•~12: The Return~•

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This chapter is actually surprisingly long
Enjoy the picture =)

The team was Steve, Bucky, Sam, Vision, Wanda, Pietro, and I. We even brought along the girl. I kinda feel bad for the girl. We forced her into showing us where the base is. I'm not gonna sit around any longer. I have to know something about this girl that isn't relevant to us.

I walk slower to reach the girl, who was in the back of the line. I walk beside her. She looks confused at first, probably wondering why I'm walking with her.

I decide to start a conversation. "So," I start, "What's your name?"

"Why?" She asks.

"Well, I can't just keep calling you 'girl'." I say.

"Why do you care?" She asks.

"Because I don't just go around calling people a random name. It's rude. Plus, I kinda feel bad for you. Forcing you into this and all." I reason.

"Peyton!" I hear Pietro shout. "Keep up!"

"Coming!" I shout back. I sigh and look back at her. "Sorry." I say before walking away.

"Monica." She says.

I turn around and find myself walking backwards. "What?"

"That's my name, Monica." She finishes.

I smile. "Nice to meet you, Monica. I'm Peyton."

"You too." She replies.

"I'll see you around some day." I predict before running back to the group.

I sprint up and walk beside Pietro, who was watching Wanda and Vision walk together with a close eye. I'm pretty sure he's gonna murder Vis at some point if he sees them kiss. And it's hilarious how Pietro calls Vision "toaster" and sometimes even "robot."

"You know," I start, "You kinda look like a stalker watching them like that."

Pietro breaks his gaze to look at me. "I'm just looking after her, that's all."

"No," I correct, "You're being slightly over protective."

"Well, isn't that my job?" He asks.

A laugh slightly. Pietro smiles at his remark. He nudges me slightly. He didn't take the fact that I'm smaller than him. I stumble out of balance. When I regain balance I push him, knowing he's larger than me and it'll take more strength to put him out of balance.

He also stumbles out of balance and once he regains it, he nudges me again. It turns into a pushing battle between him and I. Soon enough, I give up. We start a small laughter, which ends up growing louder. 

After the laughter settles, it was silence. Then, we arrive at an abandoned shed, which looked like it could probably hold up to 3 helicopters and 2 airplanes. This is where the base was, according to Monica. It didn't look like much, but Wanda said it was underground. Probably under this shed.

We enter the shed with caution. Cap had his shield up. Bucky and Sam had their guns up and ready to fire. Wanda stayed cautious, ready to fire her hex, along with Vision who was also listening to every sound that ever existed. Pietro and I stayed calm, but also alert.

I turn around and check for Monica. She was still there, having her arms crossed and not giving a care about what may happen. Monica notices my glare and gives me a look. A sorta look that's like "are they always like this" look. I shrug, a signal of "meh, most of the time."

We find a secret door under one of the desks. Steve pushes the desks out of the way and opens to trap door. It had some sort of a finger scanner so you could get in.

Steve, being so done with the whole situation, kicks the door, making it fall apart and leaving room for everyone to enter. But this is basically karma at its finest doing. Steve did something bad, kicking down the door, and in return alarms went off in a signal of alerting soldiers that there was a break in. I could tell Monica was smirking, knowing karma was now her best friend.

We rush into the base. We could hear people running around, grabbing their guns, and others shouting, or giving commands to other soldiers. Guards see us and start shooting.

Steve uses his old shield to block to the gun shots, while Bucky shot back. Remember how Bucky never gave a crap about the kill policy? Steve glares at Bucky and Bucky shrugs, pretending he didn't know what he did.

We continue to walk down the hallway, still highly alert. The lights in the hallway were red and the speakers were blaring out sirens. We could hear soldiers marching through the facility, getting guns ready to fire.

They rounded the corner and started shooting at us. Once again, Steve's shield blocked the shots. Before Bucky shot back, a griffin soared through the air, landing on the guards and knocking them unconscious.

The griffin looked at us. We stood in shock. Just then, the griffin turned into someone. Monica. She looks at our shocked faces and smirks before walking away.

"Are you coming or not?" She asks, still walking and not bothering to look behind.

We follow her cautiously. She walks into the main base. Soldiers hold up there guns, ready to fire at us. Monica holds up one hand and shakes her head. The soldiers give her a questioning look before putting their guns down.

It was then that two people had walked into the room. Both of them were easily recognizable. Steve puts down his shield and everyone had then exited caution mode.

Monica runs over to them and hugs both of them and they hugged back. It was odd. I've never seen her so happy, well as long as I have seen her. But that could just be the fact that we held her against her will. But that wasn't my idea... *cough cough* Clint.

The trio turn around a face us. My brain couldn't comprehend what was going on. In front of me was the girl we all thought was dead for a year. And next to her was someone I know she would never stand next to.

She sighs lightly. She gives a small, sad, smile. I push myself though the crowd and stood in front of her. I kinda forgot how tall she was compared to me. And just then, the man next to her was gone.

Next thing I know, there was a sharp feeling in my side. Anya's eyes fill with horror and shock as she watched someone behind me. She didn't say anything tho. She just covered her mouth. My knees hit the ground. I nearly hit the ground before Anya catches me in a hurry. She looks up at everyone. 

"We have to get her back to the facility." She speaks to Steve.

Steve rushes over and picks me up. Anya stands up. She looks back at Monica and Loki, who were both shocked and confused. Anya mumbled something to them and walks behind us, leaving Monica and Loki in the lobby.

Word Count: 1168

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