•~14: Even the Bestest of Friends Must Depart~•

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Enjoy =)

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Heck, I barely knew her, yet it feels like I lost a part of myself. She was the first person from the past that I know, and now she's gone.

hours earlier

I sat on my bed reading. I told my siblings I wanted to try to jog my memory. So, they gave me some random items, photos, and a book, which is what I'm reading now. So far, nothing has come up. What a surprise! Did you catch the sarcasm?

Is it odd that I miss Monica and Loki? I mean, missing Monica isn't odd, she's my friend. But missing Loki. He was the one who stabbed Peyton and yet, I still miss him.

Speaking of Peyton. She's still in the medical bay. Apparently the knife had went through one of her major organs or something. It had caused internal bleeding and ever since, no doctor or nurse would let us see her.

They say they are doing everything they can to help her and I try to believe that. But it's been a week, a week of trying to help her and if they are trying than I'm pretty sure she'd be out of the hospital or at least they would let us see her by now.

Anyway. I grab my phone and continue to look through it. There were just pictures of Wanda, Pietro and I and some with Peyton joining in. That's when I found a picture of a cafe that my siblings and I went to. There were pancakes and bacon.

That's when reality froze and just like that I received answers.

"Run." I whisper to Peyton. "They're here."

"I can't leave you." She whispers.

"Listen," I say "If we stay together, we both are gonna get thrown in a cell. If we split up, there's a possible chance only one of us would be thrown in a cell and I rather it be me than you."

She nods and runs down the hallway. I run behind the counter of the kitchen. The door busts down and people storm in one by one. I make no sound. They walk towards my direction and they fall to the ground. I smile and get up. They come towards me and fight but fall down as soon as they come close. They shoot at me and they hit me. It makes a mark but it quickly goes away like nothing happened. I shoot a sonic wave at them and they fall to the end of the hallway. Some agents head towards the bedrooms. Mainly the one Peyton had ran into.

"No!" I scream as I run towards the guards. They make a shield and block me from the hallway enterance.

"Anya!" She yells.

I struggle to get through, my sonic waves not helping. A grenade comes through the kitchen window and and sets off a mini-explosion. The explosion hits me and goes through half the apartment.

I woke up in that apartment. That was the day I lost my memory. It's all coming together. But I still don't know why they are after us. Probably something I dont remember and if I ask Wanda or Pietro, I imagine they won't answer.

But the biggest question is... why pancakes and bacon? What does that have to do with pancakes and bacon? Why did my brain decide to show me that at a cafe picture? Was I making breakfast that day or something? I NEED ANSWERS.

That does look like some pretty good bacon tho.

It was almost dinner time, so I put the photo album back in the shelf and made my way downstairs to the lobby. Going down the stairs, I ran into some old dude. He had short, grey hair and sunglasses.

We stopped at the same time. "Sorry." We said at the same time.

I noticed his hat, a sign of him being a member of SHIELD. I nod my head in appreciation and continue to walk down the stairs.

Once I got to the lobby I realised everyone was quiet. I crinkle my brows before walking toward Pietro and Wanda. I look up at Pietro.

"What's going on?" I whisper to him.

He was about to answer when a nurse came in. She carried a clipboard and had one of the hospital masks in front of her mouth. Everyone turned their attention towards her.

She looks around at everyone. "I'm sorry." She apologizes.

Shock filled the room and some people put there head in their hands. I, of course, was the only one who didn't know what was happening. I look confused. The nurse returned back to her room, where she had come out of.

I look up at Pietro, asking for answers. He looks down at me and takes a deep breath. He kneels down and tells me what had happened.

Time stopped. Not literally of course. My heart pounded. My vision turned cloudy. I looked down at the ground. I ran back up the stairs and into my room, closing the door and locking it behind me and collapsing on my bed.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. Heck, I barely knew her, yet it feels like I lost a part of myself. She was the first person from the past that I know, and now she's gone.

As I said, not really sad but meh. Anyone notice my reference? I can't wait to write the next chapter! Anyway. Hope you enjoyed. 💙✌

Word Count: 939

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