legs.As I fall, Pietro had ran over to catch me.

Only to find ashes in his arms.

And that's the end. See you at the Endgame! ~Alaina

Word Count: 957

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